Warden Zar'un

"Sorry, but we're simply not equipped to supply the 15th armored division. Food is low as it is and It's not the most welcoming city." I said as I addressed the admiral sitting right in front of me. His name was Zen-Li, and he had every intention of using Citadel as the next front in the Siege of Ba-Sing-Se.

"Food is not an issue. They're provisions have been accommodated for and this is not the entirety of the 15th we are talking about. The majority has already been deployed to Ba-Sing-Se. However, with the constant innovations of our fatherland, we have a fresh supply of resources and manpower that needs transportation. Summer is long past, and the Great Divide is now dry and will not be used to ferry troops. We can send them across the Eastern Sea, but they will require shelter on the journey to Ba-Sing-Se."

"Is shelter all you're seeking?" I knew his type. He wasn't fierce, and he wasn't strong. I doubted he was even a bender. He got his job through his family name most likely, which made him more powerful than all the former put together.

He chuckled into his robed arm. He wasn't even armored. I was surprised he didn't just send a hawk. He outranked me and could've clearly made this an order if it was just shelter he sought. There was more it and I believed I knew what it was. "I will be straight with you." He told me. "I hear your school is performing rather well of late. You have bright young students in training and I believe, in 3 months' time, they will be more than ready to apply their strengths to the field of war."

"You're kidding, right? Half of them are no older than 14. These are children we are talking about.

"You need not worry. I will take none younger than twelve, but you must understand. This is the 15th armored. The younger ones will be safe acting as pilots and gunners while the older ones can act as infantry. They will be safe, I assure you. This war is nearing its end and they can all run back to their families once the Earth kingdom capital falls, but we cannot end this war unless we use all available resources, including our nation's brightest and strongest. So, Captain. Will you do your part?"

There wasn't an objection here and there was no arguing. He had his demands met when he was born with his name. I was just here to speak his confirmation. "Citadel. And its people. Are yours to command."

"Excellent. I will make for the homeland. The fleet should be here in 3 months' time. I suggest you begin to conclude these soldiers' training. They'll need it.