
Vel 4

After I left the mansion and got into the car, I pulled the watch out from within my purse and handed it to Ace. Ace took it inspected it then stuffed it in his jacket. He did not seem pleased despite him receiving the watch and kept his eyes looking out the window.

I pursed my lips and took a deep breathe before opening my mouth, "I got the watch. Have I proven myself now? Will you help me with my revenge?"

From my angle, it looked like he was weighing something in his mind and he mumbled underneath his breath, "dead can't stay dead", before he turned to me. "The man who took an interest in you at the party, have you ever met him before?"

"Mr. Solokov?" I shook my head.

"He will be a problem. I think we should hold off finding the next object and focus on your training."

"What about finding my family's killer? We going to hold off on that too?"

"My men are looking into it. We don't have much to go off but soon enough someone will get cocky and let it slip who murdered your family."

I looked out the window and sighed. Leaning my forehead against the cool glass, I wanted nothing more than to run back to Makar but somewhere deep down I knew that I had threw away that chance when I agreed to be Ace's tool.

The rest of the ride was silent. As soon as we arrived at the mansion, Ace got out of the vehicle and without so much as a look back at me; he walked into the mansion. I trailed behind and eventually plopped down upon my bed. I wanted to let a tear come out but I knew that as soon as I did I wouldn't be able to stop so instead I let the anger I had been feeling after my family's death boil and fester. I felt it rose and clenched my fists before I grabbed one of my pillows, threw it against the wall and punched the mattress. Burying my face in my pillow, I screamed. I punched the mattress a few more times until I felt drained. Falling into the bed, I stared at the ceiling until my eyes became heavy and I fell asleep.

- - -

Walking down to eat breakfast, I noticed that Ace was not there. I sat down at the table regardless and a plate was set in front of me. I felt a presence beside me then a hand grabbed a piece of my toast. Rose smiled as she took a bite out of it. "Looks like he's growing bored of you."

"So what if I care. He's got you as his backup bitch doesn't he?"

She glared at me and I could see she was struggling to not hit me before she smiled once again. "Ace wants you to start training with me everyday from now on. Your training will start after breakfast and will end when I say so."

"And what could you teach me that I do not already know?"

"For one, when to avoid a man who may or may not ruin the mission."

I looked at her, interested. "What does Solokov have to do with this?"

"Oh I do not know. Just that Cole Solokov and Ace do business together sometimes. They are also both competitors. Solokov's father is also top dog in the business and has an uncanny ability to read the minds of the other businessman."

"Why are you telling me this?"

She leaned toward me and in a low voice spoke, "Ace despises the Solokovs and anyone who helps them." She leaned back and begun to walk away. "See you at training", with that she disappeared.

I sighed. Why would I want to help Solokov? Soon I finished breakfast and begun the search to find Rose. I found her sitting patiently in the basement looking at her nails.

"Took you long enough."

"You're not at all bothered that Ace is forcing you to train me?"

"Why not when I can make your life miserable? Now repeat what I told you about Solokov."



"He competes and does business with Ace. His father has an uncanny ability to read peoples' minds."

"Now just from that information what stood out to you the most?"

"His father's ability."

"Yes, do you think the son has a strong relationship with Mr. Solokov or do you think the father is manipulating the son?"

"I wouldn't know."

She sighed. "You see when Ace sends you on a mission he doesn't want you to just complete it. He wants you to find information and make connections. Anyone can steal. Making the connection and getting the information you want without the other knowing is a lot harder. You cannot ask them directly you have to soften them up with words before you can get what you want."


"Yes. It's always a mind game. You see Ace brought you on the mission not because of your skills, which you obviously need work on; he brought you on the mission to get Cole's attention. He knew you would be his type. Mr. Solokov chose Cole to stand in place of him because he wants Cole to get experience and make connections so that it can benefit him in the future. I almost would say that everyone manipulates someone at some point like you using Ace to get your family's murderer."

I now understood her. She saw everyone as some part of a game.

"So how or why do you manipulate Ace? Protection? Love?"

"We have an agreement that is mutually beneficial to both of us and that is all you need to know. Now to put this lesson into practice I want you to..." she looked around the room before spotting her next target. "Find out who she is, what her purpose is and tell me as much information you deem important as possible." She pointed to an older woman in her thirties talking to a younger woman.

I sighed, looked at Rose than headed towards the woman. "Excuse me." I tapped on the older woman's shoulder and she turned to look at me ending the conversation between the two. I smiled, "Rose told me that you guys are the ones to ask if I needed help with..."

