Love is a fading feeling

At the food table, As always Isaac and his mother were the ones who were talking while Ethan was eating his food quality and listening to his younger brother and mother.

"But, Mom, Strong alcohol drinks are a good way to finish the gathering. We need to make our guests relaxed after the long discussion." Issac said as he looked at his brother.

Lana shook her head hopelessly.

"Okay, but no strong drinks, I don't want it to be like last year's gathering." His mother replied.

Hearing this, Issac grinned.

"I promise, It won't." Issac said.

Ethan wiped his mouth with the napkin, Looking at his brother coldly.

"You should take things more serious, Issac." Ethan said as he stood up and walked out of the dining room.

Lana sighed as she watched her son leave. His soul is being concerned with revenge with every passing day and she feared that he would lose himself to get his revenge.

"I think Ethan needs to fall in love, This is the only thing that might change him." Lana heard Issac say.

"This will be a wish that it's nearly impossible to happen." Lana replied to her son's words.

"Sir the car is ready." The butler said to Ethan as he handed him his coat.

"Keep an eye on Issac, You know how foolish he can be, Martin." Ethan said as he wore his coat.

"I will, Sir." Martin said.

With this Ethan left the mansion walking the car.

"To the cemetery, Sir?" The driver asked.

"Yes." Ethan replied in a cold voice as he looked outside the window.

"I know you don't love me, Ethan, But I try my best to make you fall for me, I just need time." Evelyn said.

"Love is a fading feeling, Evelyn, I don't need to love to respect you." Ethan replied to his little wife.

These were the words that Evelyn said to him the first morning after their wedding, He didn't need love to live with her, He was happy with his life and even happier when he learned that Evelyn was pregnant, She asked for time but she never got it, She was kidnapped when she was five months pregnant.

Since that day, Ethan's life changed and became dark. He failed to protect her and his unborn child but he won't fail to take his revenge.


Patel stared at the gun in her hand and then at Jacob.

"This is to protect yourself with, When you get there I won't be with you." Jacob said signalling to her.

Patel stared at him with worried eyes.

"I'm scared." She replied a tear slipped from her eye.

"I know." Jacob said as he pulled her into his arms.

Tomorrow is the waiting day. The goal is to get her into the gathering without being found out who she is. It will be hard but not impossible.

Pulling away, Jacob said to her.

"When everything settles, I will come for you." He signalled to her and she nodded her head.

Jacob left the room to let Patel get some rest.

She stared at the gun in her hands for one last time before she hid it under the pillows and got under the blanket, She was scared to the point she couldn't sleep.

Only hours are left before her life changes, forever.