"All soldiers, March!!!" Alice screamed from atop her horse.
"Form a shield wall! Spearmen's strike from between the shield's gapes!"
"Marksmen aim and fire at will, The support team will provide all the units with holy water and Arrows!"
The soldier followed Alice's orders, forming the shield wall at the front. The undead army who didn't expect the humans to attack this early started to move.
Up the hill, the two death knights that are leading this section of the army were monitoring the situation.
bother of them are wearing similar medium weight armor, a steel-reinforced brigandine because it was bought in bulk!
One is wilding a halberd while the other is wielding a regular arming sword.
"Did they get desperate? They are too reckless for humans!" One of them said.
"You can't be too sure, they are humans after all! Lord Xaviin said to never underestimate them. This might just be some sort of plan that we don't understand!" The other one replied.
"You're right, let send more troops!" He said.
Alice was thinking as she rode her horse across the battlefield.
The shield wall is holding well, spears and arrows are usually useless against the undead.
What could a single hole do to a zombie? And what can you pierce in a skeleton? Those reasons are why people consider piercing weapons to be generally less effective against the undead, the standard weapon will be either Maces or big swords like Zweihänder.
But what about magic? Holy water is effective against the undead as it purifies the necrotic mana that makes those unholy spawns move.
The idea was to coat the spears in holy water then use them as a weapon, you need to dip them in holy water after each strike but with a shield wall, this process becomes easier!
But there is a problem when it is about arrows! When you shoot an arrow that is dept in holy water, the arrow ends up drying mid-air so it hit like a normal arrow!
This was when Dolrig came to play! Connor was right to save that dwarf's life!
Withering wood is the name of a common curse used in warfare.
This curses job is simple, destroying the enemy's entire arrow stock!
It works by making the arrow shaft, which is made of wood, absorb moisture from the air over a long period of time, causing the wood to start rotting from the inside.
This curse works over weeks to months, and finally, the arrow will break the moment it is released from a bow.
What Dolrig did was pure madness! The things that I will only expect from Connor-sama to do!
"How about I curse your arrows to be holy?"
When I heard dolrig say those words I really wanted to tell him to be serious but then remembered that Connor-sama saved him and that he might actually do something unexpected.
I gave Dolrig access to the castle forge, Arrows stock, and as much holy water as he needed.
A few hours later he called me and my father to watch the results!
"Ah! M'lady, her dad too! come in!" Dolrig said as he saw Alice and her father walk into the workshop.
Inside the workshop were two barrels, one filled with normal water and the other with regular water.
"Withering wood, it usually takes a couple of weeks, causes the wood needs time to root!" Dolrig said.
"And then?" Alice said, not expecting much. Her father on the other hand is interested in seeing a curse at work up close.
Dolrig laid down what looked like a carpet with wired inscriptions on the floor.
"Cursed symbols? A curse magic formation?" Alen said.
"Hoho! The dad knows his stuff! True this is the withering wood formation Since I'm going to mass curse the arrows!" Dolrig said.
"If this fails, I'm tearing your beard off!" Alice said, if Dolrig's plan failed, they are going to waste a lot of arrows, a big military loss when a war is about to start.
"M'lady still don't trust me? That expected. I will be worried about your mental health if you just trusted a curse user like me!" Dolrig said as he griped an arrow and put it on the curse formation.
With a faint glow, and what looked like no effort on Dolrig's side, the arrow was cursed.
"This arrow is now cursed with a special withering wood curse, well it's just the original curse but I did make it so the arrow absorbs moisture at a much higher rate! With this, in a matter of seconds, the arrow should just keep on absorbing water until it explodes!"
Dolrig grabbed the cursed arrow and put it into the normal water barrel.
Just a few seconds later the arrow exploded as Dolrig said.
"How will this help? If you put the arrow in holy water the curse will get dispelled or the arrow will absorb holy water until it explodes, it's just a matter of which is stronger, your curse or the holy water!" Alice said.
