That Sounds Really Nice

Megan finally turned around to face him, tilting her head curiously. "So I'm not just your fan?"

"No! You're…honestly, you're the coolest person I've met in a long time. If I have to put a label on how I feel, I suppose I like you too," Troy said as he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. 

Her slow smile that began to spread as his words sunk in nearly blinded him. "Is that so?"


"You should take me on a date then. You know, if our schedules ever match up again." 

Troy couldn't help but laugh. Who knew when that would be? But there was always the ability to text in snatches in between then. Jonah and Eden had developed a good portion of their relationship over the phone. 

Although, now that he thought about it, it was still fairly early in the day and he didn't have anything else going on. "Do you want to go now? If you don't have anything more important later today, I mean."