You're Plenty Lovable All On Your Own

'Beautiful! Are your legs killing you?' Eden asked.

Troy's response was immediate. 'A little but I'll live. Are you doing okay?'

'I'll live' she quoted back to him.

Truthfully, she wasn't okay at all but that was because she had started thinking of her mother again about twenty minutes ago. She had sent a rather nasty text message about how bad of a daughter she was.

'That doesn't sound so good. I'll call you as soon as I'm home'

And that was exactly what he did three and a half hours later. "So, what kind of phone call is this? A distraction phone call or a venting phone call? Because I'm cool with either but I need to mentally prepare myself so I say the right thing."

His earnestness made Eden laugh. "I guess a bit of both. I want to hear more about your trip but I should probably also tell you what actually happened on Easter…and why my mother and I have a rocky relationship."