Alen taped his daughter back.
"Alice, just listen, let the man finish his demonstration!" Alen said.
Alice sighed, "Please finish!" She said.
Dolrig, with a grin on his face, cursed another arrow.
"Now, let put this in holy water!" Dolrig said.
Dolrig put the arrow in the holy water, A few moments have passed but the arrow didn't break.
"See! The holy water was…" Alen hit Alice with a chop to the head before she could finish.
"Alice! listening to people's ideas, evaluating them fairly, and giving them support if needed is the duty of a city lord, if you want your city to prosper you need to be open-minded!" Alen said.
"Sorry, father!" Alice apologized.
"Don't be harsh on her! she just needs more time and experience. From my point of view, the two of you are still kids, I won't get angry at kids not understanding me! this year I will turn 165!" Dolrig said.
Dolrig took the arrow from the holy water and grabbed a bow. He then fired the arrow at the wall!
The arrow was released normally, it didn't break like it should do when it cursed with withering wood. At the moment of the impact with the wall, the arrow shaft exploded, splashing holy water all over the wall.
Dolrig explained.
The water inside the arrow shaft alongside the rotting caused by it over the span of weeks are the two reasons the arrow loses its structural strength! It becomes weak and then breaks at release. With my fast-acting curse, the arrow wouldn't have time to rot so it is a bit more durable than a normal cursed arrow.
I did put my curse at equal strength with the holy water so I can avoid both the outcomes that Alice's predicted!
The moment I put the arrow in holy water it will start absorbing it, at the same time the holy water is purifying the curse. Just after a few seconds, my curse is dispelled and the arrow will stop absorbing holy water before it explode.
This resulted in arrows that explode on impact splashing everything in holy water.
Dolrigh handed a batch of arrows that he made before to Alice.
"Here's M'lady, A dozen holy arrows, freshly made from the cursed forge of Dolrig!" Dolrig said.
Alice looked at the arrows in shock, Dolrig really did make holy arrows using curses. If this got out it might cause more problems than solve.
"The Holy Arrows provided by the hero church are made using curses! If you intend to really build a church for the hero then you have to keep this as one of the dark secrets!" Dolrig said with a grin.
"I can see why you didn't do this before!" Alen said.
"Holy Arrows are created with curses, this is a controversial concept that the people won't accept, as it will throw dirt in the faces of all the churches that enchant holy Arrows and will damage their reputation!!" Dolrig said.
"Dolrig-san, I'm sorry for doubting you but how are we going to mask this?" Alice asked with a nasty grin on her face.
"I knew that something is off about you and the hero! Both of you don't give a damn about what is normal!"
"To be honest, I was doubting if you could use curse magic to create something holy to fight the undead, not the fact of using curse magic! This should be a lesson for me, as long as the hero has given them his trust I will also trust them!" Alice said.
"I don't recommend doing that! If I may say but the hero is a bit naive, I recommend you watch your back!" Dolrig said.
"I never met this hero so I can't really say, but we should keep this under warp! let's just say we are creating holy arrows with the help of the hero blessing or something!" Alen said.
"Dolrig, we will let to your work now, I will check on you later!" Alice said.
After that, we left dolrig to make the arrows since we had a war to prepare for!
Alice looked over the shield wall, there was a part that was getting overwhelmed. A soldier that was holding a shield is getting nauseous and is starting to wobble and throw up.
Exhaustion? Or was it the exposure to necrotic mana? Avander's blessing should decrease that!
At any rate, we need to replace him as soon as we can!
From her horse, Alice jumped over the shield wall and into the undead ranks.
[Shield Arts: Shield bash] using the skill she got from Lydia's soul Alice pushed the undeads that were hammering on the sick soldier's shield!
"Now, Take him to receive medical assistance! Another one replace him!" Alice shouted.
As the soldiers started moving Alice turned toward the hoards of undead trying to breach the shield wall.
