It's been two hours since the collapse, the hero didn't do anything after that which is keeping me at the edge. When will he strike again? Is it really a hero doing this? I expected someone more straightforward to be called a hero.
Vanessa kept pondering on what happened, how can we survive? no matter how much we check the walls or look for him, there is just no trace, only our footsteps!
Should we just surrender? No, even if we surrender he will not spare us. Our only way is to win or die trying, we already picked a fight with him so it's late to back down.
I still have the death knight, that might be the reason why the hero didn't attack us directly! That means we have a chance of killing him.
Right now we are still looking for the hero, but to be honest I think we are sitting duck right now! The moment we drop our guards he will strike again.
As Connor walked with them as Yan, he was setting plans alongside Ariel on how to strike next.
{Notice: Everybody here seems to either have natural darkvision or have goggles to help with that! I don't know if [Dark magic] can blind them or not!}
I say it won't since they can see in the darkness. We can try to take the goggles wearing ones first, they are easier to deal with!
{Notice: You have a point, no matter how strong they are, a sneak strike to a vital organ will be easier as goggles can restrict your vision!}
A hit from a blind spot? That will certainly be easier to pull off with magic! I'm still not a fan of killing them though!
{Notice: It's either kill or be killed! the moment you show your face they will go to your throat! Don't underestimate assassins. their work always contains death, be it their target or their companion, whenever they go out to work at least one person will die. Who knows how much blood is on their hands?}
If you kill a killer then the number of killers in the world won't change!
{Notice: If you killed 20 killers then the number of killers will be reduced by 19}
I hate logic! but it's a fact that they are here for my head, if I run away they can attack us like last time in Bluemill, Alice almost died that time, Lydia died in the earthquake!
{Notice: That's right, killing them here will prevent further suffering on your part, it will spare your companion and family from further misfortune!}
Can we at least give them a quick, painless death?
{Notice: That's the goal, the faster they die the less complication they can cause us!}
I feel like we have different motives but as long as they won't suffer I'm game.
Far far away, in a dimly lighted room, a skeleton overlord was sitting on his throne. Unknown to life, Walking husk that only his will has kept him moving.
Approaching the throne is a man with slightly rotten flesh. A zombie he might be, but he seems to have a deathly aura around him that speaks otherwise.
"Lord Xaviin, Our undead army is ready at your command! Please give your order and we will trample Eric city!"
"Alice, the dragon princess and recently the holy maiden. She has reached the city, hasn't she? Were there any signs that the Lord of thunder Kinryuu will interfere?" Lord Xaviin spoke in a monotone voice as if speaking to himself.
"We didn't detect any signs of that! The lord of thunder only cares about Alice's life, so as long as we avoid hurting her he as a dragon won't interfere with plans!" The zombie man replied.
"You are my most trusted strategist so I trust your decisions but I am still worried that he will show up!" Xaviin said.
"Right, Even with All our forces combined we still can't hope to even give him a decent workout!" The man replied.
"We are facing the probability of two lords Interfering, Kinryuu the lord of thunder in the case we hurt Alice and the tempest lord the wind devil!"
"The wind devil?" The man said in confusion.
As Xaviin saw the look on his subordinate's face he decided to explain what he could to him.
A few hundred years ago, The undeath lord and the tempest lord joined hands in an attempt to conquer the continent. preparing their armies for years until the promised day when they launched their attack.
Everything worked fine in the first month, it looked as if the continent was already in their hands until they attacked that cursed village.
"A cursed village?" The man asked.
There were words that a devil was born there, even for me to hear that humans gave birth to a devil that was something that gave me chills. The village raised the child, never caring about him being a devil, his parents accepted him as he is. but on the day the village was attacked all of what that child cared about was burned in front of him, he lost his entire family and the whole village. Consumed by rage the child took a spear from one of the dead soldiers and jumped straight into the lord's army.
They laughed, it's just a child with a mundane spear. For the commander in that area, it wasn't even worth reporting, just one soldier can kill the kid and be done with it.
The first day passed and the child is still very much alive and still killing the soldiers.
"The fuck? Gang upon him! He has already killed more than ten of us!!" The commander was stunned, that was an army of trained soldiers, and there are tens of thousands of them, and they can't kill a single kid? This needs to be reported, but the answer he got was only mocking.
"WTF! You mean you can't kill a single kid? are you drunk? you're commanding a whole army!!" Was the lord's answer.
"Let's just send more men, eventually they will kill him but even if they don't he will die of exhaustion and hunger." The commander said to himself.
