Between two mountains! finally a break!

After returning to the mansion Connor threw himself on the bed. "That's was more stress than I could handle! I just want a peaceful day."

Alice sat beside him, I guess we can leave the other matters for now and rest. She felt the mental exhaustion Connor was feeling.

Knock, knock! "Can I enter?" A woman voice that Connor doesn't recognize said. He turned his head toward the door. Ariel didn't say anything, guess this is what happens when it's one problem after another, the smallest of things now activate my neurons!

"Get in Lucia!" Alice said.

{Notice: When you were asleep for a week, Lucia was the to take care of cleaning you!}

Holy crap, how many people there are that helped me without me knowing?

{Notice: A lot, Lucia, Havin, and a lot of other people! You will meet them later.}

The door slowly opened, The maid has a small figure, almost a nerdish appearance with big glasses.

"Hero-sama, Alice-sama, how are you doing?" The maid said looking at Alice.

As he saw her Connor stood up and bowed slightly, "Thank you for taking care of me and sorry for the trouble I caused!"

Lucia got flustered, she didn't seem to know how to respond.

"Lucia, no need to be nervous around me or Connor. Act as the same way you do when we're alone!" Alice told her with a giggle.

Lucia seemed to hesitate as she looked at Connor. From her perspective, Connor might explode at any moment. She has heard what the maid who was on the cleaning duty when he woke up said.

I was cleaning than I felt it, he was a monster! A human can't possibly release that much pressure. said the maid who saw Connor wake up. For a moment all the monsters started running away from the city. a guard said that it happened at the same time Connor woke up. He seemed like a nice chill man, but the moment he gets triggered it all goes down to hell! I can't imagine what kind of power he is hiding! Alen said after he fought Connor.

On top of all of this, she just got the news that Connor wiped the floor with Leon and Lisa, the strongest adventurers of the city after they interrupted his entrance exam.

Lucia considered her words carefully as she didn't know what reaction she will get from Connor even though he seemed grateful to her.

"Thank..." BANG! she was interrupted as the door was kicked open and Alva rushed through with an angry face.

"Where you was this entire..." Before he could finish Alva jumped on him, in the blink of an eye he was already in an armlock. Alva's thighs squished his neck as she tried to tear his left arm off.

"You really did leave me at the Adventurer guild alone to deal what the mess you caused!" Alva screamed.

Ow! ow! ow! That's hurt... but it feels nice! Kya! I should be able to resist this with my absurd strength stat Connor thought.

{Notice: Limiting strength to not hurt important people!} Connor's strength started to fade as Ariel limited him.

Wait Ariel what are you doing? Don't do that!

{Notice: Allowing you to use your full strength is risky as you might end up breaking Alva's hips by just resisting her arms lock! I can only either allow you to use it all or drop it into how it was before you get your powers!} With this Connor was in trouble, all his strength was gained through the system, and Ariel, now he has the same strength he started with, his normal human power as he was in his previous world!

The pain started to increase, Connor started to tap on the bed for Alva to stop.

"Wait!" Alice said stopping both of them. Connor thought she was helping him.

Alice stod on onto of the bed, she then took off her robe revealing her thigh-high and pantsu. "This thing is getting in the way!" She said as she threw the robe away. Alice then grabbed Connor's right arm and put it between her thighs imitating Alva.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Connor screamed as they ganged upon him.

"You were supposed to come to me first before going to Alva! You left me waiting for half a day!" Alice said with a smile that hides anger.

Both his arms are breaking, Connor expected Alva to be strong but Alice demonstrated an enormous power as well. Connor's thought train suddenly shifted from Oh, sandwiched between two thighs into I need to get out my arm are actually breaking!

At some point, Vanessa was already standing beside Lucia watching. "They are crazy, aren't they?" Vanessa said.

"Alice-sama was always a bit crazy but I didn't expect that I will witness something like this!" Lucia replied.

Trying to think straight, Connor tried to bite Alva's thigh, they were directly on his face. He hoped that it will force Alva to let go!

That had zero effect, Alva didn't seem bothered by Connor biting her thigh. He forced his head to look at her face and it was red.

Connor noticed, Alva wasn't looking at him she was looking at Alice's half-naked lower half. Her mind was clearly absent.

Damn it! Too horny to feel pain!

Connor was about to give up as his strength faded and he started to get exhausted.

Lucia sighed, "Haaa, I guess I should break this fight!" She walked toward the bed and stood at Connor's legs beside Alice.

"Alice-sama, would you mind letting go? The hero seems to be in pain!" Lucia said.

"No way, Lucia stay out of this!" Alice replied.

Hearing that Lucia calmly walked toward Connor's head.

"I'd like to speak on your behalf as they don't seem to listen to me, would that be a problem?" Lucia asked Connor. He didn't seem to understand what she wanted to do but he agreed anyway.

"Do what you want, just stop those two!" Connor said.

"Thank you!" With a slight bow, Lucia turned toward Alice still keeping her maid manner.

With Lucia speaking on behalf of Connor, her word carries the same weight as him. This means that the holy maiden can't resist an order from her now! neither can Vanessa!

"Lucia what are you doing?" Alice asked.

Without saying a word. Luca stoops beside Alice. She took off her shoes and lifted her skirt slightly.

"Vanessa-san, use force to stop Alva!" As she heard that order from Lucia, Vanessa who was still marked by the contract sprung into action!

"Alice-sama, this is an order from the hero! Relax your body!" With this order Alic's body went limp, she lost all the strength of her limbs! Then with a straight face, Lucia kicked Alice in the face rolling her across the bed.