[Shield Arts: Shield tackel] Alice pushed the undead violently with her shield knocking them down. [Mace Arts: Hamering] she then proceeded to bash their skulls to the ground.
The undead army was armed with spears and swords but they didn't have enough strength to penetrate Alice's armor nor her [Shield Arts].
From atop the hill.
One of the death knights was thinking.
The undead Army's main strength is necrotic mana that is toxic to the living! without the need for complex tactics, all we need is to get close to the enemy soldier and they will start slowly dying, with each soldier getting reanimated as an undead a few moments later!
But those seem to not be working as intended, was it a blessing of some kind? Also from those barrels I expect that their weapon against us is Holy Water.
If this keeps up we will lose the battle of attrition!
As death knight looked closely at the battlefield he saw an armored knight smashing the undead like there was no tomorrow!
"Look over there! Isn't that the reason they can keep standing?" The death knight said.
The other one replied, "He is protecting them as they repair the wall, I guess we should take him out first!"
The death knight unsheathed his sword.
"Be careful, he seems special so don't just charge at him!" He warned him.
"Got it!" He replied.
The death knight approached Alice on his horse, The undead opened a way for him.
With a jump, he dismounted and faced Alice.
"Who might you be? A renowned adventurer, no a knight!" The death knight said.
"Why do you care? Are you the leader?" Alice asked.
"A woman? Answer my question first so I can answer yours!" The death knight replied.
"Alice Von Eric!" Alice replied.
"What? that explains a lot!" The death knight replied.
"Now answer my question!" Alice shouted.
"I did get mine why should I answer yours?" The death knight said.
"You that wasn't the deal!" Alice yelled.
"Still a naive girl, this is a war!"
"You bastard!!" Alice screamed as she charged at him.
[Holy Smite: shimmering Mace], [Mace Arts: Heavy smash].
Alice enchanted her mace with holy magic-using [Holy Smite] A skill that is given to paladins.
The death knight dodged easily to the side.
"Whoah, that was dangerous! You lots charge at the shield wall!" He said to the undead after avoiding Alice's attack.
[Holy Smite: shimmering Shield], [Shield Arts: Shield Bash].
Hop! The death knight jumped over the charging Alice by leaning on her child with his hand.
"Aw, aw, aw!!" The death knight started blowing at his hand.
"That burns! Wasn't you supposed to be a healer?"
Alice didn't answer and kept her silence as she attacked.
Tsh! It seems like she learn fast, can't get any more information from her now!
As lord Xaviin ordered, I can't hurt her or the Thunder Lord will come at us.
All I can do now is buy time and keep her busy until we win this battle!
[Mace arts: Barrage] Alice started swinging her mace left and right at a speed that shouldn't be achievable with how heavy her mace is.
Even with that, the death knight kept dodging all her attacks, occasionally deflecting them with his sword, she was completely outclassed.
[Mace Arts: Crush] A downward swing at the death knight. He effortlessly jumped to the side.
At that moment, Alice did something that the death knight wasn't expecting.
She discased the shield in her left hand a swung at him with a left hook.
The death knight didn't feel the need to dodge, Alice was clearly using a shield and a mace, a punch is just desperate, or that is what he thought.
[Martial Arts: refined movements].
[Mace Arts: Heavy hit], [Holy Smite: Holy Blast].
At impact, the death knight vision blurred, the pain he had long forgotten ran throughout his face.
The punch exploded with holy magic, as the death knight's face got charred.
Alice followed with another right hook to the face,
[Mace Arts: Heavy hit], [Holy Smite: Holy Blast].
The staggered death knight took the second hit, It was as powerful as the first one.
She then grabbed him from the collar with both hands and gave him a headbutt to the face.
[Mace Arts: Heavy hit], [Holy Smite: Holy Blast].
Good, I caught him, All I need now is to keep pummeling him until either he dies or I run out of MP.
Alice adds an elbow hit to the chest.
