Party chat

There almost seemed to be a collective sigh from Kotori's group as Gerard walked away.

Fawk who had spent his time chatting with the other party-goers seemed to be amused and walked over Kotori.

"Unpleasant man am I right?" He said smirking.

"Very unpleasant," Kotori said.

"He's the reason why I don't like dealing with Atlean merchants," Fawks said casually

[Mr. Gerard is from Atlea?] Kotori thought. Her already low impression of him fell even lower.

"By the way, he's a Sea Lord like me," Fawks added.

[That explains the attitude] Kotori thought

"He's quite troublesome to deal with. He leads the Atlean merchant faction and always tries to twist the system to hurt other merchants, He even deals with illicit goods as well." Fawks explained

[Is that what that smell was? And did he say Atlean merchant faction?] Kotori thought

"Like selling drugs?" Kotori asked

"He does?" Fawks asked.

[For once I know something Fawks doesn't know] Kotori thought-feeling smug in her heart

"He smelled slightly sweet," Kotori said.

Fawks frowned,

"What do you mean?"

Kotori explained the sequence of events from chasing the orphan to receiving the invitation from him. She deliberately left out the information about giving the orphan magic wheat to make sure Fawks didn't get mad at her.

"Hmm really?" Fawks said upon hearing the story

He palmed his chin pondering. For a moment, Fawks almost looked like an intellectual past his playboy look.

"Hey Kotori, how would you feel about taking out a crime syndicate," Fawks asked

"Eh?" Kotori said at the sudden proposal

"This information you gave me is pretty good stuff. I would've paid top dollar for it but you gave it to me for free!" Fawks said laughing

"Pay for it?" Kotori asked

"Don't you know to a merchant, information is the most powerful weapon?" Fawks said

Kotori internally grumbled.

"Well, now I've been wanting to take those Atlean merchants down a peg, knowing that Mr. Gerard is part of "that" industry makes it much easier." Fawks said

"Can you please explain from the beginning?" Kotori said

Kotori was having trouble following Fawks logic and his scheme was difficult for her to understand.

"Well, it seems our little Gerard is a part of some highly illegal activities. That sweet scent combined with the slum house you mention gives me the impression he's dealing in Sweet Leaf." Fawks said

"What's sweet leaf" Kotori asked.

"It's a drug that was banned years ago, It's highly addictive and also a powerful aphrodisiac," Fawks explained.

[That explains the women]

The women who were all following Gerard were quite beautiful, but when looking at them, one could see that their eyes were glazed over. As if they weren't quite "alive" or even aware of their surroundings. They didn't seem to do anything besides follow Gerard like ornaments.

"I seemed like you noticed as well," Fawks said

"So those women were drugged. It makes more sense" Kotori said.

Fawks gave a dry laugh.

"That Gerard likes to collect women like pieces of art. He keeps them docile with slave magic and drugs and eventually tosses them when he's bored. I'm sure he would've done the same to you if the slave collar went through."

Kotori gave Fawks a suspicious look.

"And so what? Don't you do the exact same thing"

Kotori had often seen Fawks bring home several women and keep around him for the night. It seemed like every week he had a new girl hanging on his arm.

"Please don't lump me with him," Fawks said giving a pained expression

"I enjoy the hunt, I don't make the sport of seducing women easier by resorting to silly things like slave collars or drugs," Fawks said puffing his chest in pride

[This guy is the enemy of women everywhere] Kotori thought, after hearing Fawks.

She started moving away from Fawks, no longer feeling safe around him. The rest of her party which consisted of women also gave him deadly glares.

"Wait! Don't leave me!" Fawks said.

"You are a disgusting man, I knew you were after my body the whole time," Kotori said

Fawks sighed

"Please don't be like that, if anything I want to protect you. You're my new business partner after all I can't let you fall into that Gerard's hands" he added.

Kotori looked at Fawks still not trusting him.

"You have a slave bracelet on me" He said noticing her expression and gesturing with his wrist.

[I guess he's right about that] Kotori thought

"So, what do you want me to do?" She asked him Fawks said he wanted to take down a criminal enterprise and was acting like Kotori was going to be the one to do it.

Fawks stopped Kotori holding his finger in a "shush" motion

"We're at a party my child, now's not the time to talk business. We can save it for another time. Please enjoy yourself." He said smiling

[All of this scheming and now you want to stop talking!] Kotori thought.

"Why is this party being held anyway and who's hosting it?" Kotori asked.

"Oh, this?" Fawks said

"This is a party held by some random noble for socializing. We hold it every month. It's nothing special really." He explains

[All this, just to SOCIALIZE!] Kotori thought

She was shocked. From the way, the party was being held she thought it was going to be some sort of important event instead it was simply just a small get-together.