"Finding a place to lay low and staying low." The older woman answered. "I'm Mika and her name is Yana. What do you need our services for?"

"I'm new here and already managed to piss off Solokov and need a place to lay low. Your help would be great."

"I heard that there is no place that can keep you safe from the Solokov's. His right hand man is good with computers and can find anybody." Yana stated.

"I mean if it's impossible. I can see if I can find someone else."

Yana looked at Mika. "Well we have never strayed from a challenge before."

"Thank you so much."

They both smiled and I turned to Rose. I felt bad lying to them but I had a feeling that having a place to lay low and that's unfindable would be useful in the future.

Reaching Rose, I relayed what I had learned. I just left the part out about them helping me find a spot to lay low.

She glared and for the next few hours, assigned task after task. By lunch time I was exhausted mentally and she was smiling as we walked into the dining room. Ace sat at the table and my heart stopped as he addressed us. "Well how did it go?"

"She's coming along just needs more training and then should be ready." Rose stated before taking a spot beside him and I took my spot at the end of the table. Only three of us were at the table and I did not like it. I felt on edge.

"What am I being prepared for exactly?"

"That depends on you. You see since Cole Solokov has taken a liking to you, you must be able to steal the next object but also decide how to deal with Cole. It would be optimal if you can gain more information from him but you also have the choice to find a way to get him off your scent. You see Cole is like a predator. Once he has you in his sights he never lets you go unless something more pressing forces his attention. Never underestimate him. That man is his father's son."

"Why are you giving me this choice?"

"I can order you all I like but I find giving you a choice is a much better option. Keep in mind, if you fail me...." he stated straight at me and I didn't need to hear the rest of his message to understand. He looked at Rose. "Leave this room."

She looked at him in confusion, shot me a glare than left the room closing the door behind her.

I suddenly felt completely aware of everything.

He got up from his chair and walked towards me until he stood in front of me. Sitting on the edge of the table, he looked me dead in the eye. "I have found you so far to be valuable. Come with me. I want to show you something." He got up from the table and seeing that I did not have much of a choice, I followed him. He led me into the courtyard and stopped in front of a small white flower. "This is a galanthus or snowdrop. It is just now preparing to bloom next month. What's so special about it is that it is able to withstand snow. You remind me of the flower. It is determined to bloom despite the harshness that winter throws at it."

I took a deep breath and thought about the choice Ace had given me with Cole. I could either get closer to Ace to get more information or I could find a way to get him off my scent and use Mika and Yana to find a place to lay low.

"Have you come to a decision yet?"

I looked up at Ace surprised.

He had turned towards me and was watching me, carefully.

"You don't feel for anyone do you?"

He looked at me surprised.

I had caught him off guard. I took a step towards him. "You think people only use you and as a result have become numb to everything and everyone around you. That is why when I first talked to you after leaving the gym, you said that emotion is a double edged sword meant to be controlled or the wielder will be stabbed. You're afraid of showing emotion and being hurt by others as a result."

His eyes narrowed.

Fear reared it's ugly head and I gulped preparing for him to do something. When he didn't I stood there shocked.

"You won't understand me no matter how hard you try." He spoke and walked towards me until he stood right in front of me. "I am not something to fix and I can control my emotions...you need to work on knowing when to shut your mouth." He growled before walking past me.

I felt the anger in my stomach boil.

"What about the Solokovs makes you hate them?"

He stopped and turned around to look at me. "The Solokovs are competitors. If you are having doubts about using Cole then you are of no use to me."

I sighed. "I will finish the mission. Finding my family's murderer is of the upmost importance."

He looked at me judging me. Making sure that what I said is true before replying, "It better be." He turned around and left.

I wiped off the snow on the bench and sat down. He could open up to me all he wanted to but that wouldn't change the fact that he was just like Rose. He would use someone no matter the cost just to get what he wanted and once they were of no use...I shuttered.

I didn't want to change him and I didn't despise him, strangely. But why should I care about such things when I should lock away those feelings just like he does and focus on the mission so he can find my family's murderer. Shit...I forgot about meeting Makar at the gym. Running inside, I looked at the clock. 1:16. I doubt I would be allowed to leave without Ace but I doubt he would go with me after the conversation.

I could ask Rose but whose to say she would help either. Yana? Mika? Now would be a good time to test them to see if they would help me or rat me out. If Ace doesn't murder me first for leaving the mansion.