Novice Island and Departure

Gunshots emanated from afar and was coming closer to the house but Lizzy didnt mind as she was already quite far from village, she chose to walk slowly and ended up munching on some more soldiers that got lost, the new recruits were unable to scream as lizzy dealt with them swiftly.

"18k genodes, haa this mental corrosion skill is really making me start to like human meat more..."

Lizzy contemplated once again but then snapped out of it like usual, another thought to the back of her head, she sped up a bit to the shore and hummed some songs while she was at it.


Factory clearing.

"This should be the place where the lab is, be careful the ape might be nearby" Black 2.

"Roger sir" Black 3.

The group of 7 people slowly made their way towards the broken down factory, each person moving as silent as they possibly could and once they reached the door the stench from the inside slammed against their faces, they put on their masks and peeked from the door before entering.

"This is weird, the reports say that the ape should be present in this factory but somehow theres not a single sign of life here" Black 2.

"Maybe the ape left to hunt?" Black 4.

"Possible, lets hurry up and get that creature, the main client specified the creatures in this factory" Black 2.

The Men in black slowly but safely moved around the area, the only thing that they fought were the long legged spiders that were easy to deal with, they moved closer to an area of the factory and arrived at a massive manufacturing machine.

Black 2 tapped a few letters and numbers on the keyboard of the machine causing a door to open beside the keyboard, it was an air tight door and the noise it made showed that it hasn't been opened for a long time, they went in and the smell of disinfectant filled their nostrils, although the place had been abandoned, it seems the cleaning bots were still moving and even the lights of the underground laboratory was still functional.

The black team entered deeper till they were met by another door and another set of keypads, black 2 solved it again and they kept going on their way, they didnt let their guard down and made their way to where the test subjects were kept, plenty of the subjects were still alive and this pleased the men in black.

One took out from his backpack a collapsible cage made of steel plates with few holes left just to allow oxygen to enter, the 4 men took 4 different creatures but made sure that a monkey was one of them, a macaque, after retrieving the creatures they split and went to the server room and refrigerator.

One team took vials of samples of the bio meteor from the shara desert, the other took the research data left from the servers, all did one thing in common though, they placed a large amount of C4 all over the place.

Done with their acts they left immediately without suspense and called for extraction, although they worked fast, it had already became night time once they got out.


Hours Earlier

"Mhm, mhm, finally gonna get out of this island~ finally gonna be able to get some good food~ and a pen~"

Lizzy walked towards the shore and the closer she got the stronger the scent of salt became which made her smile wider, after a few more minutes of walking she arrives at the shore but it was much more different than she remembered, littered in the sand were bones of humans and pieces of light metal washed up by the waves.

Just from the sight she could already guess that the sea was much worse than before and much worse than on land, people liked to say that the sea is much more powerful than the fire, now due to the effects of the dimensional invasion it solidified the phrase.

"Hmm im too weak due to not having any experience in underwater combat, ill die if i just swim but then again the island doesnt have any creatures for me to eat and get genodes from"

Lizzy decided to sunbathe on the shore while thinking of what to do, what met her vision while she was brainstorming was a military ship passing by, patrolling the nearby area, the ship just passed and didnt see lizzy due to her stealth activating.

"Ive found my safe ride out of here!"

Lizzy moved and began to walk towards the military camp while looking at the system map specifically for the temporary dock built by the military, she ensured that the path she took didnt have any red signifying soldiers as she silently made her way to the dock.

Getting closer to the camp she saw that they had built high walls about 3 metres in height, the material used was reinforced concrete thus why the military didnt bother to patrol the area much, since it was one of the heavily fortified locations.

For lizzy the wall was simply an easier way in, she stuck her legs and proceeded to crawl upwards till she finally had a view of where she was, what she saw was a building freshly made and soldiers were moving equipment into it, the trail of soldiers were passing item after item to each other from a ship on the shore.

