I Am Here To Talk To You

Yesterday go blur after that.. like we talk.. and select songs.. and than add some dance moves.. after that we go for lunch.. had lunch like always we do.. and asked jade about how's gone her chat with Adam..

She blush.. and than tell me that they both are going to date this Saturday.. and than we talk about Janna.. I didn't say anything to anyone..

They started hate Janna.. but i said them don't to. They keep asked about what's going on.. I did said anything..

After that we go for P.T.  and than we had fun.. and than I left for my dorm.. also I talk with James..

I totally forgot about him.. bit than I called him finally in evening. And we talk. I didn't talked about Ava.. or asked about any question to him.. we just normally talk..

I thought that I will handle this Ava matter. And that Stefan guy too..

After next day.. we did same I know it's Thursday.. so we all go for cheer anggi for hockey.. Ammy had fracture so she can't join her.. but we all are cheer anngi..

And it's fun.. anggi teams win.. and than we all are handling to cafeteria and enjoying our lunch but whenever see think it's never happened like that..

Scarlett and her bitch friends come and this time Janna also join them..

And started to calling us in name's.. but this time we didn't said back to her.. why than let me tell you..

Max and Adam both come and stand for us.. and they warn us to don't even again talk rubbish.. Danni also join Max and Adam.. and than they all are gone but.. Janna didn't go..

" why are you siding to her Max.." Janna said to him..

" when you very well know what she did.." Janna shouted to him.. oohh no don't Janna don't do this..

" what are you talking about.." Ammy said to her.. she ignored amma.. and continue looking at Max..

" Janna don't blame here.. I told you yesterday. Why can't you just understand.. just dropped it.. I am sick of this.." Max literary shouted to her. And left cafeteria.. and Janna got angry more..

" it's all because of you.. I never forgive you Ava.." she said.. and left cafeteria..

All are looking at me.. I didn't know what to say.. how to explain them.. so I also left cafeteria..

They calling my name's.. but I didn't heard them.. ignore them.. and run to my dorm.. unlock my door.. getting in and lock the door.. and fall in the ground..

How much she hated me.. she didn't even blame on me for this.. and why not.. I deserve this...

Annggi and all girls keep knocking door to open the door but I didn't open up.. how can I face them.

What if they know this.. and me. They will hate me.. like janna hate me.. I don't want that.. I can't lost them..

" Ava please open the door... " anggi said to me..

I know that now or later we have face them.

Thinking about this.. I got up.. wiped my face.. and open the door.. they stop knocking.. and when I opened the door.. they come toward and hug me tightly..

I hug them back.. it feel happy that they all with me.. Don't feel me like that I am alone..

" guys if you done than back of.. I wanted to hug her.." Ammy yelling themm.. we laughed.. and Ammy come and hug me.. I hug her back..

We all enter in my room.. they look at Janna's bed. And than looking at me..

" she's really left you.." anggi said to me.. I nodded..

" she's really a bitch.. I mean seriously.." Naomi said..

" are you oky Ava.. " jade come and site besides me and said.. Ammy come my right side.. and all anggi Naomi and Clara site in there knee.. and looking at me..

" I don't know.. she didn't even listen to me.." I said to them.. I don't know how to tell all of this.. 

" what happened can you tell us already" Clara said to me.. I have to tell them.. no matter what..

" actually Saturday party night.. when Dan define me. Janna asked him about me.. than Dan told her that me and Dan both know each other long time.. and we just hangout with each other.. and than Dan also brought her to he's home.. Janna saw my and Dan old photos.. she angry to Dan and they both had short of fight.. and then they broke up.." I said to them.. I didn't tell them about Sam.. it's not perfect time to tell them.. what if they also leave me alone.. I can't just do that..

" there is not your fault.. it's Dan fault that he still have photos there is not your fault.. and why she got jealous when there is nothing going between you to.. right.." Ammy said to me.. and I nodded..

" we didn't even talk with each other.. when I know that he's with Janna.. I told him to Don't broke her heart.. but I don't know what's all this happened.. she just come and yelled me and left this room with her stuff.." I said them..

" listen.. there is her fault not her.. so you don't wanted to be feel sorry.. or guilty.. we are with you.. you Don't have to be sad.. she will one day understand and apologize what she did with you.." anngi said to me..

" now please smile.. I don't like you face like this.." jade said to me.. and hug my shoulder..

" now just forget all this.. let's do somethin.. " Naomi said..

" like what.." Clara said to her..