A week has passed and the commander got another report about the kid… his kill count has reached a thousand. Spitting his drink as he read this report the commander decided to take matters into his own hands.
As he reached the battle location, it was in the middle of his army.
"This better be a fucking joke, in the middle of the army and you can't kill him!?" The commander yelled at the soldiers leading him.
"Sorry, he just won't die no matter how much he is cut!" The soldier replied.
The screams of pain can be heard, and the ones screaming were the soldiers.
"Just give me a bow you useless bunch!!" The commander said as he snatched the soldier's bow and aimed straight at the child.
He really is just a brat!! that small figure, is he eight years old?
Long green hair and devil markings on his body. there is something intimidating about him
He is wearing a weird mask that looks like a devil's face. Is he really a devil? or just pretending to be one? In the first place, devils can't materialize in the real world!
Swiftly firing an arrow toward the child, let see how you react to this.
The arrow missed its target by a huge distance.
"This always happens! no matter how much we fire at him it always misses like that!!" The soldier replied.
The commander was silent, the soldier didn't realize it but he did! the arrow didn't miss its target, it was struck down before it hit. but by what? he didn't see any weird movement from the child.
This kid is a bigger problem than he ever thought, realizing the dire situation he called for the best in his army for backup.
Let's kill him before the situation gets out of hand.
The soldier that was fighting the kid retreated as their commander walked in with the elite squad.
"You really did give my men a hard time, you brat!" The commander spoke to the child
"Andhf abdk kegtebn? yfie gdif fj a bfdut!!" The child replied in a language that the commander didn't understand.
"Can't you speak? or that's the devil's language?" The commander called to him.
"Ah! I almost forgot that you bastard has your own language! I'm here to fucking end your life like you did to my parent and my whole village!! The child replied.
"Language? so you are really a devil that has possessed that child!" The commander replied.
"What are you? A church priest then? believe it or not, I was a human before reincarnating as a devil to my new parents! I was even surprised. but they accepted and raised me and you… you fucking piece of shit sent your soldier to kill them!!!" The child was exerting a large amount of cursed mana, enough that the commander felt a little sick from it.
The child slashed with his spear once making a whistling sound.
"Are you trying to show off?" The commander commented on the child's actions.
"I don't show off to basterds like you, I was just making things easier for me!"
"What do…"
"COMMANDER!!! behind you!!!!!" The soldier looking from the sideline shouted desperately warning their commander.
As he looked behind him more than half of his elite squad were already beheaded, the others had their throats cut off and they were almost dead.
"What in the…"
"Ahh! It seems I still don't have enough strength to behead them all! better practice more on you soldiers later!"
The commander felt chills down his spine, this isn't an opponent that he can win against. we made a big mistake, this child isn't someone normal!
"Listen to me, we can make a deal I will let you be the leader of a new elite squad, no I can even make you my right hand, So can we talk this out?"
The commander tried to make a way out for himself. He knew the kid was out for his neck, and the fear of death was apparent on his face.
"My father died bashed with a bloody Warhammer, and my mother was burnt alive alongside our house. The fuck you're saying? An eye for an eye and a life for a life, you're dying here!" The kid isn't taking any bullshit from the commander.
"I did order my soldiers to conquer the village, not to kill everyone! That was a horrible mistake I admit, can't we work this out?"
"To be honest it was partly my mistake too, I was still keeping with my old world morals and that killing was bad. I should've just started killing your soldiers the moment they showed up!"
With a light jump, the child closed the distance between him and the commander, holding his spear and aiming straight for the commander's heart.
By the time the commander managed to block that attack, for a moment he forgot about the wind magic and got blown backward by the strong gust of wind following the spear.
So I was right, it was really [Wind Magic]! This is what diverged my arrow earlier! quickly standing up on his feet, the commander readied his sword and tried to get closer to the child. He is using a spear and I am using a sword, the child has a reach advantage and so I need to get closer so I can strike!
"Soldiers! Shoot the kid with all the arrows you have!!!!" The commander screamed.
Hearing his voice they did as he saw an arrow rained down at the devil standing in front of them.
All the arrows were diverged and sent back at the soldiers, killing tens of them at once.
"I leveled enough to take you all on, I'm not pulling any punches anymore!" The child spoke.
"You accursed devil!!!" The commander shouted as he rushed toward the kid.
