
"Betrayal?" Kotori said

"Mr. Gerard knows about your… nightly activities. In fact, you can keep the boy and the girl we don't mind" Hatake said

[They know it was us?] Kotori thought

Hatake grinned, Kotori must've slipped in hiding her emotions

"Don't think we're not aware of what you and your merry gang are trying to accomplish" Hatake said.

[How much do they know!] Kotori was panicking internally but kept a poker face to avoid giving information away.

"Mr. Gerard is a generous man; he thinks there has just been a misunderstanding. To make it up to you he's even willing to buy your wheat at 15 times the normal market prices"

[15 times! How is he possibly going to make money on that?] Kotori thought

"That just doesn't make sense," Kotori said

"Mr. Gerard said it was an exquisite product and he wishes to buy all your wheat for that price" Hatake explained

Kotori could read between the lines and realized that Mr. Gerard wasn't trying to buy Kotori's wheat to sell it.

[He's trying to buy me off!] Kotori thought

Mr. Gerard was trying to bribe Kotori. This tactic might've worked when she was just entering the city and selling her wheat, but at this point, Kotori quite liked Fawks as a person and had no intentions of betraying him.

"All you have to do is supply us some… Information" Hatake said

Kotori almost sighed in relief. If Mr. Gerard was asking her for information, it meant that their scheme was safe. From Mr. Gerard's perspective, he might know that something was going on, but he likely couldn't pinpoint what exactly was happening. Which is why he was trying to use outside actors like Kotori to mess up the Eris merchant plans.

"If Mr. Gerard wants to discuss such sensitive matters he's going to have to come in person and not send in some grunt," Kotori said haughtily

Kotori deliberately insulted Hatake by calling him a "grunt" to try and agitate him. If he did something to displease her, she would have an easier time rejecting the offer.

Hatake only laughed

"I assume you don't know who I am," He said

"Why should I?" Kotori said feigning arrogance

"I am Hatake Dawn, a rook of the king. Do you know what that means?"

"Of course," Kotori said

[I can see it on your damn [Status] page!] Kotori thought

"That doesn't explain why you are working for Atlean merchants" Kotori retorted

Hatake winced

"Cmon, a guy's gotta make some extra cash when he can right? Besides, Mr. Gerard has very deep pockets" Hatake said putting extra emphasis on the "deep"

[Still, trying to buy me off? This guy sure is persistent] Kotori thought

"I'm still going to have to respectfully decline," Kotori said

Hatake sighed,

"Looks like the carrot didn't work," he said

"Time for the stick," He said his face hardening

Kotori tensed expecting a fight, but Hatake only leaned back into his chair.

"Mr. Gerard knows who you are. You're a wanted criminal, You and that half-elf girl, one tip-off, and the kingdom will be hunting you down again. Give us information or live a life on the run again. Your choice." Hatake said

"Tch," Kotori said.

She shouldn't have brought Amelie to the party. Even though Amelie's ears were covered it makes sense that Mr. Gerard would still do a background check on everybody she brought to the party. Even so, hiding Amelie probably would've only delayed the inevitable if a person like Mr. Gerard was trying to find their identities.

This whole criminal thing had been haunting them the entire time they were in this city. Frankly, Kotori was tired of being chased. She was done with this game of cat and mouse. Kotori decided to take a stand.

"Sorry, but that still won't sway me"

"Oh?" Hatake said

"Are you prepared to deal with the consequences of this? What about your companions, won't they be displeased with you?" He said

"I don't care, get out," Kotori said coldly.

In truth, if their scheme with Fawks worked it would be much harder for the kingdom to operate in Flare. With Eris merchants in charge, they could deny requests from the kingdom for extradition.

Hatake shrugged his shoulders as if saying "your funeral"

"The next time we meet will likely be on the battlefield,"

Hatake was a rook after all, once the kingdom gave the order, he would likely hunt Kotori down. For now, he was likely restraining himself on account of working for Mr. Gerard.

"I advise running," He said as if he was trying to be helpful

Kotori scoffed

"I would say the same to you."

Hatake gave a deep barrel-chested laugh, despite looking like he was quite calm it looked like a vein was bulging on his head.

"My! Do you amuse me, I hope you don't regret those words, little girl!"

Hatake exited the room slamming the door behind him as he left. Despite being, such an imposing figure it seemed like Kotori had still struck a chord with him.

Kotori sat in the now quiet meeting room recomposing herself. She looked at the door that Hatake had slammed shut. The sturdy wooden door now had fractures on it and was barely hanging on its hinges.

[What an annoying man] She thought.