To Bluemill.

"Damn it! Almost got my first mlif!!" Connor is annoyed that he lost the match.

"Hahahaha...I heard you!" Said Lydia while laughing.

Shit! I said that out loud.

"Don't worry Connor-sama, even if Lydia refused you, You can use me as you wish." Said Alice with a squirm and blush.

"NO!" Said Connor with an emotionless face.

"Oh well, As you wish Connor-sama. Then could I order Lydia to accept?"

"Please don't! I don't want it without her consent."

"I... I don't mind if it was Lady Alice's order." Said Lydia with a blush.

"Also, it's not like I can refuse an order from the hero himself as well."

"I mind it ok? Even so, what's your deal Alice? offering yourself and your bodyguard to a man you just met as if it was nothing?! should we be worried about your mental health?" Said Connor with a serious expression while looking at Alice.

"Connor-sama is the hero, he is no man I just met! What's wrong with offering ourselves to the hero??" Although Alice could see that Connor was angry, she felt like didn't do anything wrong.

"A lot of things!!" Connor exclaimed with a hint of anger. He felt that women should have enough self-respect to not do such a thing so blatantly.

Lydia noticed that things were starting to heat up, so she intervened.

"Wait you two, I think that Connor-sama doesn't understand his own self-importance as the hero. We should Probably explain to him the importance of the hero to him in detail."

Lydia then started explaining what "the hero" is.

The hero is a person who can emerge from any race, personality, gender, or belief.

He can be a villain, a savior, or anything.

The most important part is that his actions will inevitably have to align with saving the world in the end, no matter how insane his actions are.

Nobody knows who he truly is, he just comes and goes when the world is in danger.

He is the fragile balance between chaos and order. His will is intertwined with the fate of the mortal realm.

All religions in the world that venerate any and all gods say this and deem anyone who dares to oppose the hero a heretic.

In the past, the previous hero wanted to take a certain orc warrior with him on a quest, but the orc queen refused to let that warrior go, and as a result, the hero failed, and as a result, the fate of the mortal plane was thrown into chaos, leading to the inevitable doom of the plane.

The orc god tried everything he could to fix the fate and found that the only way was to take away the intelligence and physical appearance of the race he created, making them look like giant, ugly, pigs. He had to take all of the accumulated power and his own lifeforce to barely keep the previous hero alive.

"So no one in their right mind will oppose you unless they seek the end of the world." Lydia finished her explanation.

"What are you for real?"

"yes, that's how it works, you will see when we reach the town!" Connor could see that Lydia is very serious about it.

This information was a bit too much for him, so he did not believe it at first.

"Are both of you serious?!"

"Yes, we are, Connor-sama!" They both replied at the same time.

When Connor heard that they were being very serious, He was a bit scared, although he did some eccentric things as a YouTuber, nothing has ever come close to having a universe's fate on his shoulders, and still needed some time to think things out.

"I don't know how to feel about this, but I'm not gonna think about it for now."

He walked to a log that he set up in the corner and sat down with a look of contemplation on his face.

After a while, Lydia went up and asked Connor to check his and her stats to see if they Leveled up any skills.

Apparently, you can't increase your level without killing, but you can still increase your skill level or get new skills if you haven't reached your limit.

Name Connor. Level: 02

Social stats: The master of the Von Eric family.

Class: Hero seed.

Titles: Toxic Gamer, Another world traveler, Tamer.

Health: 38/44.

Mana: 38/140.

Stamina: 8/17.

Strength: 10 , Dexterity: 14 , Speed: 17 , Magic: 16 , Luck: 5

Constitution: 15 , Wisdom: 12 , intelligence: 20 , charisma: 14 , Will: 18


[Martial arts: Level 4],[Mace Arts: Level 1], [Throwing: Level 1] [Fire Magic: Level 2], [Water Magic: Level 2], [Wind Magic: Level 2], [Earth Magic: Level 5], [Lightning Magic: Level 1], [Healing Magic: Level 1], [Light Magic: Level 2], [Dark Magic: Level 2], [Pure Magic: Level 1], [Enchanting Magic: Level 7], [Sound Magic: Level 2],[Magic Control: Level 4].

[Appraisal: Level 8], [Taming: Level 2], [Shapeshift: Level 1].

Blessings from the god of creation:

[Plot armor: Level 1], [Destruction: Level 3], [HeAw%=DeLoAw%: Level Unknown].

What?! I leveled a lot, isn't that way too fast?!

He asked Alice this and she said that it was because he is the hero.

Lydia didn't level any skills, nor get any new ones, so I guess it is true.

