First Evolution and Movie Fanatic

"The various countries have began to create safezones all over the globe and just from the progress that we see from the outside high walls are being erected, cities are being cleaned of the monsters to prevent them from repopulating, laws that surround the usage of the world defense system's have been sanctioned and approved by the international court, we now go to the field where our reporter james jonas presides, take it over james" Female News Anchor.

"We are currently within a safezone being built inside City N and from what we can see within here the walls are currently still hollow and are needing to be fulled to enhance the defensive capabilities, apart from that we can also see metal floors, i have asked one if the generals in the vicinity for an interview and they have agreed, we will be arriving at his office in a few moments, we will be back when we start the interview, back to studio" Reporter James jonas.

In a bunker just outside of City T a television set resounded while a man watched the news, he was quite fit and the walls of his bunker were covered in guns, he stands up and walks towards his stash of food, the mans name was Henry Gummer, he changed his last name after watching a certain movie, after a few minutes he would sit down and then the news continues.

"And we return on the field ready for the interview, your turn again james" Female News Anchor.

"Good morning general, the people would like to know what does the military say on this sudden terrestrial mutation or invasion as others might say?" James Jonas.

"Good morning james, the militaries say is that although this was a bit sudden we are trained for sudden attacks but this, we in all honesty werent ready nor trained for this but we promise the people that we will keep them safe even at the expense of our lives" Random General.

"Next question the people are asking whats with the metal floor of the fortress? we are actively receiving these questions from texting viewers general" James Jonas.

"Well this is not classified information so i believe we are allowed to inform the people of the monster worms that have began appearing, so people get to your nearest safezones being constructed asap" Random General.

The man watching the news suddenly stood and hopped in delight while clenching his fists as if he had just hit the jackpot in the lottery.

"YES!! I knew this day would come! luckily i saved up guns, mre's, and learned how to make homemade bombs" Henry Gummer.

He would begin to pack many items after his small celebration, he packed many high caliber rifles that had higher fire power then elephant guns, dont ask how he got them, RC tanks, explosives, and a umbrella.

"Time to hunt baby!" Henry Gummer.

A week passes uneventfully for our protagonist and she has saved up enough points for her final strengthening, she looked at the interface and couldnt help but sigh as she finally had enough after a week of long hard work, she could still remember the life threatening encounters she had thus week, from centipedes bigger than cars to worms that suddenly appear from the floor, she doesn't want to be bullied by those again, she had to sacrifice her tail plenty if times because if that.

[World Devouring System]

Host Name: Lizzy fang

Species: Abyss Lizard

Lifespan: 900 years (100 held by loan)

Condition: Healthy

Evo Stage: 1


1st Tier: 51555

Evolution: 0/100 Genodes(1st tier)

Strengthening: 0/51200 Genodes(1st tier) 9/10

Universal Genodes: 7580

[Combat Data]

Effectiveness: 780

Stamina: 800/800

Length: 2 meters, 18 in.

Width: 76 cm

Height: 28 inches

weight: 84 lbs/38 kg

[Abilities and skills]

{Abyssal Breathe lv.1},{Overpowering Intimidation lv.1}, Abyssal Digestion, Eyes of adaptability, Low tier Stealth, Hydrodynamics, Tough Skin, Enhanced Genetics, No.17:Predatory Instincts, telepathy, Enhance: Intimidation, Ghostwriter.

"Phew finally, after about two or three weeks of being a lizard i can finally climb the ranks! now gotta find a hiding spot for a bit"

lizzy begins her search for a safe space to strengthen and evolve for the first time, she walked for hours and didnt find a safer place than the houses she had visited, so she returned to the house where she killed the pedophilic criminal, she got into the attic just to make sure there werent worms, she also exterminated the bugs in with the flames, the bugs in it were roaches and some very large harvestmen that creeped her out to the max.


The walls got burnt a bit but she exterminated them and their creepy and creaky long legs, yes creaky, after the gene mutation from the other world the harvestmen became extremely carnivorous and their limbs would creak due to the new exoskeleton on them, she laid down after lighting a few candles and candelabras she found.

