The Plan

I reached the ground. Its to big. There is lot's of boys and girls are standing there. And they all are fresher like me.. but they have different different fields. But we all have same P.T. And it's compulsory to attained. I attained last week. After that It's my second time I come and attaining this.

When I see anggi and ammy both are walking toward me I think it's not going to be hard. Maybe it's going to be fun.

" there you are.. heyy Ava.. we are looking for you.." angii come hug me and this time it's its casual one. After that ammy come and hug me. It's first time that I am hugging ammy. But never mind.

" So.." ammy said. we broke the hug. And looking at each other eye's .

" it's P.T nothing special. We can go somewhere and talk about this" angii said to me and than look at Ammy. Is there Amy know about her love for dani..

" actually yeaa.. she know about this.. when I told her that you going to be help so it's okay with that right?" She asked me.

" well... I don't mind with that.. " I said to her and smile. Ammy look me and hug me again. Wow.. today's are hug day something.

" thanks. And I thought that you like dani. But anggi told me that you help her out so I just can't believe this. But thank you.. she really love him so much. I sometimes told her to asked him out but she never listen to me" she said. Ouch. Means she know.. never mind. It's one time thing. Than god that I asked her about this. Neither I didn't know what happened..

" actually Ammy.. I am not believing in love. For me love is just game. It's just attraction. People have attraction to opposite sex than they both talk and do physical relationships after that all gone. There is no love.." I explained her. There is no love. I never ever feel that. And I don't even know what is love. I mean I saw lots of romantic movie read romantic novels but its just story. In story there is happy ending but in really life. There is no happy ending life is go on and on.

" well in that.. you are wrong girl" Ammy said to me. I looked at her and than rolled my eyes. Well its my point of you.

" love is beautiful thik. To People meet each other. They know each other. They understand each other. Without saying anything they complete with to there partner. They always look after there partner happy. They fight for there partner. They always forgive there partner than whatever they did mistake if that mistake is small or big. Love is that thing that whatever happened they never ever left there partner. They stand with them. And face all problems. Console her partner. Whatever happened they never ever leave there partner than how much big there problems was. " Ammy explained me. Wow she said like I listen some essays. Oops sorry for that. Anggi hug her listen to ammy's little speech.

" you are right Ammy. You know Ava. I. Don't know what dani think about me or feel about me. But I still love him. Whenever if we had fight I was the one who's always go to him and talk with me and clean our misunderstanding. I don't care what he think about that. If he think that I am idiot o r stupid girl to come to always come to me so it's he's mistake. Because I know only one think that I can't live without him. Without talk with him. Even if he looked at as friend. But I can't change my feeling for him. Even when I saw him to flirt with girl I to jealous of that. I hate that. Sometimes I think like slapped him or punch him and tell me that I am here than why you want others. Am i not enough for you. But than I stop myself m because it's not necessary that what I feel for him he same feel about me back. When you feel think maybe that time you know this what is love is.. before that enjoy you single life girl " she give me lecture but listening to her. I feel little bit sorry for her.

" you know anggi.. you really in love.. and I started to hate dani.. why that idiot know that.. or feel he blind or what.." I said to her frustrating. Why can't he see this. This girl how much love's her. She even control herself because she don't wants that her burst out going to break there friendship. But I am not going to happen this.

" That the thing girl.. now tell me you have any idea.. " ammy said. And anggi just give us sad smile. And I have exiled idea I know that how can he know that and see that what he missing it in he's life.

" actually I have.." I said to them. They both are look at each other and than me and than here we go. Missing dani.

" first you have to stop talking with him. I mean just avoid him" I said to her. She already move her head with telling big no.

" it's not going to happen you know that. I just can't do that ava. " she literally going to cry Ammy console her.

" its for some days just avoid her. You give him love of importance that's why he can't see your love or care.. so you have to do this.. anggi. For some times. After that he's all your right?" I tell her. Understand her. Its to hard for her. But it's best for her. After consoling finally she agreed. I am glad.

" fine I will do this.. continue please.." she said in frustrating tone. I know this all thinks frustrating her. But I am 100%. Sure that its going to work.

" second one is whenever you both had fight you are not going to first to tell him sorry understand. Than whoever mistake is. You not going to clear things out this time." I said to her. Her eye's widen. Well you have to girl.

" when he thinks that you not more give him importance than he can understand you importance. " I explained her. She think some times and than nodded. Good girl.

" third one.. make-over" I said to her. Well this one is to simple and girls like makeover.

" done... next one please" she said with sweet smile and I smile at her cute behavior.

" you have to flirt with other boy's..." I said to her. Without listening she cut me off.

" are you mad. Flirt with another boy.. no way.. it's no so going to happen. Ava no.. I can't" she already made her decision.

" shut up... listen first.." I said to her angrily. I have that when someone cut me of without listening what I am trying to saying. She closed her mouth. And scared my sudden change. I think I overreact. I control my anger. Breath in breathe out.. doing couples of seconds.

" if you can't flirt with other boys than how can we know that that he can jealous or not. When you flirt with them than he got mad. Maybe that time he could come and open about his feelings of you.." I said calmly.. open my eye's I looked her.. " I am sorry for my sudden out burst.. you didn't listen to me and I don't like when I talked with them and they cut me off.. when its really important thing " I said to her.

" heyy you don't have to.. actually I am sorry avs.. I didn't listen to her.. Without listening I just started to talk rubbish.." she said and hug me.. I hug her back..

" it's oky.. it's happened "i said to her..

" so.."i said to her. And me and Ammy both shares looks and than look her and waiting for answer. If she in or not..

" So what... Missing dani is on babee.." she said and fly her hand and me and am both laughed. Ooh that good news.

" what's going on here ladies mind if I joined you" Dani come toward us and said. We all share look and than I looking at anggi.. to start her first one point is avoiding to dani missing. She nodded to me and than looked at dani and than clear her thought.

" actually I am going to use rest room if you don't mind.." she said and walk away.. well good one anggi..

" I have to go..  I forget that I have match I have to go to practice.. c u soon Dani" I said to him and left.. he just surprise that seeing this.. first anggi and me.. and after couples of minutes we see that Ammy also come..

" well this plan going to work.. Ava.." she come toward us and told me.. I give her look that I know that girl..

" And here we think that you don't know what is love.. ava.. if you don't know that than never going to help anggi.." she said to me.. I don't know what she trying to apply it.. I just ignore her and left them.. enough for wasting my time now I have to concentrate about my match.. it's really important to me to win this..