Looking around him, he was surrounded from all directions! Some praising some doubting, he doesn't look like what you would imagine a hero.
"Can you use magic?" A mage asked.
"Never mind that what weapon do you wield!" A dwarf asked.
"I just sensed a massive burst of holy mana! Are you a cleric, maybe a paladin?" A healer asked.
They seem to have focused on Connor.
"Stoooop!" Alva interrupted them, pushing herself between him and the adventurers.
"The hero now doesn't have time, we have to register first as well deal with some internal business for the city! Sorry but you have to wait until another day!"
"She is right, snap back to reality you dumb superstar!"
"I know Chris, Let's hurry!"
They managed to disperse the crowd, although with great efforts from Alva.
"If Lydia-san was here she would have headbutted one of them as a warning!" Alva said.
"You bet!" Connor replied.
Alongside Alva they head back into the registration desk to register Connor as an adventure, the receptionist was shaking in fear as all the guild staff abandoned her, leaving her to deal with the Hero on her own.
Connor started her directly in the face, he was a bit nervous as he isn't familiar with how it's done, feeling as if he was judged by her.
"Hello madam, I wish to register as an adventurer what should I do?" He asked, trying to break the ice as he felt the heavy air around them. When you don't know it's better to ask or you will make a fool of yourself!
Hearing that she felt a bit of relief, as long as I follow my training, everything will be alright!
She reached under her desk pulling a pen and a paper.
"Please fill this form with your information, we can carry the aptitude test after you finish!" She put them in front of Connor with a smile.
"Shit, Paperwork!" Connor whispers under his breath. He has never written something since he came to this world, he can read and understand this world language just by hearing or seeing it, but writing is a problem since he doesn't know how to start!
I should have expected that!! Of course, I will need to fill a paper!!
"Eh!" the receptionist flinched as she heard him whisper, he's gonna explode! that what she thought.
Connor noticed her reaction and realized what he said. I slipped, I'm going to get demonetized... no this is the reality, they might reject my registration! his face tensed up even more which just filed the misunderstanding even more! The receptionist backed down a few steps.
She is going to call security! Connor stood up as he saw her move backward. Connor thought.
He stood up!!?!? her fear meter spiked up, I'm dead! was the only thought in her head. I should have just told him he is registered and done the paperwork for him later!
"Sit down!" Alva caught Connor from the back of his neck forcing him to sit down.
"Miss, he doesn't bit! Don't worry I will handle the rest so can you please calm down!" Alva said.
"What do you mean?!" Connor asked but he was told off by Alva. " I will handle the rest, you go sit in the back!"
"Utterly senseless!" Kinryuu commented.
"As expected, dumber than a rock!" Chris commented, explaining the situation to Connor, it was a whole misunderstanding as Connor didn't think about how people saw him with all the power he has! Be considerate, and don't show any signs of hostility toward regular people!
Chris explained it by saying, "If you were standing in front of a nuclear reaction then it started beeping out of nowhere, what will you do?"
"I'm getting the heck out of there, it might be about to explode, and am not waiting to find out!"
"It's the same with you!"
Alva handled all of the paperwork and registered Connor as a new adventurer, his rank was D Considering the fact that he cleared Roa city and stopped an undead invasion. They can't give him a higher rank cause he needs to get experience.
"That reminds me I didn't finish my registration!" Chris said as he remembered the distant past.
"Children aren't allowed to register!" The receptionist replied.
"I'm older than I look, I'm not joking! would you mind looking into the records?"
"I know for a fact that you didn't register because registration is a one-session work, there is no way you won't finish it when you start!"
"I've been asked to prepare a lot of documents, how is that?"
Connor tried to take this chance to make fun of Chris.
"How lazy can you be to not finish filling a single paper?"
"Better than who left the work for his wife!" Connor rolled into the corner as Chris roasted him.
"She is right! The registration has been like this for as long as I remember!" Alva commented.
"I can swear they asked me to bring a signed document of good behavior from the guards, a proof of ability, and a skill sheet, as well as other things I can't remember!"
"Which year did you register? I believe that's the problem!" Kinryuu asked while stroking his beard.
"I don't remember the exact year but it was a short while after the crowning of Rotgar!"
