
"Excuse me?!" Lydia replied.

"How is work going? Is guarding Alice going smoothly?" Said Connor while putting his back to the hot tub wall.

"It's going okay, I think?" Lydia is visibly confused about what Connor is talking about right now.

"Anyways what's going inside your head? Is this a place to talk about work?" Lydia asked with a pout.

That face doesn't look right on her ripped body!!! Connor screamed inside his head.

"Well doesn't soaking in hot water make you want to talk business?"

"Your right, I guess when you relax you tend to start thinking" she replied with a faint smile.

"So what is your business here? you just entered to try seducing me as per Alva's advice or have something else in mind?" Connor was just joking.

"Actually there is another reason!"

Wait! what! She had something else in mind? I was just joking to be honest!

"I wanted to wash before we go at -it-, the armor is extremely hot inside and it makes me all sweaty!"

"Go at what?" Connor asked.

"You were the one who wanted to do it first, weren't you? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and accept you now rather than waiting for you to get stronger."

Hell Yeah! but it seems like she wants to have early access to me. Never mind I'm getting it now, YES!!!.

"But won't the other two know?" Connor asked with a worried face.

"Don't worry about them. Alva already knows and she will take care of Alice. Also, their rooms are on the opposite side of the building, so they definitely won't hear us!"

Lydia then hit Connor on his back, the hit was strong enough that he started coughing!

"Prepare yourself and pray that your stamina will last, I still don't think you are strong enough to keep up with me!" Lydia said while rubbing Connor's belly.

"Look who's talking, you're still a virgin!" Connor tried grabbing Lydia's ass but as soon as he did, his expression went pale.

It's hard as steel, it felt as if he touched a statue.

Lydia slowly hugged Connor, they are so close their nose could touch.

"Please don't break on me."She said with a face that screams -absolute predator-.

Connor was terrified and the only thought he had was. 'I hope my hips won't break!'.

After they finished the bath they went to have dinner, Alice and Alva were waiting at the table.

"You're late, the food will get cold. What were you doing?" Alva is teasing them.

Lydia doesn't know how to respond, she can't say that they were bathing together while Alice is here.

"She was showing me her training methods, I need to get stronger after all!" Connor replied as he patted Lydia on her back.

Alice's face changed from a face of doubt to a blushing one.

"If you say so, I will take it as what happened." Alice just spoke from behind Alva.

I have a bad feeling about this, did she know?

Let's eat, I guess I will have a long night ahead of me! It's been a long time since I had a proper meal on a table.

The food was simple.

Just some bread, soup, and grilled meat there is something that looks like a salad but Connor wasn't able to recognize the plants in the dish. For the drinks there some ale, wine, and of course water.

After they finished Connor went to his room.

Just as he reached the door.

Ahh, where is Lydia didn't she say that we are going to do it tonight?

As I was thinking of this, the bedroom door suddenly swung open from the inside, and a great strength pulled me inside.


Immediately I casted [Enchantment magic],[Martial arts] and gathered magic to cast [Earth magic: earth bullet] but a hand crushed my spell before it finished firing. My wrists are held back and my entire body is pressed against the door.

It's over!

Thinking that. I suddenly noticed who my opponent really is.

"... Oh, it's Lydia."

No wonder nothing worked, I am already in her range!.

As I took a peek at her, she was in her nightgown holding down my wrists.

"S-say, can we start…"

Her eyes bloodshot, her face red, and her breaths heavy, she looks angry. Did something bad happen? I have to be careful with my word, she could definitely crush my head before I could cast any spell.

On the other side of the inn at the same time.

Alice was chatting with Alva with a smile on her face, but soon enough that smile turned into an emotionless face with murderous intent flowing from her as she reached to the closet knife on the table while looking in the direction of Connor's room.

In Connors room.

"We can start already, right?" Lydia is breathing heavily.

What are you? Are you a 30 years old NEET who is going to do it for the first time?

