Chapter 19

Jenny's diary:

October 17th:

Its night now I haven't heard the cackling in a while now. I feel no cold or anything. I dont see any stars in the night sky. I've been taking sips of the water. It dosent taste not fresh or anything. I'm laying down in front of a tree. I'm so scared now that I have no one left to be with. I feel like I'm being watched. I'm just gonna try to go to sleep and hope nothing happens.

Jenny's diary:

October 18th:

I had a horrible nightmare last night. It was of me in this asylum. Someone wearing a pig mask was whelling me in a wheelchair. My legs looked completely shattered and there was no cast on them. Some bone stuck out. I was being driven down a long stretching hallway. I heard cackling inside rooms and crying. As I was wheeled down the crying and laughing sounded more and more monstrous. There was a wide open door. I was wheeled in. Everyone was sitting in seats around a table looking at me. They all began saying in unison

"this is all you're fault Jenny." "We wouldn't be dead if you hadn't asked us to come out here." "We hate you!" I began crying as a dark shadow began rising in front of me. Dark clawy hands reached out and accelerated towards my face. I woke up aggressively breathing and crying. It had felt so real it had scared the shit out of me. I'm going to continue hiking now.

Jenny's diary:

October 18th:

Even though I felt like I've only been hiking for thirty minutes it's already sunset. I have turned on my flashlight just in case. Now suddenly its pitch black out seconds after writing I'll keep writing if I find anything.

Jenny's diary:

October 18th:

Well I found a big log cabin the lights are on inside maybe somebody who can help me inside. Maybe theres a phone. I'll write more if anything happens.

Jenny's diary:

October 18th:

When I went inside all of the lights were on and the fireplace was on. It looked like somebody had lived here before. There was a TV playing a news report about us being missing. The date on the bottom of the report was just a few days ago. When Tony and Joel were sti alive. A fireaxe was mantled above the fireplace. There was a deer's head on the wall. The room smelled really nice. I'm gonna investigate the kitchen now.

Jenny's diary:

October 18th:

Oh god when I entered the kitchen there was a decomposing body inside. I heard walking towards the front door. I quickly grabbed a kitchen knife from its holster and ran upstairs into a bedroom. I closed the door shut and locked it then I hid into this closet in the bedroom. There was no windows inside. I have the flashlight in my mouth as I'm writing this so I can see inside this dark closet. I hear rumbling downstairs. I've decided that I'm gonna confront the pine forest demon and kill it once and for all. I'll write in here when I kill that goddamn thing and avenge my friends and boyfriend's death.