Rage in the deep, Megalodon!!!


A bright light engulfed the arena, Lisa has blasted Connor with one of her stronger spells. Fear, and excitement accumulated inside her as she felt him holding back!

Connor's body disappeared into the mist, fading away from her mana detection as well.

"You won't get away that easily!" she screamed, charging her magic, building up the heat! [Fire Magic: Thousand needles] unaccountable number of small fire needles fired up in all directions, a vertical rain of fire.

The power of that spell was tremendous, Chris described it as a machine gun that fires in all directions.

"Wait that's illegal! You can't just do that!" Chris shouted, quickly using his winds to protect a portion of the adventurer watching.

[Barrier Magic: Golden shield] A thin layer of golden glass encased the entire arena, blocking all the needles.

As he noticed the barrier Chris shouted.

"Old man!!" at that moment he noticed, Kinryuu is angry, like really angry! Something must have ticked him off.

"Endangering the lives of humans, even if you can't fully control your power, is unacceptable! Am going to slap some sense into her!" Kinryuu said.

Oh, sh*t! Gotta stop him, even with how old he is, he still lacks some sense.

"Old man! Don't interfere, just focus on protecting the people!"

"Tch! I will deal with her later, for now, people's lives take priority!" Kinryuu said as he reinforced his barrier.


"Where the hell did he go?!" Lisa shouted, heavily breathing, that short burst of magic was exhausting.

"What's up!" Connor whispered in her ear, in the most creepy voice he could muster for the sake of scaring her. His goal is not to beat her but to make her surrender!

"F*****!" Lisa screamed as Connor surprised her from the mist, [Fire Magic: Fire blast] She instinctively threw a fireball at him.

"BO waaHHHHHH!" [Water Magic: Thicc Vapore] Connor opened his mouth wide, breathing what seemed like dense water Vapor extinguishing the fire.

"You monster!!! AGAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Lisa screamed as she was electrocuted out of nowhere, Her vision of Connor blurred for a moment.

"You fell to my trap, this now is my domain!" [Lightning magic: Charge reliese]+[Water Magic: Mist]= [Combined Magic: Thundercloud]

"Hehe, seems like I underestimated you! That was dumb of me, I should have gone all out from the start!" Lisa said as her eyes erupted in flames.

"With fire came light..." The temperature raised significantly, Connor could feel a great pressure coming from Lisa.

{Notice: Stop her now!}

I kinda want to know what her ultimate power is, can't just let her do her things?

{Notice: We can, but that would be really dumb! Who would allow their enemy to fully transform?} Ariel questioned Connor's weird decision.

Me, Let go all out again, this time use your creativity to create something amusing!

{Notice: Hmph! You really like to abuse my powers, don't you?! So be it, Looking deep into your past memories, I will create a monster that shakes the entire world!}


Connor got a glimpse of what Ariel is brewing, he got really excited as what he saw was definitely fun to try.

"From fire, life is born, and to it returns!"

With a flash of bright light, Lisa got lit on fire, her hair in flames, her arms are embers.

"Hero! prepare yourself!"

... Connor was silent for a moment before something happened. Something was moving under his shirt as if growing big.

With the help of [Shapeshift]

His shirt ripped apart revealing what Ariel was doing to Connor's body, Another four arms have grown from his shoulder! His shin seems scaly as if belonging to a reptilian. A hairy tail comes out of his back, large canine teeth are visible in his open mouth.

{Notice: I finished loading how to move into your brain, you should be able to use those extra limbs fully now!}

This seems as if you installed a driver into my mind, even so! this is amazing!

{Notice: I knew you will like it! I looked up Asura and the Monke-King mixed them and got this madness! Here this for the look!"}

Ariel's halo appeared on top of Connor's head as his eyes flashed blue.

GRAWWWWWWWWWWWW! Connor screamed as he lunged at Lisa in rage, as fierce as a wild beast!

