Sorority Party

The mystery of Jonah Kelly continued to nag at Eden over the next few weeks on and off. She finally got back to her normal life following her concussion and tried her best to put everything weird that had happened lately behind her. 

Diana and Ben came up for a weekend to help Jennifer move shortly before classes started for fall semester at San Jose State and they all went to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk amusement park together with Aubrey and David. That was a lot of fun. 

Jennifer firmly declared that Eden was her ride partner so the lovebirds could be off in their own little world. It appeared that she wasn't the only one who had been having a hard time with third wheeling. 

As they waited in line for one of the biggest rollercoasters in the park, she ended up asking for some advice about college. "You managed to balance a heavy social life and good grades; how did you do it?"

Eden laughed. "You're asking me? Why not ask Miss 4.0 over there?"