Chests, Lizard, and Me

"Eh? the what now? I'm still alive!?"

Lizzy opened her eyes and bright light shone though, almost enough to burn her vision so she closed them again and opened up just a bit but that was enough for her to see her surroundings which was burnt black flesh.

"This is me right? didn't I die?"

"Yes the Hosts main body has been terminated but the system has helped the host preserve her existence by transferring her consciousness and memories into the lizard she was holding"

"This body was that lizard? little buddy I really owe you a lot and I wanted to take care of you but now I'm sorry that I replaced you"

"Host need not fret, the host can make another body for her companion once she reaches a higher evolution, the lizard had a unique consciousness and possessed a soul in which the system preserved"

"R-Really!? where is it?"

"Host can find it in her inventory space"


A green window appeared in front of Lizzy and it had a blue orb within a slot with a shape of a gecko inside it, her eyes focused on it and the item info popped up which surprised her enough to make her jump slightly.

Gecko Preservation Orb:

Contains the consciousness and memory of the original owner of the body the host is currently inhabiting.

Item Grade:Unique

"My Only friend... I will be sure to make a good body for you"

Lizzy felt like she was tearing up but in reality she was unable to, she now had two goals which was vengeance of those who played and framed her and to make a body for her friend.

"Uhm so these are the reward chest from the system? why do they look like boxes instead of chests?"

Lizzy went and focused on two boxes to see their properties and to learn what they do, one was a yellow box with stars on it and the other was a normal white box both boxes had a red ribbon.

Lucky Chest:

This chest contains a variety of body parts, abilities, cosmetics and miscellaneous objects the host may need, drop amount range from 1 to 3. Grades rewarded from this chest range from super rare(SR) to Unique(UN).

Item Grade: Unique

Newbie Chest:

This chest contains a variety of body parts, abilities and miscellaneous objects the host may need, drop amount range from 1 to 3. Grades rewarded from this chest range from common(C) to rare(R)

Item Grade:Common

"Hmm body parts? system what are body parts for?"

"Host body parts are to strengthen the host using the parts of other creatures, it is via mutation that the system adds the part"

"Oh okay, system what are item grades?"

"Host the item grades are indicators of rarity and combat effectiveness of the items, skills and parts. The grades are common(C), uncommon(UC), rare(R), super rare(SR), unique(UN), legendary(L), mythical(M) ,universal(U) respectively"

"That many!?geez who designed that much!?, okay system open the newbie chest"

A white gift appears in front of her eyes and it the popped to reveal a large wooden chest, the chest slowly opened and a mix of blue and green light appear, the chest fully opens to reveal an eye glowing gold and a scroll glowing green, she focused on them to see what they were.

Eyes of Adaptability:

These pair of eyes can adapt to any circumstance be it hot or cold, dark or bright, it will never dry up even in extreme heat and shall never be bothered by dust and the likes.

Remarks: I see you, I still see you, don't be silly I can still see you!

Item Grade:Rare


Gives the host the ability to swim fast and survive within the waters.

Remarks: according to theory everything started from the sea, so why not return to its embrace?

Item Grade:Uncommon

"Huh these are pretty essential to my situation, system how do I use them?"

"Host can apply these rewards by stating their usage"

"Oh so like, system apply hydrodynamics?"

"Command executed"

The scroll within her vision slowly broke down into particles and vanish, she then could feel within her mind and sea of consciousness that she now had the knowledge and instincts on how to swim.

"System apply Eyes of adaptability"

"Command executed"

The eyeballs became particles and disappeared this time, her eyes suddenly became itchy and her head was hit by a strong headache as if somebody hit her head with a brick, it lasted for a minute, after the mutation she could now open her eyes fully without being blinded.

"Mutation successful"

"What was that!?! that hurt!!"

"Hosts eyes mutated and the system applied the new pair of eyes by disconnecting and reconnecting some nerves to enable full utilization of features"

"T-That so, well at least I can now properly see"

She looked at her current predicament and looked at the burnt body, it was then that a new green screen appeared that shocked and assured her that she was truly gone.

Name: Lizzy Fang

Species: Human/homo sapiens