Lisa braced herself for the impact. [Fire Magic: Condensed firewall] she used the best protection she has to protect herself!

Just a fraction of a second before the impact, Connor disappeared, instead, Ariel's golem appeared! Lisa didn't have time to process what had just happened.

Connor was rushing at her, now it's Ariel who is attacking her! wasn't she occupied by Leon? where is Connor now? Those questions, she didn't have answers for!

{Notice: Analyse [Analyse], replication [Fire Magic]+[Magic Control], The formula have been learned, Destruction [Destruction]!} The firewall got destroyed the moment Ariel touched it!

BAAANG! A shock wave blasted Lisa out of nowhere, From the side of her eyes, she could see Connor on the other side of the arena with Leon.

"What?!" She gasped, as the mist cleared from the violent shockwave she was able to learn what happened.

Connor has caught Leon's downward slash with his bare hand, The left three to be exact as he now has six arms!

Weirdly enough, Connor's muscles are very apparent, as if they were intentionally outlined, this was due to Ariel morphing his body to be able to support an extra four arms and a tail.

Connor clenched his teeth as he bore the weight of Leon's Battleaxe. His limbs screamed in pain as they were pushed to the limit.

"Good lord, what do you eat to get that strong?" Connor asked.

"Meat!" Leon screamed as he kicked Connor in the chest, He was already enlarging so the massive size difference worked to his advantage! Leon's big tow was already bigger than Connor's head.

As he felt the intense pain through his body, Connor's anger started to swell.

No, keep calm! My mentor once told me!

You're Stupid, Don't rage! All you really need is a clear mind!

Minds empty! Balls empty!

{Notice: Wait what?}

Perfect stat of man!

{Notice: Whatever is going on in your mind, remember that he is heavier than you! You are at a disadvantage in a strength fight even though you're physically stronger!}

CRACK!! With a swift movement, Connor grabbed Leon's feet and delivered three punches to his EDL muscle (Extensor Digitorum Longus) effectively dislocating it.

Without even caring about pain, Leon stomped on the ground with his entire wight! Forcefully fixing the dislocation. The sound was nothing but pleasant!

GRAWWWWWWWWWW! With an uppercut, Leon tried to lunch Connor in the sky! Connor dodged. He leaped over Leon's massive fist like a crazed ape.

Am a spider monkey! Connor wrapped his tail around Leon's middle finger, using his leg as leverage, with his massive strength and enchantment, he managed to break Leon's finger at a split second!

While still holding with his tail, "PEEEE, KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Connor screamed his lungs out as he unleashed a barrage of punches at Leon's unprotected face.

"Am coming right away!" Lisa screamed trying to reach Leon.

GAA! The moment she tried to move she was stooped in her track, something had caught her from her hair.

The scenery turned white in front of her eyes as her body accelerated tremendously, then a sharp pain engulfed her. It smells of dust and blood, what happened? Lisa questioned herself.

Ariel caught her from the hair, pinned her like a top, then slammed her on the ground.

"{Notice: I can't have you die so...[Holy Healing Magic]}" Ariel healed her, this was because due to the impact Lisa started bleeding into her lungs. Of course, Ariel knew this with [Analyse]

"{Notice: Almost drowned in your own blood? but wait, There's more!}"

Ariel slammed her again and again, healing her after each time.

"Owe!" Kinryuu cringed as he saw that. "Ruthless as expected of an angel! She wants to scare them for life!"

"Isn't that taking it too far? This is torture at this point!" Chris called Kinryuu.

"Not for an Angel! They are the embodiment of what they revere, what they hold dear, and what they serve!" Kinryuu's expression became serious.

"For Connor, it's a fun experiment, for the two of them, it's recruiting the hero into the adventurer guild. But for that angel, it was an attempt to hurt the hero she serves! A sin punishable by more than death!"

"I know, I believe I just told you that she is taking it too far, should we stop them?" Chris asked.

