Author's Note

Dear readers <3

I humbly welcome you to this book. To the one's who are new to this story ,hope you stay till the end and the one's who have been with me from the very beginning lots of love to you.It's been only a few days since I started this story and I am looking forward to put more updates on my side. However, I have been busy with my first book so I had to take a short break from this one.

A big big hug to you guys who have been constant from the beginning and are patiently waiting for the updates. Thank you so much and also I apologize for making you wait for this long.I would like to update more but to be honest I don't want to rush the story so fast and end up being unsatisfied with my own writing. So I will slowly start updating the story more. 

Also if some of you are confused by the format of the story, it's actually a sort of diary that the female lead is writing after being heartbroken. Now, the lead would go back and forth with the time scale because she is writing both about her present situation and also her past which is the basic story line. Don't worry you won't be missing out on anything because the female lead would always start off by describing the timing about which she is writing and she would just go on from one timing to other smoothly. 

On top of that I would be dividing the book in volumes so by reading it's name you can guess the timing of the story ;) 

I am hoping that you would like this story and add it to your library. With that note a big big thank you for choosing this underrated story. Sending millions of tiny hearts from the author!!! 

                                   With love 

                                   The author