Rats, Holes, and Tasks

Lizzy silently moved inside the forest, she could hear chirping and noises from different animals, Lizzy knew she can't fight them yet, she needed to get more genodes and evolve if she really wanted to survive everything and get her revenge.

"The forest feels pretty cool even under the scorching heat, makes me want to sleep"

"Host may sleep if host doesn't want to wake up anymore"

Lizzy sighed once more, she knew the dangers of sleeping in unknown territories and yet she felt like doing so, suddenly she heard a multitude of squeaking, she followed the noise and was able to find where they came from.

Lizzy hid inside a bush and a few feet away from her was a hole, a head stuck out from it and it was scanning the outside of the hole before it went out and revealed a big black rat

[Rattus rattus]

Black rat


Genodes: 150

Lizzy was just silent since she didn't want to attract the rat, the squeaking she hard came from the hole and that was her goal, the rat left after a few seconds.

Lizzy went out of hiding and walked towards the hole, she peeked and saw 6 baby rats inside squirming, she focused to get a proper view at their Genode points.

[baby rattus rattus]

Baby black rat

Species: Rodenta

Genodes: 25

"Am I really gonna eat babies now?"

"Host these are baby black rats, black rats are considered pests by the human world and by eating them you are helping the human populace"

"Well if you put it that way"

Lizzy entered the hole and began to swallow the rats whole, her evolved self was rather wide so she was able to gobble them all up in a matter of seconds, she peeked out of the hole for at signs of mommy rat and then ran away when she was sure there was nothing.

Lizzy climbed up a tree she passed by earlier that had a tree hole, she scanned the insides and found a small spider which she squashed and ate.

"Host has gained 150 Genode/s from digesting the baby rats"

"Host has gained 5 Genode/s"

"Host has reached 200 Genode/s, would host like to strengthen or evolve?"

Lizzy laid on her below within the tree hole and got herself ready to roll about, the tree hole was big since the tree was wide, the opening was 170 cm wide and the hollow inside was 1 ft in diameter.

"System open status"

[World Devouring System]

Host Name: Lizzy fang

Species:hemidactylus frenatus/house gecko

Lifespan: 5 years

Condition: Healthy

Evo Stage: 1


1st Tier: 269

Evolution: 0/100 Genodes(1st tier)

Strengthening: 0/200 Genodes(1st tier) 1/10

Universal Genodes: 89

[Combat Data]

Effectiveness: 21

Stamina: 51/100

Length: 5 inches

Width: 4 cm

Height: 1 inch

weight: 0.50 lbs

[Abilities and skills]

Digestive Acid Spit, Fantasy Digestion, Eyes of adaptability, Lowest tier Stealth, Hydrodynamics.

"Okay system I choose strengthening"

"Command executed"

The itch that Lizzy felt a day ago was now back with a vengeance and she rolled inside the hole frantically and even scratched against the walls, it lasted a bit longer than earlier and the dead skin stuck to the wall before the itch faded.

"System open status"

[World Devouring System]

Host Name: Lizzy fang

Species:hemidactylus frenatus/house gecko

Lifespan: 5 years

Condition: Healthy

Evo Stage: 1


1st Tier: 69

Evolution: 0/100 Genodes(1st tier)

Strengthening: 0/400 Genodes(1st tier) 2/10

Universal Genodes: 89

[Combat Data]

Effectiveness: 37

Stamina: 100/100

Length: 7 inches

Width: 6 cm

Height: 2 inches

weight: 1 lbs

[Abilities and skills]

Digestive Acid Spit, Fantasy Digestion, Eyes of adaptability, Lowest tier Stealth, Hydrodynamics.

"Haha I'm big now! bigger than the rat earlier! also nicely recovered stamina"

"Host has unlocked tasks"

"Host has unlocked easy tasks"


Lizzy saw the new notifications and was quite joyful to see that she can finally do some quests to help her grow but before she started the quests she wanted to see how she looked as a lizard.

"System do you have something that'll let me see my look?"

"Host, the system can give the host a 3rd person view of the hosts body"

"Do it"

Within Lizzy's field of vision a new window appeared and it was projecting her new figure, she had big eyes that had a crimson coloration with a bit of gold in the mix, her body was light brown and her tail was slowly growing back.

Lizzy opened her mouth, she wanted to see what her teeth looked like, the point of view moved to her teeth and she saw very uniform white acrodont teeth and her lizard tongue, she shut her mouth and then looked at her tail once more.

"System can I get my tail back immediately?"

"The system can regenerate the tail faster if the host is willing to part with 25 universal genodes"

"Hmmm never mind just let it grow on its own"

"Okay system open tasks!"