[Mace Arts: Heavy hit], [Holy Smite: Holy Blast].
Each time she does a hit it explodes with holy power, dealing extensive damage to the death knight as well as scaring the other undead in the area.
The death knight swung his sword at Alice's side, trying to get her to back off a bit.
Using the armor speed enchantment as well as the [Martial Arts] skill, Alice closed the distance between her and the death knight in an instant, effectively rendering his attack meaningless. She caught his right arm under her armpit to stop the swing and then gave him another punch in the face.
He can't run away or dodge now.
[Mace Arts: Heavy hit], [Holy Smite: Holy Blast].
[Mace Arts: Heavy hit], [Holy Smite: Holy Blast].
[Mace Arts: Heavy hit], [Holy Smite: Holy Blast].
[Mace Arts: Heavy hit], [Holy Smite: Holy Blast].
[Mace Arts: Heavy hit], [Holy Smite: Holy Blast].
[Mace Arts: Heavy hit], [Holy Smite: Holy Blast].
Alice just kept on pummeling his face, over and over. The death knight's patience was running low.
In Roa city, Connor was awakened by a notification from Ariel.
{Notice: The holy maiden's MP is running low, would you like to supply her?}
Good mid-night Ariel, Can I do that?
{Notice: Yes, if the holy maiden link can channel energy from her to you then the reverse can be done as well!}
If that is the case then you can supply her with as much as she needs, I can't let her fight a war on her own while I'm just sleeping here!
Name: Connor Von Eric Hakai Monke . Level: 23
Age: 24 Race: Human.
Social status: The master of the Von Eric family, The master of the Von Eric Hakai Monke family.
Class: Hero, Divine Slayer. Portfolio: Destruction.
Titles: Toxic gamer, Merciless, Another world traveler, Tamer, Partner of the gold dragon Kinryuu, Destroyer.
Health: 2065/2065
Mana: 3220/3220 + (8451)
Stamina: 1722/1722
Strength: 35 ,Dexterity: 36 ,Speed: 36 , Magic: 42 ,Luck: 18
Constitution: 40 ,Wisdom: 34 ,Intelligence: 40 ,Charisma: 32 ,Will: 34
Martial art Skills:
[Martial arts: Level 23],[Mace Arts: Level 8], [Throwing: Level 1],[Sword arts: Level 17], [Pain resistance: Level 24],
Evocation Skills:
[Fire Magic: Level 20], [Water Magic: Level 10], [Wind Magic: Level 21], [Earth Magic: Level 29], [Lightning Magic: Level 12], [Light Magic: Level 6], [Dark Magic: Level 10], [Pure Magic: Level 26], [Enchanting Magic: Level 30], [Sound Magic: Level 10], [Magic Control: Level 26], [Enslavement Magic: Level 4], [Teleportation Magic: Level 6], [Shadow Magic: Level 3].
Restoration Skills:
[Holy Healing Magic: Level 20], [Holy Detoxification Magic: Level 13]
Taming Skills:
[Taming: Level 9], [Shapeshift: Level 15].
Draconic blood Skills:
[Draconic Physic: Level 14], [Draconic Senses: Level 12], [Draconic Stomach: Level 5]
Ariel Skills:
[Ariel: Level 27]= [Appraisal], [Sentient], [Analyse], [Encyclopedia], [Minimap], [Ego], [Inventory]
Hero Skills:
[Patron of the holy maiden: Level 10]
Curses from the god of creation:
[Plot armor: Level 3],
Destroyer Innate skills:
[Destruction: Level 31], [HeAw%=DeLoAw%: Level Unknown].