At that time Alva returned from the forest bringing with her some firewood.

"Ara Ara, are you chatting without me?"

"Hey Alva-san, I want to ask you a question, is that alright?" Said Connor while looking serious.

"Why are you trying to lay ground first, just ask me??" Alva is a little bit worried about what Connor is wanting.

"How do I get you to spend a night with me?" Said Connor with a straight face.

Alva facepalmed as she heard his question, but she still replied.

"I'm not interested in men, not even a little bit. But if there is another woman in the action I will consider it and if she agrees to play with me I'm game." Alva's expressions changed from a disinterested face when she was talking about men, into a red face when she was talking about women.

Connor realized that and thought to himself, Ahhh, she is into that…

"What does she mean by a woman playing with her??" Alice asked Lydia with a face of pure innocence.

"You don't need to know!" Lydia answers at the spot.

Alice turned toward Alva and said.

"I don't know what you mean but if I were to be your - Playing partner- will you accept Connor-sama's proposal?"

As soon as she heard that, it was like something went off in her brain. Her nose starts to bleed and she walks in front of Alice with the look of a pure predator.

But Connor stopped her.

"What do you think you are doing in the middle of the day?!"

"Ahh Connor-sama, let me go Lady Alice is wanting me Ahh, Ahhh."

"Stop wiggling like a fish, look at Lydia, do you still want to go?!" Said Connor while holding the wiggling Alva from her waist.

Alva then looked at Lydia.

Lydia has already drawn her mace and shield she also put on her helmet. She is ready to smash Alva into pieces.

As soon as Alva saw her she stopped moving and her expression became pale.

"Still horny?" Connor asked Alva.

"No I'm completely dry" She replied in an upset voice, and Connor lets her go.

"Lydia, we are close to the Bluemill town, should we stop there to replenish our supply?" Alice asked, trying to break the ice.

"We are already that close?"

"Yes, we can reach it by dusk if we started moving now and didn't stop in the way."

"How come that you know the way but your guard doesn't, Alice?" Connor asked Alice.

And as they were preparing to go, Alice told Connor a story that happened ten years ago.

At that time a golden dragon came to her father's domain in order to negotiate business.

The dragon's name was Kinryuu, he had golden scales, four limbs, two manta rays Like wings, and long whiskers coming from under his nose. He is about 30 feet high and 60 feet long from head to tail.

All dragons can transform into a humanoid form, and Kinryuu's human form is that of an old man with white hair and a long beard, Glowing golden eyes, and a hint of golden scales spread throughout his body.

He wanted to negotiate selling maps and weekly weather forecasts to the Lord- Who is Alen Von Eric, Alice's father-, but negotiations weren't going well since his price was just too high.

Then Alice who was still a little girl barged into the meeting room looking for the-Shiny big flying lizard-, After she saw it, she ran up to the dragon, tripping on the way. Alice then asked Kinryuu.

"You, the Shiny big flying lizard, can I ride on your back?" With a cute demeanor, she pointed at the giant dragon and spoke with smugness.

Everyone's face went pale.

Dragons are prideful creatures, So calling them lizards is the biggest insult ever. They do, however, on rare occasions let someone ride them, but those people are either very strong or have a rather huge status in the mortal plane.

Kinryuu put his hand on Alice's head.

She is dead, everyone thought.

"Hoho, who is this cute little girl, are you Lord's Alen daughter, you look similar!" Said Kinryuu as he was patting Alice's head.

"Yes, can you give me a ride?" Alice asked in excitement.

"Sorry Alice-chan, I can't do that!" Kinryuu replied while shaking his head.

"Why?" Alice is sad.

"Well you see, your father here is just refusing my offer so I can't stay here for long. Therefore this Shiny lizard can't give you a ride."

You fucking old bastard, using Alice to turn the table to your side, where has your pride as a dragon gone?! Lord Alen cursed in his mind.

Alice started crying and saying that she wants to ride the lizard.

In the end, Lord Alen had to accept Kinryuu's terms for Alice's sake.

Also, the fact that his daughter is riding a gold dragon will bring her great prestige to him and there won't be that many fools who will try hurting her for the fear of the dragon's rage.

So that is what makes it worth the huge sum of money paid to Kinryuu.

After that Kinryuu started taking Alice on rides every couple of months.

That is why Alice knows the area very well.

From then on, Alice has been called the dragon princess.

By the time she finished her story, they reached the Bluemill town, it was a walled and small town.

When they reached the gate, the guard stopped the carriage for inspection, but as soon as they saw Alice's face they apologized and gave them a permit for entry.

