Sidestory: Prophetic Door

My life was ending, my age and past injuries have finally caught up to me to the point that even magic couldn't extend it, I had expected this day to come but I did not expect for it to be today. The boy I taught my knowledge to has grown into a powerful Demon Lord and has even bestowed upon me some sort of magic called a system, albeit unable to grasp it's principles I still mastered it.

Haaa how I wished to stay alive and observe as my own disciple takes over this world, he was about to embark a few days from now to perform skirmishes in order to train himself.


My disciple has brought me back from the dead and it seems the system he had gifted me had become soul bound to me, I truly appreciate the fact that my disciple had given me a chance to see him change the world.

Spring, Year 788.

My disciple found my journal and persuaded me to add dates to my writings, I found it weird at first but he explained to me that it was in order to record the dates I have written it, any who my disciple brought me something interesting today, a large bone.

At first I teased my disciple by saying that I was not a dog but then I sensed the dense mana volume hidden within this bone, so I decided to research it.

Spring, Year 788.

My disciple brought me something extraordinary, this bone isn't hiding any mana but is a refined and solidified construct of mana, this could only exist within creatures who are sensitive and mana inclined.

I ordered some men to go with me to the village and dig up the spots that I will point out, the spots I would point out would he areas with high mana density.

Spring, Year 788.

I have retrieved every single bone piece and shard of this mana inclined creature, I couldn't believe it at first but these bones together formed a dragon, a legendary creature that could rarely be found, upon further observation this was a thousand years old dragon.

I, being a lich now, have had my mana pool increased which allowed me to raise the pile of bones, with my power I turned it into a bone dragon one of a necromancer's most powerful creatures.

Spring, Year 788.

I tried to sleep last night, considering that I am an undead, i shouldn't have a need to sleep but for some unknown reason sleep hit me, I dreamt last night about a civilization of towers that touched the skies, iron carriages not powered by magic, and iron dragons flying without the need to flap.

That dream was like an epiphany for me, for us mages and wizards, dreams like these are not mere dreams since many of us believe that they are prophecies, I wrote it down in order to keep a record of it.

I ordered the bone mages to make a cave and a massive red door to hide and seal the dragon we have made.

Spring, Year 788.

I seem to have awoken once more from another dream, no not a dream but another prophecy, it was the same world but it was being invaded by familiar creatures, these creatures existed in this very realm that I tread upon, the inhabitants of this otherworld carried staves, staffs, and wands that can shoot metal with the power comparable to a fireball spell, this prophecy must be maintained!

I went to the red door which had just been made and decided to carve it unto that door, my prophecy that I myself saw once it was fully carved on the red door seemed to have come to life, I could hear the explosions, the screaming of innocents, and the shrieking of the beasts.

I backed up an fell on my rear which snapped me out of my trance, the red door from its ominous red became vibrant and it emanated the aura of another world, I didn't know why that had happened but whenever I opened it, it was still the same place inside, it seems that this prophecy dissociated the room behind the door from our very own realm but still allowed entry.

Spring, Year 788.

My disciple and I casted our systems on the dragon and it seemed to have behaved albeit slightly, I made chains that look like it bound the bone dragon but was actually nonexistent, when one appraises it they will be greeted by the name "Chains of repentance", I made the dragon look weaker as well, those foolish heroes and their greed shall be the dragons lunch.

Now that this is finished, it was about time that I help invade human territory and bathe in the blood of the sinners, oh it seems being a lich had slowly corrupted this old man's mind with thoughts of massacre, but oh well, I'm no longer human so I should act like one.

-Translated from the Traitorous Magus's or Lich of Catastrophe's journal by the Courts Grand Magus-