" why all go to the dinner.. I mean girls night out.. what say.. " Naomi said...

" it's good idea.." anggi said..

" no its bad idea.." jade said..

" no jade it's great ideas.. we can do for dinner after that we can do for club.." Ammy said..

" oohhk guys we can go.. but not now today.. how about tomorrow.. we can go to beach and also lunch and all all we can enjoy our Friday night.." I said to them.. today I don't wanted to go.. after last night I have to be smart..

" what about now.. it's boring " Clara said..

" how about movie night than.." I suggest..

" well I don't mind.. than we will be back freshen up than we will see what movie we can see.." jade said.. and all are nodded.. and all are left for there dorm.

" Ava.." I look at Ammy.. she call me.. " yes.." I said to her..

" don't feel alone.. we are always with you.. and we love you.. don't forget that.." she said to me.. I walk her. And hug her tightly..

" I love you to guys.." I said to them.. and they left..

I come to my room.. and than sitting in my bed.. thinking about all of this..

I have to be strong.. this little thing I can't just weak.. and breakdown.. I have to face this..

I have to know about this that Stefan boy.. who's he.. and what he's connection with Ava.. I have to find this out.. this thing keep eating me out this..

I am waiting for Sunday.. when it come and I will go there.. and talk with Amelia.. I don't know what didn't tell me Ava.. why she hide it.. I have to find out..

I thinking about this.. I just cant concerned in my other work..

Thinking about all this my door bell ring.. I check my phone.. it's just 5o'clock who come this time.. we plan to come 7o'clock.. who's this in time..

I got up.. and open the door.. I saw that amma standing front of me alone.. I looked at others but she's alone..

" it's only me.." Ammy said.. I nodded. I close the door she get in.. and we site in my bed..

" I come earlier because I wanted to talk to you.." she said to me.. she seems like little bit tans..

" yeah.. everything is oky Ammy.." I said to him..

" actually I am fine.. it's about that guy.. whom I am dating.." she said to me..

" what happened.. is he hurting you.. or anything.." I said to him..

" if is that than tell me I will kick he's ass.." I said to her.. she smile at me..

" what.. " I said to her.. did I made a joke.. I mean why all are taking my word's are jokingly..

" because like you when said like this.. it's little funny.." she said.. I just rolled myself.. I mean seriously..

" actually it's not that.. he's actually such gentlemen.. I like that about him.. I just worried that.. he like some girls in past time.. she left her.. but she again come back.. " Ammy said to me..

" ooh I am sorry.. it's to bad news.." I said to her..

" but he now with you now.. right.. so what's the problem.." I said to her..

" did you I mean you also jealous like Janna " I asked her.. she rise her eyebrows.. and surprise..

" no.. I mean it's not that.. I am not jealous of her.. it's that I like him to much.. I am scared that he will chose her.. and leave me.." she said..

" what rubbish.. you don't trust him.." I said to her..

"I trust him.. but I don't trust that girl.. I mean she's spacial to him.. when I meet him... he always talk about her.. she's this and that.. and that think keep eating me... he also want me to meet her.. " she said to me..

" hyy don't worry.. listen he told about her because he didn't wanted to hide somethin from you.. he wanted to be with loyal.  And now he doing this.. than why you don't trust him.. I think this is best chance to see that he moved on her or not.. you have to be strong.. it's happened.. oky.. all will be already.. don't be worry.." I said to her.. she nodded..

" I hope all will be oky.. I mean I know I trust him.. we spent time together.. he's not bad boy or player.. but still I can't trust that girl.." she said..

" what if she girl has boyfriend.. don't be think negative.." I said to her..

" I hope so.. and one think I wanted to tell.." she said.. I nodded..

" I am seeing this last 4 to 5 days.. some boy's are watching you.. I mean.. even in party they following you everywhere.. is there somethin that you want to share.." she said.. I mean she also know this.. she also feel this.. how can I tell her.. what going on..

" I don't know what you talking about.." I said to her don't looking at her..

" it's okky if you don't wanted share.. when you think that you are ready to share this.. that time we will talk about this.." Ammy said.. thank god she understand me.. I nodded. And thank her..

After than talk little more.. and than anggi and all come.. we watch movies.. first we argue that which movie to watch.. after that we all ended up to see alls favorite choice.. and than we all had our food in my dorm.. and like that we enjoy over night..

I am happy that.. I am not alone.. at least this girls with me.. I feel little good.. and happy..