Define Forever

Jonah plopped down where Eden had been sitting moments ago in defeat. That had gone even worse than he expected but at least it was over now. They never had to deal with potentially getting exposed for their little identity switch again. And he felt terrible.

The look on her face when she ran into him on her way out the door…that would be the last image he ever had of her. When she was on the verge of tears.

Fitting, considering what he did. He had never deserved her smiles because he had been lying to her from the start. His feelings were real but what did that matter in the face of everything else?

It was better to let her go. Even as ungracefully and miserably as he had.

Troy hadn't been the one to call after her. He did it, unable to stop himself as he saw her go. If she had turned around, he would have been tempted to ruin the whole thing and explain himself properly so she wouldn't cry. Though there was a chance that would only make her cry harder.