"Ahh yes, let's start slowly. A little foreplay, a.. and a nice talk to set the mood!" I tried to calm the horny Lydia.

"I don't care about that. I can't wait any longer!"

What longer? is she trying to push ten years of frustration on m…, before I could think I felt an armbar against my shoulders, and I was kissed. BAM our teeth slammed into each other, and the pain spreads throughout my body.

I want to retreat, but the door blocks my path, Lydia forces herself all over my face.


Lydia puts her arm around my waist and starts dragging me over. By the time I regain consciousness, I'm already on the bed. What is this, she is out of control!

"Hey, can you slow down a little?"

Lydia's breaths are rough, not of anger, but of an animalistic passion.

Violent passion pursued like this. No, I'm actually really happy.

Two bodies so close together, little Connor has already become like that, at least the body is honest.

Wait, isn't this backward? Aren't our roles reversed?

Lydia pressed me down as she looked at me with her red face. Her thighs clamp my legs firmly in place, both my hands squeezed, unable to move. With her nose she presses against my chest and begins to breathe in deeply, like a dog, do I smell?

I'm not getting dominated this easily, I need to push her away from me.

My skills are still active, I will fight back.

I used my right hand to catch her hair. and put my left arm under her right armpit, using all my strength trying to flip her, she is still not budging and still breathing into my chest.

I changed my grip from her hair to her face, and my left hand to under the right side of her chest. she moved a little, I tried using my legs to flip her. She is still resisting, like how Lydia? I'm using two skills at the same time and you are still beating me with your raw power, are you even still a human?

But thanks to that little movement I managed to get my knee in between your two steel mountains.

I whispered into Lydia's ear

"You don't mind me being rough against you right?"

[Lightning magic: taser to the pink flower].

As soon as the electric charge hit Lydia, her legs weakened as she moaned.

Connor used that opening to push himself away from Lydia.

he rolled out of the bed violently and hit the ground.

"Ahh… what? running already?"

"What are you talking about? I'm just going to take my clothes off, you should too. I'm going to hammer you down!" Connor said while taking off his shirt.

Lydia didn't even need to take her nightgown, she just tore it in half with one hand.

"I like that thing you did just now, can you use it again?"

Are you a bear or something? When did taking a taser to your private part feel good?

"Just don't start crying! I'm going in with full force, you shall not walk tomorrow!!"

Electricity started zapping from Connor's drill, as he walked toward Lydia with a look on his face. -the face of a warrior going into a losing battle with the intent of dying while trying-.

It's WrestleMania.

On the other side of the inn.

The scary look on Alice's face slowly faded away as she thought to herself -as long as you are consent, it's not my place to speak-

"Alice-sama are you alright?" Said Alva with her hand still on her sword.

"Nothing, it's alright," Alice responded as she put the knife down on the table.

Alice's smile returned to her face.

She leaned back on her chair.

I have another thing to worry about.

"Alva tells the old lady to brew some tea and bring it to my room, and tell her that Alice has a complaint, you come with her two."

A few minutes later in Alice's room.

Alice is sitting on her chair drinking tea while facing Ana the old lady.

"If you speak first I'm not going to pursue the matter more since it is considered a minor offense, but remember the punishment can range from closing your establishment to prison."

Ana started sweating.

"I don't know what you are talking about, aren't you mistaken?" Ana is trying to play dumb.

"Your whole 'family' will be held guilty, you know?"

As soon as Ana heard this, her expression changed.

"I hid them! my daughters. I feared the hero would lay his hand on them. please spare them the punishment." Ana started apologizing as she dropped her head to the ground.

Alice was thinking.

It's not that I'm angry or offended, but trying to hide items or people when an authority is visiting can be seen as an attempt to hide stolen items, drugs, and even illegal slaves. it is considered a minor offense since it doesn't directly indicate something bad, but some nobles can see it as a chance to gain blackmail material on the offender. So it's bad to get suspected with it from the start.

