Python, Stealing and Village

"Okay I will perform a one by one ambush!"

Lizzy made up her mind and looked towards the direction of the village, there she saw a large 2 meters python with brown blotches all over it moving towards the rats with its forked tongue flicking in the air, Lizzy focused on the python and the info came to her.

[Python Bhivittatus]

Burmese Python

Family: Pythonidae

Genodes: 500

"System can I melt that snake if I shoot acids at it?"

"Host, the acids effects vary per creature, creatures that have scales will be highly resistant to the acids unless their flesh is exposed"

"Are rats able to damage the scales?"

"Host the pythons combat effectiveness is 145 whilst the rats have a combat effectiveness of 25 each, totaling them to 150, the rats can damage the python just enough to add small flesh wounds on its body"

"Okay then I'll try fighting hopefully I survive"

Lizzy waited on the tree and watched the python and rats fights, if it was a venomous snake it would've won easily, unfortunately it was a non-venomous constrictor.

The python got closer to the rats and once it was a meter away it began coiling it coiling itself and then sprung to a rat, it wrapped the rat up and squeezed its wide body slowly.

The 5 other rats immediately attacked the python upon noticing a brethren getting crushed, the constricted rat died and was dropped by the python to attack the other rats.

"Wait a minute I have an idea!"

Lizzy who was watching the fight had a light bulb moment and quickly ran down the tree, she traveled bush after bush to hide from the python, both were cold blooded so she could easily travel without notice.

Lizzy traveled to the area where the dead rat is, which was right behind the python the python hand coiled itself in defense and was attacking the other rats one by one, Lizzy arrived at the dead rats location and then swiftly dragged it away by its tail, the python was too busy to notice her.

Lizzy dragged it into a bush where she then looked at the python which was still battling, she began to eat the rat in large amounts and was able to finish it in three bites.

"Ding! Host has gained 150 Genode/s"

Lizzy didn't get any task progression since she didn't kill the rat, the python was bleeding albeit not much, the rats were down to 3, 2 rats were riddled with bites causing them to die due to blood loss.

Lizzy saw this as another opportunity and went into one of the holes that was far from the fight, inside the hole Lizzy saw 8 baby black rats.

"Sorry but I need to get stronger, I hope you all reincarnate as better creatures"

Lizzy opened her mouth wide and swallowed the baby rats in 2 mouthfuls, she exited the hole and saw that another rat has died, she went towards another rat hole quickly and found 2 more rat babies which she devoured.

Lizzy exited the hole and there was only one rat left, the snake was riddled with bite wounds and that was what she wanted, she shot 5 fantasy acids at the wounds of the python, after using the acid spit so much she now had a grasp on its usage.

The acids landed on the wound and they began to sizzle, the python hissed and looked at Lizzy coldly, Lizzy could feel a shiver run up her spine and fired acid at the snakes eyes which the python dodged effortlessly but that gave the rat the opportunity to bite its neck.

The rats teeth sunk into the elastic scale and was able to damage it, the python waved its neck and tossed the rat aside before jumping to it and coiling around it to crush it.

Lizzy at this moment wasn't lazy and decided to steal the ready rats fast, she spat acid on each rat and ran away whilst grabbing to their tails, Lizzy ran for a few meter till she reached the tree with a large hollow space, dragging the rats into the tree had expended her stamina and it hit 0 once she was inside, a headache hit her and she passed out from exhaustion.

The weather after she got exhausted turned bad and it began to in heavily.

Village on the island.

"Mr.chu the weather is bad today, let's continue our snake hunt tomorrow"

"Yeah I think that's the best result as well, we released 10 different snakes on the island but cannot hunt haa, tell the hobby hunters that we will start the hunt tomorrow" Mr.chu stated

The bright sky had disappeared and was replaced by the island eerie darkness, the bugs became active and crickets played their songs, stars filled the sky's and inside a tree trunk a lizard awoken.