"No need, they can take care of themselves!" Kinryuu replied.

Buzz! With a blue flame, Lisa burned her own hair to break free, she then flew toward Leon at high speed never looking back.

I need someone to protect me so I can unleash high tire magic, Leon needs me to deal damage as he tanks the enemies! We work better together.

Ariel looked at her then disappeared.

{Notice: Let's see how well they are together!}

Am getting kinda hungry, I prefer to end this now!

{Notice: Fair enough, let them regroup and then I will finish them off at once!}

Ok, do your thing!

Connor backed off from Leon and undid his transformation. turned his back to them and started walking away.

"Turning your back to us? This arrogance will be your undoing!" Lisa said as she landed on Leon's shoulder.

Connor turned his face toward them. "Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru!"


BuZZZZZZZZ! lightning struck both Lisa and Leon, knocking them unconscious instantly.

"{Notice: Ironically you turned your back to me first! You two were never at the same level as Xaviin and should've never separated from the start!}" Ariel was floating above them.

"See! I'm not the dangerous one, she is!" Connor pointed out.

The adventurer rushed to Lisa and Leon as soon as Kinryuu released his barrier.

"Don't worry they are already healed and should wake up soon, Ariel healed them before they could kick the bucket!" Connor walked away as if nothing happened.

Buzzz! Connor teleported directly to the reception room, he appeared out of thin air in front of the receptionist who registered him.

Her face turned pale, she wasn't at the arena but from the noise, she could guess what happened, Connor killed the guild master and the vice guild master.

"Sorry but the two of them are knocked out, can you tell me if I passed? Am kinda hungry and want to leave!" Connor said.

It took her a few seconds to gather her courage, still haven't grasped the full situation she made a decision.

"You won so I will take care of the remaining paperwork, I will send your guild card to the Eric mansion when it's finished!" It's best to let him leave and think later, he is too dangerous to keep around.

Connor walked out, heading toward Kinryuu and Chris, on the way he heard a ruckus outside. Soldiers have gathered to secure the place, probably because of the fight between him and the guild couple.

He simply walked out, forgetting he is still shirtless. guards trying to know what happened inside are running around, no one seemed to notice Connor, too busy to care probably.

"WTF? is there a riot?" Connor was confused as well until Ariel explained the situation to him.

"Excuse me do you have a moment?" Connor called to a soldier but was ignored.

"Sumimasen!" He called to another but was ignored as well.

{Notice: find someone who isn't running around, or just use force to get their attention!}

Connor walked to one of the desks the soldier made for management, it was in a tent that was built hurriedly in the middle of the road.

"Hello (>_>)!" Connor asked trying to get the man working there to listen.

The man stood up, he was tall but slim, "Who let you in?"

Yo momma! I wish I could say that. how do they miss a man walking in the middle of their camp in daylight?

"My legs, I just walked in! do you know where I can find Alice, tell her that Connor is looking for her!"

The man took a moment to let it sink in, his brain started to put 1 and 1 together.

This man's face fits Alice's descriptions, he seems to have just gotten out of a fight and were able to easily sneak into the temporary camp.

Shit! He's the real deal!

Connor has already sat on a wooden chair he has found. With a simple juster a shirt appeared out of nowhere. It was one of the clothes he had put inside his inventory.

"Did you see that? A gorilla might have run out of the Zoo or something!" Chris said as he entered the tent.

"Shut up Chris, I'm trying my best to not cause trouble!" Connor replied.

"You kid!" Kinryuu entered and said to the man standing there, " Your security is a*s!"

"What happened to Alva? Did you see her?" Connor asked.

Chris was the one to respond, "Yeah, we left her along with the squirrel to deal with the formal work in the guild!"

"I doubt anyone would dare to even attempt to lay a finger on her after this, you literally beat the top two of adventurers in the city!"

"Yeah, I doubt it!" Connor replied, thinking back on how he fought.