Registered Combined Magic:
[Combined Magic: Overclocked Mana Regeneration]
[Combined Magic: Mana Regeneration]
[Combined Magic: Active Regeneration]
[Combined Magic: Weightless and Durable Stone Armor]
[Combined Magic: Weapon Speed Enchantment]
[Combined Magic: Enchanted Movement and reaction Speed]
[Combined Magic: Shell Shock]
[Combined Magic: Stronger Shell Shock]
[Combined Magic: Earth Glide]
[Combined Magic: Presence Concealing]
[Combined Magic: Monke's Stick]
[Combined Magic: Blast Furnace]
[Combined Magic: Ariel Guise]
Battle Modes:
[Battle Mode: Stone Knight]
Active Skills:
[Ariel: Accelerated Calculation, Magic Calculation, Internal Chanting, Vital Record, Mental protection, Accelerated Thoughts, Ego, Appraisal, Sentient, Analyse, Encyclopedia, Minimap, Inventory]
[Enchanting Magic: Reinforced Body], [Draconic senses: enchanted perception], [Draconic Physic: Draconic Vigor], [Draconic Stomach: Iron Stomach], [Martial Arts: Body Control], [Pain Resistance: Lessened Pain]
[Patron of the Holy Maiden: Holy Maiden's link]
Active Combined Magic:
[Combined Magic: Mana Regeneration]
[Combined Magic: Active Regeneration]
[Combined Magic: Monke's Stick]
That massive extra amount of MP is the energy that I got earlier right?
{Notice: True, it's the energy you got from the destruction of the mountain}
Having a portfolio is op, isn't it!
{Notice: If all the portfolios are absurd like yours I will consider them as a weakness rather than a strength! The hero that is supposed to save the world can power up by casing destruction!}
Yeah! I can imagine that.
The king will say.
Oh, hero please save us, the demon king is about to destroy our kingdom!
And then I will answer, sure but I will destroy your kingdom on my way is that alright?
The king: Da fu*k!
{Notice: that might happen!}
Connor felt something weird.
I need to go to the toilet.
The room Connor was sleeping in was empty, with just a large bed and a closet.
Spending a night alone in a love hotel just doesn't feel right! I kinda miss those days with Chris.
Connor put his pants on, he didn't bother with the shirt since the toilet is close by.
Yes, this place only has a public toilet, the technology isn't advanced enough to put one in each room.
Connor walked out of his room heading to get off his business.
On the surface, the death knight has lost his patience with Alice. As necrotic mana engulfed his body he gon into a rage.
For him, it was like having a bee stung you over and over and over, by this time he has lost his senses and forgot Xaviins warning. Don't hurt Alice Von Eric.
With a burst of Necrotic Magic, he pushed Alice away from him.
[Sword Arts: Devastating trust], [Necrotic Magic: Death sword].
The strike was extraordinarily fast, even with Alice's speed enchantment she couldn't avoid it. Judging by the ridiculous amount of necrotic energy, this hit can pierce right through Alice's shield skill.
I'm dead… Alice thought.
With just a strand of hair, just before the hit land, the Death knight desepeared without a trace.
Alice looked around her in shock, where did he go? She then remembered the Holy maiden skill description.
Anyone who tries to hurt her will be teleported to the hero's presence and be branded evil.
I guess I was protected by him!
In Roa city, Connor is in the toilet.
{Notice: WARNING!}
A sword pierced the wall right beside Connor's head.
The death knight was confused.
Where Am I? I was just fighting Alice.
He looked down to see Connor sitting on a toilet seat.
"Who in the…" Before the death knight could finish his sentence Connor's eyes lit with a deep blue from the massive amount of mana circulating inside him. For a fact, it was accompanied by a faint engine-like sound that was made my magic being formed.
Vanessa was sleeping in her room, she was awakened by a loud rumbling sound followed with a massive explosion.
She hurried to take a look outside from the window and what she saw was a body being ragdolled through the sky followed by a shirtless Connor flying with jets of fire from his feet.
"Sh*t! too much for our plans!" She then hurried to change and wake everyone else.
{Notice: Warning, the enemy is a death knight branded to be evil! He was teleported to you since he was about to deliver a fatal blow to Alice.
