Hi, so we would like to ask you a few questions so that our readers can get to know more about Paranormal All-Stars (PAS), its members, and the work that you guys do. To start it off, please introduce yourself. Like, aside from your name, we'd like to know what you specialize in and what your job or position in the group is. If there are any, of course.
Welcome to Paranormal All-Stars Presents The Series and I'm Clyde Tasipit, the Founder of the Philippine Paranormal All-Stars. I deal with the spirits and esoteric sides of the paranormal and supernatural. I use different scientific methods and experimentations to justify the legitimacy of a phenomenon, and when science can no longer explain it, then the use of special abilities will come into play. I also studied Demonology and also practiced the Dark Arts.
Since when were you involved with the supernatural and paranormal?
I was 7 years old when I first encountered them. For me, that time, I thought it was just normal, until I grew up and understood the things that were happening. I started to study about it and dwell in the world beyond the normal.
Do you like what you do? What are the perks of it for you?
Like? No one would like these abilities, for people who dream of having such would call it a gift, but for me it's a curse. As Uncle Ben from Spider-Man would put it, with great power comes great responsibility.
What about other people? How do they see you and your work? Are there any misconceptions that you would want to clear up regarding your beliefs and work?
I'm at the point in my life that when people say 1 + 1 = 5, I would totally agree with them, because they are saying that based on a different viewpoint in life and will only see things from there, while I can circle around so I can understand it fully. We call that Occam's Razor in psychology. I've grown tired of explaining it to people and realized that people can only chew what they would want to eat and that an ordinary human brain cannot digest all the information that's given to them. There is this limiter that when things get too complicated to understand, they tag it in the easiest way they can.
What are the top reminders/advice that you would give to others regarding the supernatural and paranormal?
Study the basics, and from there you can expect that things will get more complicated as you get nearer the rabbit hole. It's up to you now if you would still want to go deeper or stay out of it and live a "normal" life. It's hard here, you won't be able to breathe easily, you won't have peace of mind, and you will never look at the things the same way again.
If you decide to go on a paranormal investigation, if you're not trained for it, at least don't go alone.
Considering that you guys are paranormal investigators, would you mind telling us something about how a typical job goes? Like, what do you usually do and how do you go about it?
As a regular investigator would do, you have to find hard or solid evidence first, talk to the witness and create a picture out of their story. After you do that, you have to study the evidence you have gathered, search for the history and research about the geographical and current events in that particular area. Next, evaluate the information, do some experimentation with it, and finally chase some ghosts out there.
We're pretty sure that you've had encounters that are a bit more interesting or exciting than others. Would you mind telling us your favorite paranormal/supernatural experience?
It was an exorcism way back in college. A woman was possessed by a vengeful spirit, and I was with a psychologist and an exorcist sent by the Cardinal of that time. It took us five days to get that spirit out, and in the end, we successfully cast it out and summoned it to limbo.
The interesting part here is that the vengeful spirit claimed that he was the spirit of a person who was killed by this woman during their sex session, and yes, the woman was a sex worker. We still don't know if the spirit wanted another round, or the woman had done something to him which caused his death.
Could you tell us a little bit about the history of Paranormal All-Stars? How did it come about?
At first I was a lone wolf. I never really wanted to be in a group until there were these people who became close friends of mine and urged me to create it. From that circle, we received enormous support from different paranormal and psychic icons here in our country, and after a year, we have been recognized internationally. The lone wolf is now part of a huge pack of wolves, hungry for the truth about paranormal and supernatural.
What does the group aim to do by engaging in paranormal investigation?
I always tell the other members that fear is a product of ignorance, and to learn, to grow and to bring out the truth is the goal that we should strive for ever since the first day of the group.