A Lot To Look Forward To

Eden watched everyone else slowly file out of the bride's room and felt her heart thudding wildly in anticipation as she met with a gruffer than usual Ezra at the back watching everyone else in the procession go. 

She gripped her bouquet tightly. This was really happening. 

"I can't believe my baby sister is finally getting married," he said in a thick voice as he tried and failed not to get emotional. 

She smiled at him. "Hang in there, Ez. It's not like I'm going anywhere. I'll be exactly where I've been for almost a year and a half."

"Yeah, but you won't be a McBride anymore. You'll be a Kelly. And it's weird to think that you'll be joining me in the ranks of parenthood soon enough. Where did all the time go? I still remember when you traipsed around after me and my friends wanting to do everything the big kids did."