At the time Connor was with Alva in the driver seat and she was teaching him how to handle driving the carriage so the guards thought he was just their driver.

As soon as they got close to the town plaza they heard a man scream in agony.

Connor started driving faster toward the voice.

As they entered the plaza they saw a huge crowd watching an execution.

Someone is getting burned on a wooden pole.

He was a dwarf with brown hair and a thick beard, he had a red tattoo that spread from his face to his left arm.

As Connor saw this scene his eyes opened wide and he fell silent for a moment.

"Ahh, shit, and execution as soon as we ent…" Alva was interrupted with the feeling of cold sweat running down her back.

Lydia also felt the same. She takes a look at Alice to find her praying.

"May your will reign supreme, erase all who disobey, and I, your humble servant shall follow."

The carriage shook violently as Connor jumped from the driver's seat.

"Connor-sama!!" Alva screamed.

"Alva, you go find us an -appraisal orb- use the Von Eric name as needed, I and Lydia will follow Connor-sama," Alice shouted from inside the carriage

Alva jumped from the driver's seat and started running toward the merchant district.

Alice jumped from the carriage alongside Lydia.

"We are helping Connor-sama!" Alice said.

"Shouldn't we be stopping him from interrupting the execution rather than helping him!?" Lydia voiced her opinion.

As she heard this Alice turned toward Lydia with a murderous face.

"You said what!?" Alice is angry.

"But my Lady!" Lydia tried to speak, but Alice stopped her by holding her from the neck.

"No buts, This is the hero's will and we shall follow no matter what. This time I will forgive your remark, but if I failed in my first job as the hero's holy maiden because of you wasting my time here your punishment won't be painless."

Alice took off her shoes and started running barefoot towards the execution.

Lydia is tailing right behind her.

You are burning no one in front of me, death by burning is just not right. Connor was disgusted by the sight of deaths by burning.

Also, this dwarf looks so cool, he is probably important to the plot.

[Martial Arts],[Enchantment Magic],[Air Magic].

Connor jumped over the crowd and landed on top of a guard who was holding a halberd.

He took the halberd from the unconsciousness guard and then extended his arm toward the fire, [Water Magic: Water ball].

A ball of water shoots from Connor's hand and extinguishes the fire.

At that moment, three guards try to strike Connor with their swords simultaneously. But he dodges.

[Air Magic: Shockwave], A shockwave erupted from Connor sending the guards flying.

Connor then used the halberd to deliver a heavy hit to the pole and cut it just beneath the dwarf's feet.

He then caught the falling pole with the dwarf tied to it.

"Ahhh it's hot, it's hot!" Connor screamed as the hot embers were still on the pole.

[Water Magic]

He used water magic to cool down his hands.

After that, he checks the half charred dwarf.

"Good he is still breathing," Connor said in relief.

[Healing Magic]

As Connor started healing the dwarf, The priestess who was overseeing the execution approached him.

"Who are you? By what name do you dare interrupt this holy ritual?" She asked with anger.

"It is a human right to not get burned on a goddamned stick!" Connor replied.

"I don't know what you speak about but he is a dwarf, not a human, aren't you the one mistaken here!?" The priestess replied to Connor.

"Let me rephrase it, not just human, any living being!"

"Seems like we can't reach an agreement! guards surround him!!" The priestess spoke, and per her order the guards surrounded Connor.

"Stop! Stop!" Alice stopped them.

Alice was breathing heavily from running.

"Sister Alice, are you with this man? explain yourself!!" The priestess spoke.

"Mary… sensei...don't…." Alice is short of breath and exhausted, she can barely speak.

"Alice, rest a bit before speaking." As Alice heard Connor's words she sat on the ground resting.

"Sister Alice, why are you heading this man's orders? speak or you will be punished for helping a heretic!" The priestess is extending her hand toward Alice.

A mace smashed in the ground between Alice and the priestess.

"The order was that she rest, you shall not interrupt her!" Lydia declared.

"Move, let me pass!!" Alva is trying to pass through the crowd.

Soon she reached the execution stage and handed the orb to Alice.

Alice held the orb in her hand and charged it with as much mana as she can, so the image will be as big as it can be.


Alice's stats showed on a board big enough that everyone present at the plaza could see it.

The priestess's eyes opened wide as she saw it, The hero's Holy Maiden.

"The holy maiden! Are you saying that a hero has appeared and he has chosen you as his servant?! Did he send the four of you here? where is he now?" The priestess is confused.

"He is right there." Alice turned toward Connor.

The priestess also turned their heads toward him as did the whole crowd of people who were watching.

"Hello my name is Connor and I'm the hero, nice to meet you!"