Half truth and Only truth

"Everybody wants to quickly leave huh, let's go" William.

Deep forest.

A man wearing an orange attire was running away from a horde of rats, he held a couple of sharpened stones in his hand and tossed them towards the horde killing a couple of them but many still chased after him.

"Crap shouldn't have agreed to the employer, I knew they would betray me, once I get out of here I'll make sure they all will die" Inmate.

Lizzy on the other hand had a clear path for her as she moved closer towards the inmate, she made sure that she travelled silently and in a well hidden manner, she made her way to him and witnessed his predicament, she didnt want him to die just yet but watching him run was quite entertaining in her opinion.

"Maybe I'll rescue him after a few more minutes since I don't want him to have excess energy to use against me"

Lizzy then just followed the man, whilst he was cursing the betrayers that wanted to get rid of him out loud.

"F*ck them, f*ck the government, f*ck that granny, and f*ck the police! I shouldn't have accepted their job request, especially that old hags request, she requested me to act as if I was murdering her but in the end I'm the one who got wounded and that b*tch even said the guns had only an empty shell!!!" Inmate.

The inmate yelled while holding his side feeling something as he kept running, his expression was filled with rage and the fury in his eyes could not be hidden. Lizzy who was observing close by had heard ramblings and was scanning his mind scape for images of his employers, Lizzy found the employers but was surprised that the one ordering her granny's death was her own granny, she then dug even deeper and saw that granny wasn't harmed and it was the inmate that got harmed, it seems the gun was faulty and the bullet backfired, she then got a notification after hearing it but she was confused at what she heard.

[Granny's Avenger]

• 0/1 Granny's murderer


√ 14/14 Deathrow Inmates

√ Find the truth behind granny's death

"Ding! Optional Task has been concluded please finish main task to acquire rewards"

"G-Granny wasn't shot? then why was her body in the morgue?! unless it wasn't her or maybe she was shot after? ugh no matter what the answer is, it still doesn't change that granny wanted me out of her life, but why?"

Lizzy shook her head and decided to end this little game, she went and breathed her dark flames at the rats burning them to crisps, she then kept on releasing her dark flame to form a ring around the inmate preventing his escape, the rats seeing their comrades dying decided to retreat leaving the inmate.

Lizzy walked towards the inmate slowly, the inmate saw this and took out sharpened stones from his pockets and even took out steel throwing knives, he eyed Lizzy and Lizzy eyed him back with only one thing in her mind, eat him!.

Inmate POV.

'What the hell is this flame that is even able to scare off the rats, it's not hot but my senses tell me that it's dangerous, especially this creature I'm looking at as well, what is it? it looks like a croc but the head is too big, maybe a variant?'

His hands holding his weapons with utmost confidence a he stared at this creature, the pattern on the face of this creature garnered his attention and he could feel a suffocating aura just from focusing too much on the creatures face enough for him to sweat a bit.

He began to move slowly on the edge of the circle while not breaking eye contact with the creature and it followed suit, the suffocating aura was growing stronger and he swore he could see a purple aura emanating from this creature, he even wondered if he was going crazy since he was starting to hear music as well even though there were no instruments nearby.

'Wtf am I going nuts?!'

He gripped on the weapons he had and suddenly stopped, so did the creature, he then whipped his hands and fired off the throwing weapons using plenty of his strength to ensure they penetrated the scales of this beast, the knives clanged and the stones broke upon landing, the results were not as he expected, the knives did no damage to it and just fell to the ground.

'It seems throwing weapons at it won't be as effective as I thought'

He held one of the throwing knives firmly in his palm, he was now planning to stab it in close quarters combat instead of his signature long range technique.