"Tomorrow I will be the one to tell Connor-sama about this, I will try to get you out of this situation without any problem but be prepared to apologize tomorrow morning alongside your husband and daughters."

As she heard this Ana lifted her head, her face had a look of relief.

"Just in case, if you are hiding anything illegal you better tell me now! if by any chance you are lying to me now and I got into trouble with the hero or the king because of you!"

Alice stood from her chair and walked toward Ana, she lifted her head from her hair.

Alice's face is directly in front of Anas's.

"You and your husband will spend the rest of your life in prison while your daughters will serve me as slaves and spend the rest of their life in suffering." Alice's hand is slowly creeping toward Ana's neck.

"S...sorry I had an amount of aphrodisiac, a..and I put some of it in the strong woman food at the request of your servant behind me!" An unexpected confession came out of Ana's mouth.

As she heard this, Alice was struck dumb for a moment before turning toward Alva.

Alva started sweating buckets.

"Ana-san you will only answer for hiding your daughters, Alva here will take full responsibility for the aphrodisiac matter, now get out of this room!"

Ana exited the room as fast as she could, her husband was listening from the outside.

"Honey, what is this matter of aphrodisiac?" Lim asked his wife.

"Move my love, we are better off not hearing their conversation! I will explain to you later."

The old couple power-walked through the hallway.

Alice sat back on her chair looking at Alva.

"Alice-sama I can explain!"

"Why do you even need to do that, Isn't Lydia active enough on her own?"


I can't tell her that I tried pushing them together so I can have her all for myself.

"Doesn't matter, tomorrow apologize to both of them if they both forgive you, you're getting away with only ten lashes, if Lydia and Connor-sama didn't you're getting lashes every night until he forgives you."

Lydia is dangerous enough alone, and now adding aphrodisiac to it. I hope she doesn't leave any lasting injury on Connor-sama be it physical or mental.

Alva's face paled looking at Alice's smile.

"No way…"

"You better prepare some cream for your rear, either way, I'm tanning your hide tomorrow."

Next day at dawn.

When I woke up, I immediately looked for Lydia. I immediately found her. Right before my eyes, Lydia resting peacefully right before me.


I let out a sigh of relief and reflected on last night.

I ended up really enjoying myself last night. Skill-wise I held the advantage since I came from the modern age, and I dominated the first quarter. -Like I'd lose to Lydia- I was thinking, so I tried my best. but in the end, that small amount of skill was not enough.

It's a difference in stamina. Lydia has seemingly infinite stamina. What can I say? I can't beat her…

Once exhaustion finally got to me, she violated me to her heart's content. -I'm sorry dear, this person has made me her plaything-... that sort of feeling.

I can't become a bride anymore.

Yet when she's asleep like this, Lydia looks strangely adorable. Even though she was so wild last night.

I squirm a bit to touch Lydia's tummy.

It's made of steel, no fat. What I was expecting? there are only heavily compressed layers of muscles.

Not just the muscles, my hand reached upward, toward those mounts clearly marked even under the blanket. Last night I was groped but never groped…


Incredible! Those foundations! Pectoralis muscles! How firm, how muscular, simply wonderful.



In my daze, Lydia and I suddenly caught each other. who knows how long she's been staring at me, rubbing her all by myself.

"You seem to still have some energy in you."

Lydia grabbed my hand.

"Let's talk it out."


Lydia did not let go of my hand, rather, she turned around and pushed herself all over me, natural instincts in her eyes.

So she is not angry, rubbing her chest in the morning just relights her passions. If it was me, waking up to ecchi stuff, I would want it too.

Men and women are different, but Lydia is an exception. O-okay, let's do this. Lydia can be my appetizer for breakfast!

"B-be gentle, it's morning already. Even last night you were...Kya~!~"

Connor was blushing slightly and was a bit shy, and then was ravaged a second time.