Kinryuu facepalmed, looking disappointed.
"Miss, you don't have to look. Mostly you won't find anything! He has registered about 90 years in the past!" Kinryuu declared.
"Ni... Ninty years?! Who are you, you don't look like an elf?"
"The tempest lord, The wind devil!" Chris replied.
"The... The eleventh lord?" She screamed her lungs out, "And you... you're..." She stared at Kinryuu, with a terrified face, guessing he can't be simple if he now the tempest lord.
"Me?" Hahaha! He laughed.
"Just an old piece of majestic gold, people call me the Thunder lord!"
"The... The third has appeared!" The receptionist fainted at the spot.
In a faraway land, a man covered in a tattered cloak is walking through the lifeless desert. On closer look, it's not a cloak but the freshly skinned hide of a monster.
Twin demoness are following in his steps.
Slightly shorter than 6 feet, they had a defined body structure that implies elegance. long flowing purple hair with pale white skin. wearing extensive clothing as if scared of the sun, the twin started into the distance with their red blood eyes.
"Oh god, I mess a cold Pocari Sweat in this heat! don't you think so Aki?" He asked.
"Don't start joking now, we're exhausted enough joey!" The twin replied simultaneously.
"I can dream, OK!" He said.
"Thank to your stupid ass, we can't go into the sun now!"
"Turning us into dhampirs, we were happy being just wraiths!" They replied.
Joey laughter, " But wraiths are mad weak, the only thing you had was that you have a chance to kill someone who listened to your scream, a pain scream on top of that! You have to be in actual pain to activate that ability!"
"Even so we could go out normally!" They replied.
"You accepted at first, and you're not even a regular Dhampir! You're a mixed-race between wraith and vampire on top of that you were turned by you're truly, the only Original vampire, Beelzebub joey!"
One of them punched him in the back. causing him to fall into the sunlight.
It seems he was naked under that hide he was wearing, the sunlight directly hit his skin but didn't damage him.
"This is unfair! I thought we will be like you, able to walk in the sunlight! Instead, we ended like this!"
Joey looked at them.
Those twins are Aki! she has been reincarnated about two decades before me as the demon lord twin daughters! Both of them are Aki, one person with two bodies!
When they were still kids they sneaked into the basement of the castle since it was forbidden to go into! there they found what looked like a human heart, hanging with chains in an empty room. At that moment they realized one of their powers was a sort of wear appraisal! on top of the heart, they saw a floating text that says.
< The Original Vampire Beelzebub, Joey Biz>
Seeing that Aki started to work toward resurrecting Joey.
The first step was informing the demon lord! The room was intended to hide the remains of the demon race's legendary savior, the demon lord had no idea it was possible to even revive the thing!
The operation to collect sacrifice started, well Aki stopped them and instead collected blood donations for the ritual!
At the time of resurrection, only Aki was present as it was thought that she is the one who prophecies his return!
Joey did not remember anything about the previous Beelzebub, he just remembered him being himself and the life he led on earth!
"How long it until we reach the next city? I want to take a bath!" Aki asked.
"I can smell fresh blood two days to the east, there where we might find a humanoid settlement!"
"It always amazes me how strong your nose is for blood now, being an original vampire must be nice, you can walk in the sun two!"
"Can we not talk about that? I can only stay near people for about a day before they will start dying! We have to get supplies so can I count on you?" Joey asked Aki with a serious tongue.
"Jokes aside, just the fact that you can't control your aura well is a disaster!" The twin Aki said with a sad face.
"Don't look at me like that, I'm not bad, they're weak as fuck!" Joey said with a joking face.
Even the demon lord felt uncomfortable in Joey's presence, their being weak has nothing to do with it! Just by being close to Joey, their blood will start to boil, life flashes in their eyes as it is absorbed, fueling Joey's thirst for blood!
Right now he is more dangerous than any Dracula story, we haven't even talked about him in a fight!
The moment it starts Joey's blood lust will escalate, flesh, plant, and even dirt, all will lose their life force. Everything will wither and die including Joey's clothes, unfortunately!
His weapon is a unique one. A giant scythe made from the blood and veins of all those he killed!
As for magic, with a single touch, he can turn creatures into ghouls or forcefully merge two creatures to make a chimera of them.
