Chapter IV. Friend or enemy?

I could not focus on anything during the whole class, at lunchtime I had no appetite. Back in class, Esteban did not ask any questions regarding what happened previously, he only directed his blue eyes in my direction and then simply focused his attention on the blackboard.

The bell rings announcing the end of classes for today, with my current state of humor, he was leading me with small steps to the girls' dormitory but Esteban stopped me.

—Hey, are you going to be in that mood all day?

—I am sure you listened to the end of the conversation I had with my ruler.

—Yeah… I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I wanted to see that you weren't in trouble when her screams reached the hall.

—Then your question is out of place. If you already know the circumstances of my mood it is silly to make such a questioning.

—I was asking why you're my friend. I know you better than anyone and I know that you are not like that. Not even when your mother unjustly punished you when you ate your snot did you get that way. Let's play video games will make you feel better.

—Esteban, that topic doesn't have to come up, which is disgusting, the real case is that many enemies will come after me, so, avoid spending too much time near me or better avoid me altogether.

—Marinep… me.

—I hope you understand— he interrupted. —Goodbye friend.

Marinep with a sad tone in her voice leaves Esteban alone with her thoughts. He only sees how his figure little by little enters the women's residence.

—I'm not going to leave you alone! I know you are listening to me Marinep!— Esteban sees her enter her residence without even turning to see her << I'm sorry Marinep, don't ask me for the impossible. I hope you forgive me >>.

She goes with heavy feet and heart towards her room, upon entering she finds a girl she has never seen before. Her eyes as black as darkness, her straight jet-colored hair that rests on her shoulders like little strands of silk, together with her skin as white as paper make her appearance as beautiful as a porcelain doll.

—Who are you?— I ask without lowering my guard.

—You are not the girl who is on everyone's lips?— His tone is linear, cold and with an emotion of displeasure .

—Don't evade my question— I answer.

—I'm not avoiding her, I just wanted to confirm if my roommate was the filthy animal that makes everyone in this place make rumors about it.—

—What do you mean my roommate? I had been told that I would have no company, so ...

—Why do you think they will give you that privilege? Just because you are a leader does not give you the right to act like this, you are not the only one, there are many more and they are surely better than you.

—I was only saying something that was informed to me, I have never been the way I think you think.

—What do you think I think? HA! Believe what you want. Engrave this name: Norilex , the girl who will tear Amira Sur from your hands, have sweet dreams, companion.

- ...

Marinep couldn't believe how bad the situation was, she let out a big sigh and fell on her bed to quickly fall asleep.

On the way to physical education classes Esteban runs towards me, his hair messed with the wind makes him look like a child. Before avoiding him so that he does not come close to me I can see that his breathing was too irregular, which makes me denote that he was running for a long time to the point that when he was in front of me he could not even stand up correctly to look at my face . The next moment he seeks the strength to be able to speak.

—Mar ... Mari ... Marinep how good I reach you - says between takes s air staccato .

—Esteban Why the rush?

—I was in the bedrooms when I heard someone was looking for you.

—And do you have any idea who it might be?

—If I knew, I wouldn't have had to run here, just be careful, that's why I've been in a hurry to warn you.

After arduous careers in sports, pay attention to literature and to exploit things in chemistry came the moment desired by all students , the break for lunch. Joselin sent me a message in which he said that my brother had a little problem at work and is in the infirmary, that I shouldn't worry about it and enjoy the rest of the day in healthy harmony .

Esteban had a last minute family call and had to leave the institution this afternoon, and for that reason my senses towards danger have me constantly alert to the point that I feel tired. Everyone keeps an eye on me, the good news is that nobody comes close, not even my crazy roommate, I hope this day ends soon and Esteban returns , because, as much as he wants to move away, I know that he will come where I am and his presence comforts me .


In North Amira the ruler was in a bad mood and it gets even worse when someone unexpected visits. Alert to recent events, his men surround him protecting him, they warn the ruler to evacuate but he is reluctant to leave. The man approaches little by little and contains a small laugh, so he raises his hands as a symbol that he is not coming to fight but to start a conversation.

—Hey old fool, ca n't you see that I'm your representative? Or is it that you're so old that you've already done your pants?

—Tsk ... What is that way of coming here without warning and dressed like that?

—This is how we should always be that I know of, besides, I found out that they are killing your counterparts and may at some point come after you too. I just wanted to see how screwed up you were.

—Is that your way of worrying and asking if I have any information on the murderer?

—You've always been quick when it suits you. If you're in a bad mood imagine mine for disasters should deal because of you, well if it was not because I knew about the power of Amira South had had heavy casualties— s and closer to the ruler and the men who protected they withdraw in his presence . —Do you know the consequences that would have had to deal with her?

—She? For what a woman is, interesting. So you must have known her well and ...

—It's a trivial thing , what really matters to know is ...

—Vulnerability of protection activated— the man feels a chill at his words followed by a strong blow to the stomach that the ruler gave him. —Do not interrupt me when I am speaking, that you have powers does not mean that you are over me.

—That is no way to use your authority over me. Get the hell out of it that seeking war after a long time is total nonsense.

—At what point? It seems that this peace is becoming customary for the representatives. It is understandable they were born in a stable and prosperous world, you must understand that this can only be maintained with a lot of power in our hands.

—You always say we need power, but do you know what must be done to get it?

—No matter how, just do your duty .

— I already do! But you do not take into account the repercussions of not knowing the enemy, of course you are sitting here and safe , while I have to go to a field that I do not know .

They're nonsense pure what now babbling, you charge you s ma tar to the brat Antirda , steal s your powers, raise s the number of government that I can manage and ... - before finishing the man takes you by the neck shirt .

—Listen to me and listen to me well, if you die, we both screw up. You have the authority over the foundation of my powers, when I die it returns to the bottom of this territory, making me vulnerable or driving me to madness, so hide under a damn stone if necessary. I understand that you want power since with how cowardly you are, you only have to be ambitious by protecting yourself behind my back, so it is necessary to remind you that having the seal on your body your main duty is to protect it for my reason and for your good. Don't make me mention it again— the man lets go, hears his ruler coughing, turns on his heel, and leaves.

As the mysterious man calms his anger with the cool night wind, he feels that his shoulders become much heavier, the fact that he had an argument with the ruler meant that the situation became more threatening with the passage of time .

Near him were heard other footsteps approaching him, the man without lowering his guard continues on his way, the atmosphere is tense, the sound of weapons being loaded is perceived by his ears so he stops and raises his hands in surrender.

— * sigh * That stupid old man has not improved security at all, anyone can enter. I'm tired. What do you want from my leader from Ocania ?


It's been almost a week and having Norilex as a roommate is frustrating, when she is here I feel that at some point she will jump on me, put her hands on my neck and squeeze it until the air flow is non-existent . The good thing is that when it is not there its existence is null, giving me peace and tranquility . When I leave the room a girl approaches me telling me that Esteban is waiting for me downstairs << How good that I have returned >> when I go down I see him with his characteristic smile and his hair half combed.

—How was your family?

—Something chaotic, nothing to worry about if that's what you want to know, and you are still bothering you?

—I'm getting used to their looks, by the way, the teachers said that when I saw you I would inform you to look for them for activities.

—That bad! Well let's go to the first and I'll see how everything turns out.

The classes were quiet to the point that I felt relaxed . The feeling of peace ended when outside the living room escuc hó someone struggling to pass. The doors are kicked open and that person is not very well inside when they exclaim.

—Where is the leader d e Amira South? Let it be shown, the leader of Afriz personally came for her.

Seeing Est eban is as shocked as I am with surprise, I am alert to the new enemy or future friend.