"That's going too far!" Vanessa shouted as she was choking Alva with what looked like jiu-jitsu choke grip from behind.

"Her body might be limp but her skill would still activate! She won't be hurt with how weak am!" Lucia replied. She then turned toward Connor who just got freed from the grip of heaven. He was breathing heavily as she thought he was almost about to get killed by snu snu!

"Hero-sama, I return the right to you!" She gave up the right to speak on his behalf.

Just as she did, Alice stood up with an annoyed face. "Lucia!!!!!" Alice tried to grab Lucia but was stopped by the feeling of a hand grabbing her ankle. She looked underneath her and saw Connor's bloodshot eyes. In a swift movement, Connor dropped her on the bed, she was laying flat on her back, and in an instant, she was in a sharpshooter hold. At that moment she knew, she was caught! " Please stop, I give up!" She said.

Connor stopped before applying any pressure on Alice.

The fight stopped, Vanessa let go of Alva. a few seconds passed of them resting in silence.

"Lucia, truly thank you for saving my life!" Connor said.

"I didn't do anything! I just asked them to stop!" Lucia replied. You Kicked Alice in the face! Connor thought.

"I didn't properly introduce myself yet!" Lucia stood and bowed slightly. "My name is Lucia, Alice-sama's personal maid. I'm responsible for caring about her day-to-day life needs!"

"Lucia-san, Did you forget what you came for?" Vanessa asked reminding Lucia.

"Yeah, I almost forgot! The bath is ready for use, please head there before dinner!" Lucia said.

Yeah, it's time for a bath! I was fighting for my life and I need to wash up!

Connor headed toward the bath, without really thinking. he reached the changing room and started taking off his clothes. Halfway he realized something was off, he wasn't alone! behind him, Alice, Alva, and Vanessa are stripping too. He froze in place for a second.

"Hero-sama do you need help!" Connor heard a voice he didn't want to hear here! Slowly turning around he was faced with a naked Lucia. "Shall I help you take off your clothes?" She asked with a straight face.

Oh, shit! Here we go again! Bath episode! Connor's mind stopped functioning for a second. {Notice: Monke's brain overload!} Even Ariel made fun of him zoning into the mountains before him!

"That's my job!" Vanessa said as she started stripping Connor without a warning. The man didn't even have the energy to speak, he just stood there, looking into the distance with a face that screamed -Why me!-

Every time I go take a bath there's a new naked woman in there!!!!! TF is this BS! Connor screamed internally.

"Peace!" peace out. Connor teleported away only leaving his clothes in place.

{Notice: You're not running away! [Magic Control]+[Teleportation Magic]} Ariel teleported him back into the bath upside down, Connor crushed on his head in the middle of the four girls.

Connor was essentially forced to bathe with the four of them. Even if he could run from them he can't run from Ariel who seems to have taken the girls' side for some reason.

Alice, Vanessa, and Lucia had an argument inside about who is going to wash Connor's back. It was more of a catfight than an argument. It easily escalated! On the other hand, Vanessa seemed to chill out in the hot tub! Let them fight, she was watching with a smirk, Connor thought that the only thing she needed was some popcorn.

Connor also gave up on trying to solve the fight after trying, they don't seem to listen no matter what he said.

As they were fighting they noticed someone washing Connor's back, Alva was still in the tub Soooo... another person is in the bath with them?!

Upon close inspection Alice recognized her, that was just Ariel's golem. She is the one washing Connor's back.

"Ariel that's cheating! Don't just skip us!!!!" Alice shouted.

"Didn't even notice her appear!" Vanessa said in amazement.

"Alice-sama I really should be the one to take that duty, I already washed you so you can get in the tub with Alva-san!" Lucia said.

Alva was in the tub spreading her arms, "Here Alice-sama! I'm waiting!!!"

"ARIEL!" Connor said with a deep voice. "Get them into the water!"

Ariel instantly teleported behind.

"He?!" Alice was surprised. It was as if time slowed down. SLAP!! With a single palm strike to the buttcheek, Ariel sent Alice flying into the tub.

Bwahaha! Alva burst laughing as she caught Alice.

"Oh no!" Vanessa tried to use shadow step to teleport away but was stopped by Ariel. "What? My magic failed?" As said that, SLAP! Another slap to the buttcheek sends Vanessa into the water with a splash!

Ariel appeared menacingly behind Lucia, fear can be seen in the girl's eyes. "I will get in the water on my own!" Ariel let her go without a slap. Lucia walked directly into the water and sat there.

"That's not fair!" Vanessa shouted.

"That's right! She can't be the only one to not get slapped!" Alice added.

"{Notice: A slap with enough force to send her into water will probably break her hips first! Unlike you two she is a normal human girl with no defensive skill or high stats!}" Ariel's argument stook to reason, they both understood what she meant and why it has to be like this.

Things finally calmed down, Connor was relaxing in the water with his eyes closed. Beside him Alice clinging closely. Alva took Alice's side, sneakingly leaning on her.

Facing them are Lucia and Vanessa, they had extremely different looks. Lucia was shy, timid, keeping herself rolled and hiding her chest with her hand. Vanessa on the other hand didn't seem to care much and is stretching herself like a butterfly in the water. Sitting on the edge of the water was Ariel with a towel on her head, A golem can't sweat and what do you intend to hide with that towel, stones? Connor though.

As they relaxed, Ariel was the one to ask the important question.

"How are we going to proceed? We still have to revive Lydia!"