A Night Of Fun

Over the next two weeks, Jonah had to keep coming up with excuses for why he was busy on Sundays. He was running out of ideas but Troy hadn't been able to come up with his perfect last hurrah plan yet.

If this went on much longer, Eden was going to think he was avoiding her on purpose. Provided she didn't think that already.

This was turning into such a disaster! It was tempting to actually move to Minnesota to avoid all of his responsibilities at this point. The pressure of all the lies was getting to be too much for him.

He wanted to come clean so badly, especially when he heard her cheerful voice over the phone. She shouldn't be dealing with this sort of underhandedness when she had been so sincere this entire time.

She deserved better than this. She deserved better than him and he knew it but he didn't want to stop talking to her.