The ship was out in the open so she had to find another method of boarding it, otherwise she would have to wait for another since the ocean had very dangerous creatures in it that she hetself had not seen yet, there was a gap behind the building and the structures that followed which was a perfect way for her to enter the camp.

Lizzy had the idea of swimming on the shallow area and then stick to the bottom of the boat then board its cargo bay once it began to close or wait for it to leave before entering on some type of opening.

With a route and plan already in mind she would then execute it and crawl behind the structures, the closeness of the buildings allowed her to be perfectly hidden, it took about half an hour of walking before she arrived near the shore, it was longer and tighter than expected.

"That area was too tight for my long and girthy body... on second thought i retract that sentence it sounds too sexual"

Lizzy looked side to side before sprinting into the water and then jumped into the salty embrace of the sea, she entered a bit more deeper but didnt proceed since she saw the sudden massive drop on the near distance, the area had a trench, it was short but who knows what would be hiding in its depth.

Lizzy swam towards the ship and then stuck herself below it, she awaited for the moment it left which ended up actually being a few hours and before she knew it the sky was dark, the ship then began to close its cargo bay.

No soldiers watched it closing since who would want to watch such a boring thing... except ship nerds, she crawled on the wall like the usual lizard, fast and precise, entering the cargo bay she immediately hid behind a box while her mind proceeded to play the stealth tune of the MGS game, she wasnt a gamer she just heard it from a guy at her office that had it as a ringtone.

The ship began to move away and thus began lizzys travel to another place, her boarding the boat though caused her to miss her stop but thats for later, right now lizzy was enjoying a comfy spot she had found.

Even as an alligator she still wanted the comfort and softness of human furnishings, she found a container with an old mattress and decided to turn it into her home, considering it was about to be recycled and all, and that she also wanted a comfortable trip.

In the current situation recycling is important since fresh supplies and materials cannot be easily found anymore.

This trip wont earn her any genodes thus she just focused on the quests and planned to take on the ones that didnt need hunting, lizzy opened the map and then marked her trip before opening the books the system allowed her to use.

The system added a section for the information in the books lizzy read in the system space which was just one, the book about gods, lizzy read it again and again word by word this time, and finally noticed some gods that she havent heard of ever.

Like N'vna'gok, the book stated that it was a god of endless sleep in another world, it didnt say in detail the gods powers but stated it roughly as if trying to hide what it was, though the gods pantheon was shared which was called Dreamweavers.

"From the rough explanation this god should love giving people narcolepsy or maybe this god IS the one giving narcolepsy"

Lizzy flipped on and saw some familiar ones that she actually missed last time like the sandman, loki, sekhmet, etc.

She passed the time rather leisurely this way.


Opposite side of the island.

The men in black had quickly traversed the island skillfully, they had a map which the military didnt have so it was easier to moved around, at the back of the island moored a small ship but was very clean and even had stealth coating that allowed it to hide in the dark.

The men in black placed their mission objectives onto it and then climbed up neatly, they experienced no hindrances or whatsoever reaching the boat but the military side of the island was booming loudly, massive centipedes noticed them and attacked them making the military fight back.

The men in black ofcourse paid no attention and turned on the ship, reversed it and then made their way to their employer, with enough gas they should be able to return and become rich.

Even in this apocalyptic world the government still hasnt let go of the currency system and kept their native currencies but now its become an exclusive for each steel city.

New trade routes occured as more and more people with agricultural and taming system skills appeared, for this new world agriculture and meat are whats important, though combat is of the same importance they can just leave it to the military to put to use.

Farmers and tamers gained a lot of benefits from the steel city governments, some even got poached by other cities to alleviate hunger, the outside world now had a lot of dangers and even plants were not safe since some will now eat humans, the population dropped by a lot which was a good thing although it was still a very dark event considering the amount of indiscriminate deaths that occurred.

It didnt matter if you were asian, european, caucasian, man, woman, child, old, young. Etc. Everyone faced the same thing and that was death, in the face of death no one had privileges and everything was fair.

It was all but survival of the fittest.