Plastic cups

While they were still playing the game I succeeded in sneaking out of the cabin only to collide into Chris. 

"Hey! " I said as soon as I saw him. 

"What are you doing here? " He asked. 

Only then Min came out of the cabin and looked at me with questioning eyes. I knew what she was thinking. 

"I was going to have some water. That's it. " I said with a grin. 

"We have water here too. Just ask if you want something. " She said and dragged me inside the cabin again. I heard Chris giggle behind me. 

"I think we should ask him to join as well. What say? " I said a bit louder than my usual tone only to make others hear too. 

"Oh yeah. Come on Chris you can join. " Min offered. 

"He can? He will! " I said as I saw Chris staring at me. He was surely not happy to sit among all these girls but because the girls didn't allow him to leave anymore he had to agree. 

"In one condition. I will just watch. And yeah, Adi is coming too. " He said. Now that he mentioned Adi everyone agreed in a blink without even realizing that he would not even play. 

So here it is. Me and Chris were sitting together while we watched them play. 

Adi was actually good at this game. He's questions were nothing like what they were asking all this while but even worse. I don't understand why people are so interested in knowing about someone's ex or their first kiss. 

"So, how's it going? " Chris asked. 

"It's.. It's going well so far. " I answered. 

"Did you meet that guy later? "

"Who? " I asked him. 

"Umm….the one who was about to meet you that day? " He asked. 

"Oh… he!He couldn't make it on time that day. "I said looking at him. 

"I see. "

We stayed there till they were all tired enough to fall asleep at the same place. I managed to drag Min to our cabin. We left them in their condition but made sure to clean up the place a bit so that the professors won't complain. 

Next day morning ,

The train stopped in a station early in the morning around four o'clock only to wake me up with a sudden jerk. The sun was still not up properly and it was a little dark outside. I peeped down from my bed to see if Min was up. She was still up. Adi was asleep too. I looked to the next most obvious location but there was no one there. Chris was not in the cabin. 

'He must have slept in some other cabin. ' I thought to myself. 

The whole boogie sunk in silence as there was no one up yet so I went back to sleep. After I don't how long I woke up because of a sound. I checked the time and it was 5: 00 am. I looked outside the window to see people hustling around. To have better I had come down with the lather. People were rushing to catch their respective trains. Tea sellers were doing their best to sell tea. 

I checked if others were awake but they were still asleep. However Chris was still not back to the cabin. Suddenly a tea seller walked just towards the window and was close enough to touch the train's body. He asked if I wanted tea. I was not really used to drinking tea out of these stalls but something about that tea was intriguing. I glanced at his tea cattle to see it better. 

"Try it. " A familiar voice said from the back. 

I turned back to see Chris. 

"I am not quite sure. " I said. 

" How will you be sure if you won't try it? "He said. 

Indeed the smell was fascinating and I wanted to try it too. I asked if he would try it as well. He agreed at once and even ordered it for me. 

" Brother, two cups please. "He said as he bent a little to see through the window that was much lower for his height. 

The seller passed the tea in plastic cups through the bars in between the window frame. The gentle breeze through the window made me shiver but at the same time the hot cup of tea helped me get through it. 

" Let's go somewhere else. "I said looking at Min sleeping peacefully. 

By that time I knew some places where there were empty seats and were away from the crowds. Peaceful and safe. Well it's just beside the toilet so there are chances people would run into you suddenly. But then the huge window panel did justice to it. Even if someone saw me there alone, all by myself, it's not a problem. That's my time. 

"This tea is good. " I complimented as I took a tiny sip from my cup. 

"Isn't it? " Chris said in excitement. 

I smiled. 

"It's even better when you dip biscuits in it and eat it. " He added. 

I looked at him in surprise and then asked "you do that too? Like with every other biscuits? "

"Yeah." He said with a wide smile. 

"Wait a second. " I gave my cup to him as I ran straight to my cabin to find some biscuits. I knew it would taste great. 

Everyone said only kids do it so for me it was a little awkward. Now I have something in common with someone. I rushed back to the same place. 

"Here! " I offered him the biscuits. 

He's face lit up as soon as he saw the pack. I saw his dimples occur as he's lips pushed a small smile. 

Doing something in the way you like is the ultimate happiness. Even if it's a very small thing like this, it still creates a kind of satisfaction in you. I leaned back on one of the walls facing Chris who was standing just in front of me. The window frame stays on one side allowing both of us to have a good view of the station.