The sun can't stop him, nor what you would normally associate with vampires, garlic and crosses do nothing to him, I tested it! those things only hurt his kin, that means only me who he has turned into a dhampir.
As they walked, the earth started crumbling beneath them.
"Aki hide! It's daytime so you can't fight!" Joey shouted at the top of his lunges!
Before they could react, the earth opened beneath the twins!
"Shit!" Aki closed her eyes.
Seeing Aki about to fall, Joey's body changed, he transport a mist form, a black cloud of smoke, and bats. Rushing into the hole he grabbed the twin and flew back up, each in an arm carrying them like luggage.
"Thanks, sorry for this!" Aki apologized for not managing to run in time.
"Don't mind it, I doubt you could evade this! Any way... Your heavy as hell now that there are two of you!"
The twin slapped him in the face simultaneously. "I'm two people so can't help it!"
Joey put Aki in a safe place above a big rock and looked back into the hole.
A giant scorpion emerged from it, it was eyeing him as its prey.
It has a brown exoskeleton, massive claws, and giant stinger, the thing looked as dangerous as it can.
"What is this?" Aki said in surprise, this was the first time she saw one this big.
"This our lunch! We have crab meat today! Yeah baby!" he replied with an overly excited voice.
Joey picked a nice tall rock and jumped on top of it, The sun behind shining behind him he looked down on the scorpion.
With one hand he took off and threw the hide he was wearing, standing in his birthday suit! the reason for that was so it won't break in the fight! with how much he is going to release the hide will just rot on the spot!
"This never gets better!" Aki commented A naked Joey with the sun shining behind him is looking down on a giant monster.
Taking a deep breath before the fight... he then dabbed.
"Here he goes again..." Aki said with a disappointed voice.
At the palm of his extended arm, a blop of blood formed.
"Let's DANCE!" As he said that, a clear shift in his voice happened...it became deeper. The blood blop transformed into a massive scythe...
Joey's eyes turned red, his fangs extended... Aki could feel a cold sweat down her spine as she saw him.
Joey disappeared into black mist again. The scorpion got confused as he lost sight of him.
The next moment joey appeared directly in front of the scorpion swinging his scythe down.
"Hiss!" The scorpion moved at an abnormal speed and dodged Joey's attack.
"Speedy boi? Come back to daddy!" Joey shouted.
The scorpion changed his direction and swung his left claw at joey trying to pin him in place. As a response to that joey kicked the claw to the side!
"Don't do high kick whiles naked! Your **** is flopping around!" Aki commented.
"Like I can do something about it!" Joey replied to her.
With another less than a graceful swing, Joey sliced the scorpions left claw! Taking this chance the scorpion caught Joey with his right claw.
Poke! He injected him with the venom directly in the back with his massive stinger.
... A moment of silence...
"At least worry about me a little!" Joey said.
Crack! Crack! Joey's neck slowly turned a painful 180 degrees.
"This is always creepy no matter how much I see it!" Aki commented.
Opening his mouth wide, the fangs were visible, he bit the scorpion of the tip of the stinger.
Slurp! he started sucking the venom out and drinking it.
At that moment the scorpion knew, he fu*ked up! quickly he released his grip and tried to run away but he couldn't!!! Joey's bit is strong enough to keep him in place. Joey has anchored his feet on the ground using blood so he won't be dragged by the scorpion.
Crack! Crack! CRACK! Joey's turned back to its normal position, dragging the giant scorpion with it.
Slightly leaning his head, Joey got ready to start.
Left and right, Joey only used his neck to swing the giant scorpion left and right, slamming it into the ground.
Slowly breaking its exoskeleton on the ground, joey then put the poor creature out of its misery with a single slash, cutting it in half! The blood that should have rained down instead poured directly into Joey's mouth He drank every last drop of the scorpion's blood and venom.
"Sorry bro, you tried to lay your hands on Aki, I'm going to suck your blood out!" Joey said to the departing scorpion soul.
"That wasn't cool, just so you know!" Aki commented.
"Am trying!... Well then I drained, or should I say sucked the blood out! Let's get into roasting this bad boy!" Joey pointed at the scorpion behind him.