Chronicles of the holy beast 001: Rough start!

It's Cold!

The strong wind had dropped our nest!

Mother is out gathering food.

It's hurt! It's hurt!

I'm freezing! My two siblings aren't moving, they fell a bit further than me.

Mother, please come back!

I feel sleepy, I want to close my eyes for a moment.



What is this? It's noisy, how long have I been sleeping?

Thump! Thump!

It's warm! I want to sleep more.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked above me.

Thump! Thump!

I saw a big black thing! It was round, no! It looked more like the eggs I saw in bird nests.

Where did I hear this sound before?

It feels familiar!

Thump! Thump!

Yeah! I heard it when my mother was feeding me.

That made me remember, It looked like I slept for some time but my mother never returned.

What about my sibling?

I looked to where they were laying. They disappeared! but there is some dry blood there.

They were eaten, mother always kept an eye for predators.

Why was I spared? If they got my sibling, why was I left unharmed?

I looked above me, this thing that is floating here! is it the reason?

I was under it, right? no, it appeared above me!

My stomach growls, I haven't drunk mother milk in a while.

She isn't returning! I need to eat something.

Yes! those round things mother used to eat, probably I could eat them too!

But where could I find them?

Thump! Thump!

This thing keeps making that noise, It's comforting!

Warm, comforting, and safe from predators. I should make a nest here.

I will look around for food. maybe get some sticks and leaves to build a nest under the comforting thing.

A few days have passed.

I built a nest! It's messy but keeps the chilly wind away at least.

The comforting thing hasn't changed. it still makes the place warm.

Good news! I managed to find some food hidden in holes around the place! They smelled like my mother so I'm guessing she hid them for something. Sadly I never saw my mother again.

Predators never bothered me that much, to be more precise they always stopped chasing me when I ran back to the comforting thing! I would never have survived without it.

Even more, days have passed.

The air got even Colder, white stuff started falling from the sky.

The comforting thing grew larger! It used to be as high from the ground as mother standing, now it's almost touching it!

I had to rebuild my nest around its base in the middle of the cold.

It protects me and warms me, so I'm not upset!

Mother has surprisingly a large amount of food stored around here!

I should be able to survive without the need to venture further for food!

The cold white days have passed.

Mother probably was accounting for all our family when she gathered the food she stored, I still have plenty! I'm grateful that even if you're not with me anymore, you still help me!

I thought that I should walk in her footsteps and gather food in case the cold days returned.

As I was out gathering food I met another one like me!

At first, he was watching from afar, but didn't get close. I started to get curious but never attempted to contact him.

One day he got close to me and started doing funny movements! I didn't understand so I ignored him.

He started following me around, so I felt threatened and started running toward the comforting thing. He chased after me for a while but eventually stopped, I wound what he wanted? I will never know since I didn't see him again!

I have more food than I will ever need so I started storing it under the comforting thing!

I was attacked by a predator when I was gathering food.

What was that thing? it was bigger than me, probably one bite will end my life. It walked on four legs, had a long mouth and its fur was the same color as dying leaves.

I managed to run from it by jumping from one tree to another but he chased me to the comforting thing.

After that, he kept waiting for me to get away from the comforting thing.

I had enough food under the comforting thing so I didn't move for days.

The predator finally charged my nest!

I thought predators can't get closer to the comforting thing! I was wrong!!

I climbed on top of the comforting thing to escape. The predator destroyed my nest as he pumped onto it.

I can't fight this thing! I will die!

I need to run! I need to live!

I want to live! Mother help me! No, she isn't here anymore, my siblings are dead! if she was able to save me she would have done it to my sibling first!

The comforting thing protected me when I needed it, I can't let this vile predator hurt it!


It destroyed the nest that I worked hard to build!


My sibling died from a predator!

Fight! Never give up!

If I turn my back to him and run I will be eaten!

Fight! Persist!

The predator tried climbing the comforting thing to catch me.

Don't lay your vile claws on the comforting thing, you dirty predator!

I screeched at him as loud as I could! I readied my tiny claws to fight for my life and the comforting thing.

The predator slipped as he was climbing the comforting thing scratching it, I was enraged.

The sound coming from the comforting thing became louder!

Thump! Thump!


The next thing I saw was a bright light coming from the comforting thing.

The predator was sent flying and crashed into the trees, he died instantly.

Nothing happened to me, I was fine! What is this? Did the comforting thing protect me again?

I'm happy! I will never leave the comforting thing!

The days passed after that and I wasn't attacked again.

I did rebuild my nest but this time I used more sticks! Why? because the part in my old nest that was made of sticks didn't get as damaged as the ones built with leaves!

More days have passed, something bad happened! The comforting thing just got shattered.