I'm not a psychic or what you would call a Paranormal Expert (although I would want to be like them someday… hahaha). And I don't know when it started happening, but even now, whenever I see, feel, or hear any kind of ghost or lost soul, I still get scared.
I just want to share this story… A true to life story.
January 2011:
Me and my classmates were ragged, stressed, tired, and busy, since the day of our defense for our Product Presentation was near. For that, it was required for us to rent out an apartment so that all of our plans will stay confidential.
We went through several streets, looking for one that suited us. Of course, it needed to be near our school, which is one of the top technical colleges/universities in the country, so that if there was an emergency meeting at the campus, we could get there quickly.
The apartment that we rented out was in an area near the train tracks in the city and it was lovely. It was quaint, and had only two floors. The interior looked bright, and the rooftop was even rented out to us as a bonus, so we could practice on it.
But despite its wonderful appearance, you wouldn't think that it was shrouded in mystery.
It all started one night, in the middle of our brainstorming session. There were 36 of us there, and we all had our own assignments. Some of us made the print ads, and some of us worked on the Marketing Plan. I, along with the rest of my group, made sure that the copy of the ads that we were producing was in order.
I needed to pee, so I went to the bathroom to relieve myself. The bathroom was almost next to the stairs.
Actually, it was my first time to go to the bathroom in that apartment.
As soon as I got in the bathroom, I suddenly felt heavy. I couldn't explain how, but I knew I felt unusual. But I needed to piss so badly I ignored it.
However, the longer I stayed in the bathroom, the more I felt I was somewhere too tight. I felt that the place was overcrowded, but the bathroom was spacious enough for just one person. I really felt like I was with a lot of other people inside.
Then the hairs on my body stood on end, so I rushed towards the door. I knew I didn't lock the doorknob, but now it was locked!!
I was now nervous. I wanted to cry because of the fear I was feeling.
Then miraculously, the doorknob seemed to loosen and it turned. I immediately ran out of the door but stopped at the entrance.
Before I walked away, I took a good look at the interior of the bathroom. I knew then that I wasn't the only one there. I knew that there wasn't just one other "person" with me…
There were many of them and I could see them.
I then ran away from the bathroom, so scared out of my wits. Upon getting back to my classmates, I tried to hide my fear. I didn't want to scare them despite how I was shaking inside.
"Ate Carrie, did you take a bath?" asked one of my classmates.
"No. Why?" I answered. I didn't want to show it, but I could feel my hands trembling.
"Why? You're soaking wet. Haven't you noticed?" said my classmate.
When I checked my clothes, I found that I really was wet. My sweat was practically flowing from my forehead, my back, and my arms.
"Oh, that's because it was hot inside the bathroom," I answered. And since I was sitting near the stairs, I could clearly see the bathroom from where I was. I then suddenly saw something like a shadow from the bathroom.
I was surprised, and my companions were surprised with me too. I figured I couldn't hide it from them anymore and told them about what really happened inside the bathroom.
I was shocked to find out that I wasn't the only one who has experienced such a thing. Apparently three of my companions also had that unusual feeling in the bathroom.
It was soon past 9 PM. Same night.
While Katie and I were writing a copy for our print ad, I automatically looked towards the window. I got goosebumps from what I saw.
There was someone looking in.
I was sure of it. I couldn't explain how the person looked since that path was dark and I was sure that it wasn't a human.
I asked Katie, "Katie, did you see that??"
She only nodded, but I could see that she was close to tears. Apparently, she had also seen it and was frightened by the sight. I don't even know why we were being disturbed by it.
And since I was so scared, I decided that I won't ever sleep in that apartment!
I was going out the door along with Joan, since I wanted to go home, when suddenly a small… I don't know if it was a kid, but something rushed inside the house. It was a blur so we weren't sure what it was but whatever it was, it went straight towards the bathroom.
I jumped due to extreme surprise. And this time, the beating in my chest was really loud and almost painful.
I pulled Josie towards me and then we speed walked towards the jeepney stop.
"Ate, why are you crying?" asked Josie.
"There's someone following us, Jo," I said, my voice messed up by my crying. I tried to calm myself but I was weeping out of fear, damn it!!!
There really was someone following us.
Until we got near the jeep, I could still see the old man following us.
He looked like some person you would see in an old photograph, kind of like an apparition, just like smoke, but I could see how he was wearing an old-style barong. I couldn't understand why he did.
Before we boarded, I started screaming at the specter.
"W-Why are you following us? Why are you following me? I don't want to listen to you. Please, sir, not me. Please don't show yourself to me."
Meanwhile, Josie tried to calm me down.
I then told her that we should just go back to the apartment. When we got there, Josie told the others about what happened. I could still see the old man while she was explaining.
After she finished the story, that's when he vanished.
After a month in that apartment, the old man stopped showing himself. But regarding the bathroom, I still couldn't explain what was in there exactly.
I could feel that their presence there was strong. That's why I made sure to warn my classmates and tell them not to "play" Spirit of the Glass or any ritual that calls on spirits.
This really happened to me.
Are you asking if my third eye is open? The shaman in our province has told me, YES!