Side Story: The Afterlife(1)

Author Note: This is just a fun little story to explain how Kotori came to be. No need to read this if you just care about the main story.

Kageyama* awoke on a bed.

*For those unaware of who Kageyama is, reread chapter 1.

It was very comfortable, so he went right back to sleep.

Two hours passed and he awoke again.

This time Kageyama nearly jumped out of the bed in shock.

There was a man staring over him with a very bored expression.

He was more beautiful than handsome but his features still looked like they were chiseled from stone. Any woman would swoon upon looking at him.

Thankfully Kageyama was male or else he felt he would've been enraptured by his face.

"Ack! Who are you!"

The man continued to look at him with a blank stare.

Kageyama tried to get back at the man by also staring at him but found himself intimidated by the man's unflinching glare.

[Is he even blinking?]

Indeed, the man hadn't blinked since he started watching Kageyama.

There was something inhumane about the man. Like it was a beast wearing the skin of a man.

Kageyama felt very scared for no apparent reason

"Hello?" He squeaked

The man blinks, then imperceptibly seemed to shift slightly.


Kageyama felt his fear subside slightly.

"So uhh where am I"

This was not Kageyama's room. In fact, it was much more luxurious than his room. The bed he was sleeping in felt like he was laying upon clouds.

The man blinked again then spoke carefully


"Then am I dead?"


"So what happens now?"

"Up to you"

"Can you respond with more than ten words"

"I can but I don't think I have to answer you"

[11 words]

"Please" he pleaded with the man

The man blinked again, then sighed and loosened his stance.

"Fine, I will explain this once so listen carefully. You are dead D E A D. You were run over by a truck after leaving drunkenly leaving a bar. This is heaven H E A V E N, you can think of it as a train stop for souls. In heaven, we use karma K A R M A. Which you can exchange for goods and services from the angels A N G E L or you can reincarnate."

Kageyama felt like he was being babied. The man spelled out every word very carefully like he was talking to a child.

"So how much Karma do I have?"

"A little over 10 million"

"Is that a lot?"

"Abnormally large for a human"

"Who are you anyway"

"Your karma manager, Gabriel"

[At least I know his name, wait isn't Gabriel an archangel?]

"Do I have to reincarnate"

"Not until you run out of karma"

"No tricks?"

Kageyama felt like this was a dream. He would finally be able to laze about. Nobody to tell him what to do and even more, he was rich!

He thought for a while

"Do you need any other questions answered?" Gabriel asked

"Uhhh no"

"Ok, Thus concludes your afterlife orientation if you need anything please ring this"

Gabriel handed Kageyama a stick with some bells on it(Suzu).

"What happens if I lose it" Kageyama asked

Gabriel looked exasperated

"You won't"

Then disappeared

After confirming that Gabriel was gone Kageyama looked around the luxurious room with a smile

[Now begins my happy afterlife!]