The sound of clashing still can be heard all around the battlefield as they traded blows until…
[Devil Spear Arts: heavy upward hit], [Devil Wind Magic: Cursed up drift blast]
Using those two skills the child launched the commander in the air with a loud boom, as if the speed of his strike had broken the sound barrier.
"Aghhhh!!!!" the commander cried in pain.
"Let me try something new on you!" The child spoke as he held his spear high.
[Double Activation: flying spear]
The spear started glowing green as he flew out from the child's hand toward the commander.
The spear pierced the commander mid-air, raining his blood on the soldier.
The soldiers looked in terror at their commander's corpse.
"Now it's your turn!" The child looked at them with pure killing intent.
"Keep calm! he is just one and there are thousands of us!! We will kill him eventually!!!" One of the soldiers shouted.
"You're right there are a lot of you! I better get you in one place so I can kill you faster and more efficiently!!!" The child's words ensued fear and confusion in the soldier's hearts.
[Devil Wind Magic: Gathering wind] tens of soldiers were getting pulled into one spot by the strong winds.
[Devil Wind Magic: wind blades] multiple green blades of wind were set toward the gathered soldier cutting them all as if they were in a giant blender.
"Oh, God! This is gross! let's just use it from a distance!" The child moved his magic away and kept slaughtering the soldier. Eventually, he reached the Undeath lord and the Tempest lord and managed to kill both of them, after that he took the mantle of The tempest lord for himself, or rather the people started calling him that and the other lord just accepted him like that.
"Lord Xaviin, so you are aiming to replace the lord of undeath?" The man asked.
"Since the seat is empty I will take it, but before I claim that title to myself I need to get stronger so the other lords will accept me!" Lord Xaviin said.
"Are you worried the wind devil still has a grudge on the Undeath lord seat?" the man asked.
"Not at all! The seat stayed empty since it's usually occupied by the undead. and we undead take a very long time to get stronger, therefore no one worthy has appeared. What I'm worried about is that the Wind Devil is still flying around the world, killing any strong monster he sees in his way. There have even been words of him flying around, seeing some bandit, dropping down and killing them in one hit! and flying away before anyone could talk to him!"
"Why is he doing that?" The man asked.
"I don't know. being of his strength thing differently!" Lord Xaviin said.
"So no one ever talked to him?" The man asked.
"Unsurprisingly, the only one who managed to talk to him was Kinryuu the lord of thunder! without that dragon social ability, we won't have any information on the other lords! It's been a few hundred years since that incident. Let's just hope he never shows up!"
"I hope he isn't passing by or we are screwed!"
Lord Xaviin ordered his strategist to begin the preparation at once. Keeping the Hero, Kenryuu, and the wind devil at check since they can destroy his plans!
Far away the Wind Devil was sitting on the top of the mountain munching on what looked like chicken wings but a bit bigger.
Biiiiiip, piiiiip!! A ringing sound can be heard from his bag. reaching it he took out a crystal used in communication.
"Hello there, can you hear me?"
"I can. how are you doing kinryuu-san!" The wind devil replied in a cheerful voice.
"Great, what about you? from your voice I can say you are still looking like a kid!" Kenryuu replied.
"I haven't changed in more than three hundred years! How can I change in seven months?!" The wind devil replied with a laugh.
"I thought maybe you will magically grow extremely fast as the elves do! but I guess I was wrong!" Kinryuu said.
"My look aside when you call me there is something interesting happening! what do you want?" The wind devil.
"Do you remember Alice? I did tell you about her." Kinryuu asked.
"I remember her well. You never stopped talking about how eventually your and her fate will merge together and that will be an unprecedented event!" The wind Devil replied.
"Apparently her city is getting attacked by an undead army and I was wondering if you could take care of that?" Kinryuu tried to sound honest.
"I know that there is something you're not telling me! what it is?" The wind Devil asked.
"Ahh~ I wanted to keep it as a surprise but anyway! A hero has appeared and Alice became his holy maiden!!!" Kinryuu replied.
"A hero? I guess that quite lucky for her! let's get to business, what is in it for me aside from the payment?"
"The hero is from another world!" Kinryuu said in a deep voice.
"No way! Can he be???" The wind devil stood up from excitement.
"He might be from the same world as you!!!"
"What is his name? Tell me!!!" The wind Devil is restless.
"His name is Connor!!!"
"Co...Connor? Can he be the Connor I know? No, there are a lot of people with the same name!" Unable to contain his excitement the wind devil started preparing to meet the hero.
"I take it you accept the work?" Kinryuu asked.
"Of course, I will go see for myself!!"
"Then I count on you!!!"