The teleportation activated automatically and it Cost 6489 MP. The MP was taken from the extra MP that you gained before!}
Name: Connor Von Eric Hakai Monke . Level: 23
Age: 24 Race: Human.
Social status: The master of the Von Eric family, The master of the Von Eric Hakai Monke family.
Class: Hero, Divine Slayer. Portfolio: Destruction.
Titles: Toxic gamer, Merciless, Another world traveler, Tamer, Partner of the gold dragon Kinryuu, Destroyer.
Health: 2062/2065
Mana: 3059/3220 + (1962)
Stamina: 1701/1722
Strength: 35 ,Dexterity: 36 ,Speed: 36 , Magic: 42 ,Luck: 18
Constitution: 40 ,Wisdom: 34 ,Intelligence: 40 ,Charisma: 32 ,Will: 34
Martial art Skills:
[Martial arts: Level 23],[Mace Arts: Level 8], [Throwing: Level 1],[Sword arts: Level 17], [Pain resistance: Level 24],
Evocation Skills:
[Fire Magic: Level 20], [Water Magic: Level 10], [Wind Magic: Level 21], [Earth Magic: Level 29], [Lightning Magic: Level 12], [Light Magic: Level 6], [Dark Magic: Level 10], [Pure Magic: Level 26], [Enchanting Magic: Level 30], [Sound Magic: Level 10], [Magic Control: Level 26], [Enslavement Magic: Level 4], [Teleportation Magic: Level 6], [Shadow Magic: Level 3].
Restoration Skills:
[Holy Healing Magic: Level 20], [Holy Detoxification Magic: Level 13]
Taming Skills:
[Taming: Level 9], [Shapeshift: Level 15].
Draconic blood Skills:
[Draconic Physic: Level 14], [Draconic Senses: Level 12], [Draconic Stomach: Level 5]
Ariel Skills:
[Ariel: Level 27]= [Appraisal], [Sentient], [Analyse], [Encyclopedia], [Minimap], [Ego], [Inventory]
Hero Skills:
[Patron of the holy maiden: Level 10]
Curses from the god of creation:
[Plot armor: Level 3],
Destroyer Innate skills:
[Destruction: Level 31], [HeAw%=DeLoAw%: Level Unknown].
Registered Combined Magic:
[Combined Magic: Overclocked Mana Regeneration]
[Combined Magic: Mana Regeneration]
[Combined Magic: Active Regeneration]
[Combined Magic: Weightless and Durable Stone Armor]
[Combined Magic: Weapon Speed Enchantment]
[Combined Magic: Enchanted Movement and reaction Speed]
[Combined Magic: Shell Shock]
[Combined Magic: Stronger Shell Shock]
[Combined Magic: Earth Glide]
[Combined Magic: Presence Concealing]
[Combined Magic: Monke's Stick]
[Combined Magic: Blast Furnace]
[Combined Magic: Ariel Guise]
Battle Modes:
[Battle Mode: Stone Knight]
Active Skills:
[Ariel: Accelerated Calculation, Magic Calculation, Internal Chanting, Vital Record, Mental protection, Accelerated Thoughts, Ego, Appraisal, Sentient, Analyse, Encyclopedia, Minimap, Inventory]
[Enchanting Magic: Reinforced Body], [Draconic senses: enchanted perception], [Draconic Physic: Draconic Vigor], [Draconic Stomach: Iron Stomach], [Martial Arts: Body Control], [Pain Resistance: Lessened Pain]
[Patron of the Holy Maiden: Holy Maiden's link]
Active Combined Magic:
[Combined Magic: Mana Regeneration]
[Combined Magic: Active Regeneration]
[Combined Magic: Monke's Stick]
"I never sh*t so hard in my goddamn life before! I did lose 3 HP doing that!!!!"
This thing literally scared the shit out of me!
Connor grabbed the Monke staff from his inventory and slammed the death knight to the street.