I’m Pretty, No?

[Pretty?] Kotori thought

Of course, Kotori understood Umi's weird obsession with her, but even still, she though Umi was acting quite weird right now.

Her face seemed flush and she seemed to be holding herself back

"Kotori-sama is just so cute right now" Her face was flushed.

[Is something wrong?]

Kotori used [Status]

Water Spirit (Umi)

Race: [Greater Spirit] Age: 0

HP: 19

Mana: 36

Agility: 20

Strength: 11

Defense: 14

Skills: [Water blade] [Mana Flow]

Traits: [Water Spirit Manifestation] [CHARMED](Temporary 1:59)

[I see] Kotori thought. Apparently since Umi had been watching Kotori had accidently charmed her.

[Do I splash cold water on her?] Kotori thought, Umi was a water spirit and honestly, that wouldn't make much sense.

[This troublesome spirit]

Kotori told Umi to go cooldown. The temporary nature of the charm condition led her to believe that with some time Umi would leave her alone.

"I can't leave you like this" Umi said her face turning down cast

"Not when you're so cute right now!"

"Umi you're under my Charm right now, it will pass please go cool off"

"I refuse!"

"Ehh?" Kotori was in shock at being so flatly refused.

The normal Umi was quite docile, but she was being rather assertive right now.

Umi's natural instincts took over slightly and she began to apologize

"I'm sorry Kotori-sama but I can't do that"

She was panting heavily

[I'm starting to feel like I'm in danger here… Where's the police?] Kotori thought slowly backing away from Umi.

Suddenly Umi charged Kotori like a wolf.

[Someone call 110!]

Kotori suddenly felt herself being swept up and put into a embrace. Her head was firmly place in between Umi's chest.

Kotori was not that small anymore she had grown quite a bit. She looked older than her age and she attributed that to the fact that mana was accelerating her growth. Despite that, she was still around the size 13-year-old.

She still found herself being held up as Umi ran around holding her saying


Umi was treat Kotori like a doll.

[Well, not like I can do much] Kotori decided to let Umi keep playing with her until their time was up. She had already collected enough Manatanium to make whatever weapon she wanted.

The time to meet up soon came and the charm effect eventually wore off on Umi.

Umi apologized profusely. Saying that her behavior was shameful and that she didn't know what came over her.

Kotori merely nodded. She didn't scold Umi that much since it was partially her fault Umi had gotten charmed.

Umi was a in a downcast mood and avoiding eye contact with Kotori and the other party members noticed.

"Umi is something wrong?" Amelie asked noticing Umi's mood. She had noticed Umi was trying to not look at Kotori

"No" Umi said trying to avoid the subject

"Kotori do you know anything?" Amelie asked

"Not really" Kotori said although she wasn't really mad at Umi she wanted to let Umi reflect on her actions a bit.

Even if Umi was charmed Kotori was sure that she should have the self-control to hold it down.

Kotori was sure that Umi was using the charm effect as an excuse to play with Kotori with no reservation.

"I see…" Amelie reading the mood dropped the issue.

** ** **

"HOW DID YOU GET SO MANY!" Winry scream as she looked into the large canvas sack that Kotori had handed her.

It was filled to the brim with small chunks of Mantanium

Winry was staring at the metal like it was a delicious meal

[Wait is she drooling?] Kotori thought

A small line of saliva was dripping from Winry's mouth

"Winry are you alright?" Kotori asked

Winry instantly changed her expression

"Ahem! Yes, I'm perfectly fine." Winry said hurriedly

[You say that but you're holding that bag like it's your firstborn child] Kotori noted while seeing Winry's grip on the sack of Manatanium

"You are going to make me a weapon right" Kotori said

"Of course!" Winry said starting to get defensive

"As a smith I would never steal materials a customer gave it would ruin my reputation!" Winry said

"It's just this is the most beautiful thing I've seen." She said stroking the bag and giving a lecherous gaze.

"Okay…" Kotori said

[This girl is really weird] Kotori thought while watching the scene.

Kotori trusted Winry to make the weapon she knew that Winry was an honest person even if she was acting very suspiciously right now.

"Give me three days! I'll make the best weapon ever seen on this world. A weapon to rival god" Winry said

[She seems very fired up] Kotori thought

[A weapon to rival god? We'll see about that]