"My LORD! My LORD!My LORD!!" They heard a voice screams outside, Kinryuu stood and hurried out to look.

The man kneeled before Kinryuu the moment he saw him.

"Lift your head, what happened?" Kinryuu ordered him.

The man watched his breath before speaking.

"The Krakens Attacked the pearl of the sea! The deep lord managed to stop them but suffered heavy injuries and is in a critical condition!" The man said with visible concern.

"Don't worry, he is a tough man, he will survive!" Kinryuu tried to calm him down.

"My lord, that's not the problem!" The man screamed with fear feeling his eyes.

"Speak, get to the point then!"

"Apparently, in the few weeks she has been around, Megalodon has developed feeling toward the deep lord. Upon seeing his stat she's fallen into a rage and rushed to take revenge!"

"She alone? I know Megalodon is supposed to be strong but can she take on the full Kraken race that even put the deep lord through hell?" Kinryuu questioned.

"We wish that was the case! The sea has been tainted red with Krakens blood, she is devouring them alive left and right! At this rate, she might end up eating the whole race!"

"Hmm, this might a problem. It messes the natural eco system!" Kinryuu thought about it for a moment.

"Kraken? Isn't it that big octopus that attacks ships or whatever?" Connor asked.

Chris proceeds to explain as Connor seems to still have limited knowledge about this world.

"Yeah, and they are BIG!" Chris replied.

Being as large as a full ship, monstrosities so ugly they look like the unholy child of a squid, sea horse, and an octopus.

they are physically strong, a single one of them can tip a battleship over. for the magic they are most proficient in water magic as they use it to fill the ships with water to sink them.

The primary target is the mermaids as they see them as an easy source of food. Mermaids are the same size as humans while Krakens are almost 100 feet in length. With that, they have the advantage!

On the other hand, Megalodon is said to be able to swallow a whole ship at one which makes her significantly bigger!

"Hold up Chris. If Kraken is the same size as a ship and that is 100 feet in length. Megalodon can swallow a whole ship which means her mouth is bigger than 100 feet!?"

"Exactly, she is massive! Her Megalodon for that is, her mermaid form should be the same as other mermaids is what I heard!"

"Gawd damn! Imagine being in the middle of the sea at night, then you see that thing coming at you!"

"I thought about it!" Kinryuu stated with confidence.

"We shouldn't interfere, Megalodon is smarter than to erase a whole race, even if she did that might be for the better!"

"My lord! what do you mean? what about the non-aggression between races pact?"

"It doesn't apply since the Krakens didn't sign it! If they refused Infernos authority they are essentially unprotected!"

"What also worries us is what she said before departing!"

"What did she say?" Kinryuu asked.

"I will turn them into Sashimi! We didn't understand her meaning!"

"Wait, repeat that!" Chris interfered.

"Yeah, what did she say?" Connor added up.

"I will turn them into Sashimi." He repeated.

"Are you sure she said Sashimi? Was it definitely Sashimi?" Chris asked.

"Dragons have strong memories, they rarely misremember things!" Kinryuu assured them. (So the man was a dragon, Connor finally caught up to that.)

"By any way do you know the meaning of what she said!" The man asked.

"Sashimi is a dish made from raw fish, she meant to eat them without cocking or alive!" Chris replied.

"What was her name? Other than Megalodon! We might know her!" Connor asked the important question.

"Kaho, I believe this was Megalodon's name!"

Chris and Connor got excited, she is definitely reincarnated like them.

Connor has a weird feeling she might be the Kaho he knew.

"Chris we might have a big catch in our hands!" Connor said.

"First got the news about you and now another person! This year is definitely my lucky year!" Chris thought back to the 200 years he spent looking for others reincarnated without any result, a mixed feeling of regret and happiness filled his heart!

"Let's go! Another side quest, Find Megalodon!" Connor yelled.

