Wanna Bet?

"Oh, so guys you got married?" Troy asked conversationally. 

Avery nodded. "Uh huh. For everyone not in the know, Sam and I were high school sweethearts. We got married two years after graduation and have three beautiful children now. Almost four."

She was heavily pregnant but it was hard to tell depending on where at the table you were sitting. Eden hadn't noticed before she said anything. 

Congratulations went around the table and Avery and Sam accepted them graciously. "So, who else here has kids aside from Mindy?"

"We have two-year-old identical twin girls," Hailey said in a tone tinged with maternal affection. "Now that their little personalities are developing, it's easier to tell them apart but goodness knows we struggled when they were infants! We had to keep one of the babies' toenails painted at all times to be able to know who was who."

"Aww, how cute!" Avery cooed. "Anyone else? Jonah?"