Why Am I Never Good Enough For Anybody?

Tears filled Eden's eyes. Hearing her deadbeat dad's voice after all these years was terrible but hearing Jonah defend her like this was wonderful. Her emotions were all over the place. 

He was genuinely angry on her behalf and not leaving any openings. Even Ezra's weak defense of her toward their mother wasn't like that. This was the first time someone was sincerely standing their ground against someone for her without waffling about it. 

"Get your foot out of the doorframe and off my property before I call the cops. Or I could slam the door on your foot and see how well that goes for you," Jonah threatened. 

Eden desperately wanted to go to bed even though she knew sleep would be impossible but she couldn't leave her boyfriend in case something bad happened. It wasn't fair of her to make him handle this for her alone anyway even though he had offered.