I Guess You Really Do Have One Of Those Faces

"You…you sang at my wedding. That means you're the guy?!" Aubrey accused, pointing a finger at Troy.

"Aubs, let it go. They're about to leave anyway," Eden insisted, looking like she wished the ground would swallow her whole. 

Jonah felt the exact same way right now even though he wasn't the center of attention for once in his life. Watching drama he had unintentionally created go down while not being a part of it was a strange experience. 

Aubrey didn't heed her best friend's words. So suddenly that nobody saw it coming, she surged forward and slapped Troy across the face with astonishing force considering her size. 

"That's for being a jerk to my girl! Have a nice life in Milwaukee!" she shouted furiously.

Troy groaned and clutched his face, cursing because of the pain. Jonah took that as their cue to run for it and grabbed his arm after slinging his backpack that now held two full water bottles over his shoulder.