Stella The Archeologist.

It was just as Asper had expected, she was after it. What would he do now? Fight? Could he even win? If things got bad then it would be alright, as long as he still had his legs, he could his perfect technique of running while screaming for help.

Pride? In this situation, he'd clearly pick his life over his pride. Asper got into the running stance as he said.


That no was a signal sent to his brain, causing him to prioritise getting away at all costs. But right before he did-

"Oh, okay." She muttered before walking past him.

'What?' He questioned in disbelief.

"That's it?" He asked wondering whether or not it was an act done to make him drop his guard.

As he watched her leave, he began to contemplate on whether or not it was the right choice. She was his only clue to finding out more about himself, there was no doubt that she knew about the artifacts.

"Wait." Said Asper as he suddenly grasped her shoulder.

In that instant, the world suddenly flipped upside down. Or at least, that's what it looked like from his perspective.


What had really happened was his body had flipped upside down, however he only realized this after dropping to the ground.

"Ah! Sorry, it's a reflex." Said the girl as she turned to him.

Asper's who's body was still upside down and head on the floor simply got up before brushing off the dust on him. It hurt but he held it in.

"Tell me about artifacts" He said

"Eh? Why should I?" She asked as she tilted her head.


A quiet growl came from her stomach, Asper seized this opportunity.

"I'll buy you food."

"Hm… Alright."


"How kind of you to offer me all this food." Said the girl as she looked at the plate filled fried food.

Asper had brought her to the restaurant which he had just eaten at. Kayla wasn't working the shift which was surprising, he was used to her always serving. This time the manager served them the food.

"Yeah, Yeah. Start by answering my questions."


"So goood~" She muttered


"Alright, alright. You have three questions."

A vein popped out Asper's head as he heard this. This was her third plate. Asper looked over at his wallet, 100 nova left. Each plate was 50 nova.

He had already ate so he didn't get himself anything but watching this girl eat so happily in front of him and the smell of food was really pissing him off.

He let out a sigh and finally decided on the questions he was going to ask.

"Who are you? What are these artifacts? And what are the requirements to taking someone's artifact." Said Asper.

In truth there was a lot more he wanted to ask, but for now he wanted to get these out of the way. There were probably better questions to ask but he was too distracted by the sweet scent of the food.

"Hm… Let's see…"


"I'm an archaeologist or something similar… You could say I'm someone that likes to travel around in search of artifacts. As for what are artifacts and the requirements…"


"That should pretty much cover your question.



The girl had explained everything she knew. Starting from where the artifacts came from.

She explained that after earth had it's mana surge and rifts were opened in their world, artifacts also magically appeared out of nowhere. No one knows from where, and not many people even know about the artifacts in the first place.

They could have fallen from one of the rifts leading to another world or have been created from the mana surge which changed the world. Either way it was unknown.

The requirements for taking someone's artifact would be for them to willingly give it up and offer it away. However, after doing so it would be a much more complicated process to get it back. There is also a way of getting the artifact without the person willingly offering it, and that would be to kill that person.

"Then, why didn't you try to kill me?" Asper asked.

"Why should I?" She asked as she took another bite. "Ah- That was another question so now you owe me another meal." Said the girl as she stared straight at him.

"You asked me one as well, so it cancels it out." Replied Asper slightly annoyed.

'Weird girl. Why should she? Because It'll be beneficial obviously.'

"Hm… Alright. Are you sure you don't want some?"

"No, I already ate."

"Is that so…"

That was both the truth and a lie. He had indeed already eaten, however his hunger was brought forth by watching her eat. He just didn't accept it because she'd probably use it as an opportunity to make him owe her more.

"Alright, Thanks for answering my questions. I'll be off now." Said Asper as he suddenly got up.

"Leaving already? You sure there isn't anything else you want to ask?"

"I can't afford it." Replied Asper

"Hm… Then, I'll ask you one thing. What's your number?" She asked as she pulled out her smart phone.

A digital screen, that was all it was. A rectangular digital screen. Surprisingly enough, even though the mana surge had turned the world upside down. Humans were still able to operate and fix the radio towers. They even invented something called 6G which Asper was unaware of.

Technology wasn't his forte. There was much more technology available in the inner-city.

"I don't have a phone." Asper replied

"I see… Then, your name?" She asked.

"1 meal." Asper replied.

"I'll give you my name too so it cancels." She added.

"I don't want your name."

"Stella. That's my name, and you?" She asked

'What part of no does she not understand?'

"None of your business."

"I'll pay for one of the three meal-"

Asper answered before she could even finish her sentence.


"Asper… Alright, I'll rememberer it." Said Stella.

"Don't bother." Replied Asper before leaving.

Stella stood there seated with the 100 Nova which he had left her for the two meals.

"What got him so annoyed?"

Her mind quickly diverted away from Asper and she slowly began nervously sweating on her seat when she remembered what sort of situation she was in.

'Ah… I said I'd pay for the third meal but I forgot I had no money…'

"Oh no-"



"I'm tired… That girl is a pain to deal with." Asper muttered to himself while yawning.

The only good thing about everything that had happened today was that he wasn't a target, for now at least. Seeing her made him realize how weak he truly was. And there was no doubt in his mind that she had an artifact too.

Also, another thing which was bothering him was her eyes? What was that? It was almost as if-


"Don't move a muscle. You're going to follow us without saying a word, are we clear?" The man asked

Asper could feel the nuzzle of a gun placed on his back, despite that, he just couldn't hold the grin in.

A wide grin spread around his face as he thought about all the exp he would be able to get. He just couldn't contain the excitement.

"I-I'll do as you say" Muttered Asper forcing his voice to tremble as an act.

"Ha! This kid is scared shitless!"

"Don't worry kid, we won't kill you... Yet. Pfft."