"Phew finally safe, system perform strengthening first"

"Command Executed"

After the systems reply she would lay on the ground and let her skin flake and drop to the floor like a snakes, in all honesty she still didnt understand why she would change skins like a snake when she isnt one, she already got used to the itch and enjoyed the pleasant sensation of growing, after the usual time the flaking finished.

"System status"

[World Devouring System]

Host Name: Lizzy fang

Species: Abyss Lizard

Lifespan: 900 years (100 held by loan)

Condition: Healthy

Evo Stage: 1


1st Tier: 355

Evolution: 0/100 Genodes(1st tier)

Strengthening: Max/Max Genodes(1st tier) 10/10

Universal Genodes: 7580

[Combat Data]

Effectiveness: 780

Stamina: 800/800

Length: 2 meters, 26 in.

Width: 92 cm

Height: 29 inches

weight: 88 lbs/40 kg

[Abilities and skills]

{Abyssal Breathe lv.1},{Overpowering Intimidation lv.1}, Abyssal Digestion, Eyes of adaptability, Low tier Stealth, Hydrodynamics, Tough Skin, Enhanced Genetics, No.17:Predatory Instincts, telepathy, Enhance: Intimidation, Ghostwriter.

"tch still small, system proceed evolution!"

"Executing command, scanning hosts current applicable evolution, scanning completed, please choose"

In lizzy's view four panels appeared but only three had a green glow and one is grey, she would focus on the greyed out one to see what it was and why it was greyed out.

[Komodo Dragon]

A venomous lizard, endangered and is usually trafficked for their scales.

Evolution requirements not met: Venom Glands.

"System how do I get venom glands?"

"If the host wants to try and get venom glands then its too late host, the host has triggered the evolution and the genodes have been deducted, the hosts cells are now active and are waiting for the evolutionary track to take, the host can cancel now but a cellular breakdown will occur due to forced activation of cells by the system"

Lizzy couldnt reply and also didnt want to die after all that she has done, she looks at the other three to choose another one to evolve into.


The dinosaurs evolved into birds so why cant the host as well? the type of bird is randomized and shall begin at the lowest more common avians.


Nothing more to say but crocodiles, a creature with strong bite power that could rival a hippos overtime.


With the same setting as the crocodile but a more u shaped snout, a creature with a bite power that can rival a hippos overtime.

"huh birds out of the question but its hard to choose from croc and alli, hmm but the alli has a more pleasing face shape so ill go with it!"

After thinking about it in the dumbest way possible, lizzy chose to go with the alligator route and she could feel her body getting heavier as she slowly lost her strength, a panel appeared in front of her as a countdown to her evolution and notification.

[Host Evolution countdown]

30 Days

As a first evolution protection, the host is hidden by the system using light refraction.

With that last message lizzy falls asleep and allowed time to pass on her evolution, instead of evolution the correct term might be mutation since the system doesnt follow the clear logic behind evolution, under the evolution Lizzy's body flaked by a lot and made a cocoon like structure that doesnt make sense in logic but will be used by this author since it seems like a fun idea.


In a flat field, a RC tank with explosives taped around it would move around and far away from it would be henry gummer sitting at the back of his truck, he is a millionaire that got his money by investing on the right company at the right time and he used his invested income to invest more till he was able to build his safe house that had thick walls, his reason for doing so? a movie about prehistoric worms that eat people.

"Come on eat the tank you boids" Henry Gummer.

Just as he said so, the ground below the RC tank sunk and the tank disappeared, he would smile and take out a large controller, pressed a few buttons and got his umbrella, an explosion occured and flesh rained down upon him, he placed the controller to the side and looked at the hole using his binoculars and then smiled before screaming.

"YES!" Henry Gummer.

He got into his truck and drove away while turning on the sensors that he bought that would receive vibrations and heat signatures when needed.

"Journal Entry 1, This is Henry Gummer and i have successfully killed my first Gra..."

A/N: I need to schedule my updates...