Chapter 5

Jenny Franklin's diary

October 4th:

We found an audio recorder behind a tree. I've been too scared to play it. Joel said I should just listen to it but I'm to scared. Well I'm going to try and play it now.

(Audio Recording)

Man: Theres something out here. Me and my wife have been stuck out here. Or at least she was out here. Shes been missing I'm now hiding in this cabin.

(trickling water can be heard seemingly falling on the ground.)

Man: Something tried to attack me I ran and now I'm in this abandoned cabin. I think it's the pine forest demon. If any one finds this either get out right now or kill that goddamn creature. This forest is a death sentence good bye I love you mom and dad.

(The recording lasts for a few more seconds of trickling water then ends.)

Tony's diary:

October 4th:

Jenny showed all of us the audio recording and I feel like we should just leave while we're ahead. I dont think theres a demon out but so many people have gone missing including her brother. The recording creeped me the hell out. It was of a man hiding in a cabin talking about how his wife was missing and how he was attacked by the pine forest demon. Then he warned anyone to leave now or else they would be doomed. Fucking creepy.

Amy's diary:

October 4th:

I think Tony's being overdramatic he thinks we should leave. I completly disagree. Sure I don't think well probably find much of anything but I want to support Jenny on her search and he should too like me and Joel are. Sure the audio recording was creepy and all but it was probably a hoax. Well whatever Tony just needs to calm down. Well be fine it's not like were going to die or anything well only be here for a little while and then well leave. Everything will be alright.