Choking over a pack of cookies

"This is all because of you? And you are laughing right now! " I asked her crossing my arms.

"Look… Bella, you are….so so funny" She continues to laugh as she mumbled those words. 

Her face describes the best ever laughing my ass off emoji.

"What's so funny? Do you even know how much I ran on a single day just because of this stupid tour. " I asked even though I knew there was no point saying that to her. 

"Okay.. Okay.. Relax. Now let's go, you need to change. " Min suggested as she looked at me. 

"Huff…it's the first day and.. "I don't even need to complete the sentence. I'm just exhausted. We went straight to our cabin and surprisingly we are sharing the same cabin with Adi and one of his classmates. I have to face this guy for more than a week now. Min must be very happy, she can watch him for the whole day but for me it's more like a trauma.

" Hey… we are trapped together, again! "Adi smiles at me from the upper bed. His eyebrows we're covered by his hair but I could still feel like they raised at me. 

" What do you mean trapped again? "Min raises her eyebrows at me.

" It means nothing " I said shaking my head. 

"Oh.. Come on, you know what I mean. Don't act like you never met me." Adi said,smirking. 

God what's wrong with this guy? First, he left me there alone to suffer and ran away taking his so-called girlfriend….wait.

"Where's Lily? " I asked looking around as if she is some kind of an object that can be hidden anywhere.

"Why do you care? Don't you know it's because she didn't come to pick us, we could nearly miss the train. " Min said as she rolled her eyes. 

"But she was with.. " I looked at Adi, who was almost blankly looking at us. That surely hit him right. 

"With whom? " Min asked looking at me and then Adi. 

"Min, don't you know, she is.... "I was about to say but Adi interrupted,just when I wanted him to stop me. 

"Hey, don't you wanna change. " Adi cuts off in between. I knew it. Isn't it obvious that he doesn't want any of our students to know what he was doing in there and if a professor gets to know this… he's dead. I smile at myself.

"Yeah.. Where are my bags? " I asked Min. 

"There, at the top, we put all our belongings there" She pointed towards the top seat where all our goods were lined up.

"Why?Isn't that the other guy's place? " I asked again.

"He's not coming.. At least not now" Adi replied while he continues to play on his cellphone.

"Oh.. Great! " I thanked in relief. That's a good thing indeed. We don't have to put our things on some other chamber now or just beneath our seats. 

I took my clothes and went straight to the washroom. Gosh how come I'm so dirty. I looked like someone just picked me up straight from trash can. I cleaned up a little and changed into a pair of black jeans and a black top. This is the best colour when you go on this long distance tour. At least your pants will not look dirty even if they are, though I brought a lot of dark shaded clothes.

When I went back Min was not there. I looked up to check if Adi was in his place but,no. Anyway, I was way too hungry and my eyes went straight to those packets of cookie at the side table.Min must be the one who brought them.

I took one, then another and in no time it was almost empty. To give a finishing touch I licked my fingers as well.Its a little gross but I'm doing it because these cookies are literally delicious. It's okay, because no one was there in the cabin. I noticed a bottle of milk beside, so I drank all of it. I don't want to choke over a packet of cookies. Gosh, how hungry I must be.

As for the last few drops of milk I opened my mouth wide making weird sounds and shook the bottle as if like this is my very last meal.To my shock I heard someone clearing his throat.

I turned back to see this unknown boy. My mouth was still a little opened.He seems to be of our age so I speculate him as one of the students here. But what is he doing here? Is he lost? And why is he staring at me?



I know him. I have seen this guy earlier.

By the way, did he see me a few minutes ago doing whatever the hell I was doing.. And that milk thing. Now I notice a few drops of milk on my top as well. Now I actually feel like choking over this pack of cookies.