"Let megalodon do her things and don't interfere, Krakens aren't protected but the Mermaids are, what Megalodon is doing is probably making a statement so they won't dare attack again!" Kinryuu stated.

"As you say, we won't interfere then!" The man said and flew away like it was nothing.

"What was that?" Connor asked.

"A subordinate of mine, we can talk about that later! Let go meet Alice first!" Kinryuu replied.



Far, far away. In the middle of the ocean, The water has been tainted red under the night sky. An unaccounted number of screams resonated from the depth of water.

A big octopus-like creature is desperately swimming trying to run away. It's a Kraken, he is running from what looked like a massive shadow under the water.

The thing following it slowly surfaced causing massive waves, a titanic shark-like monster. Its body is covered in scars and blood, The eyes glow red in the dark as it opens her mouth. Row upon row of razor-sharp teeth. The Kraken is big, massive, but compared to this monster it's like a sardine in a human mouth.

Megalodon swallowed the entire Kraken with one bite, she made sure to chew a bit before to make sure it's dead.

In an instant, she was surrounded by hundreds of Krakens that appeared from the deep.

Looking around she prepared herself, this is going to be a feast!

"Tearless, Fearless. I'm starting to feel sick can't be more delicious!" Megalodon said as her body started to shrink.

That massive body, she turned into a woman in her early thirties. Wearing a bikini made from seashells she got from the mermaids.

She stood on top of the water, menacingly starring at the Krakens.

With a single step, a massive wave erose, her hair stood up as she started to dimly glow white.

"Run for your Fu**ing lives!" She screamed and one of the Krakens got lifted to the sky, his body got torn apart by simply nothing. Telekinesis, and an extremely strong one at that! The second thing they said in that Krakens corpse being compressed into a small, egg-sized ball, it descended directly into Megalodns mouth and she swallowed it.

Gulp!..."Sour...!" She made a disgusted face. " Probably I should clean the inside before eating them!"

A shiver runs through the Kraken's non-existing spine! They F up!

After a moment of silence, Megalodon ran directly at another Kraken. She was fast, terrifyingly so, it caused massive waves from just that. With a jump, she delivered a flying kick to one of the Kraken's heads. Her kick was so strong she passed right through leaving a gaping hole of gore.

Extending her arm behind her, she grabbed hold of the corpse with her telekinesis, sending it flying toward another Kraken smashing them together. Killing the second one.

With a single wave from her hands, the two Kraken corpses got forcefully extended into a whip shape and WACK! She started swinging it around slicing the other Krakens like they were nothing.

Trying to run away they dived deep underwater. Looking down, Megalodon didn't follow them instantly. She stopped for a moment to eat the Kraken's corpse lying around.

"Rule number one, don't waste food!" she said in a cute voice.

She looked down to the dark depth of the ocean. Closing her eyes for a moment before taking a really deep breath puffing her chest out. Without exhaling, she squatted tensioning her entire body, reading a fist above her head.

Put your entire weight in it, as well as the full power of the telekinesis! don't forget to create a barrier to stop the waves from spreading this time! Also, don't hurt the innocent fishes!

She exhaled as her fist was falling, with that she screamed.

"Kaho Punch!" The entire ocean rumbled as her fist connected. for a moment there was nothing, the second a massive explosion, water got blasted hundreds of meters in the sky. For a split second, you could see the ocean flor being exposed, Kraken's blood splashed after that. It looked almost like a bomb had exploded underwater.

This may have seemed rough but behind lays a really gentle hand, in the middle of destruction, small pockets of water protected the aquatic life other than the Krakens, even the other sea monsters were spared. This was the power of Megalodon.

She made sure to swallow all the corpses.

"Hope this will teach them a lesson, never touch the mermaids again or you will end on my dinner table!" she said pouting her face.

SNAP! her bikini snaped but she stopped it from falling with telekinesis.


Guess it's not made to endure this much stress? this was close! What I'm saying? there is no one here to look beside the fishes.