Lately, It seemed the only thing she could do is crying, Patel felt deep loneliness in her heart, and staying in this mansion is only making her loneliness, Fear, and sadness grow, She wanted to leave, She didn't mind going back to her father prison as long as she leaves this place and never goes back.
A quiet sob escaped her lips and she quickly tried to wipe her tears and pull herself together, But the more she tried, The more she cried.
Ethan, who had just come back, Entered the mansion and spoke to the guards about something before he walked towards the guest house only to stop on his tracks when he saw Patel standing there by the trail alone.
Smirking to himself, He walked towards her, He recalled having an unfinished conversation with her and he wants to finish it.
Ethan was a few steps away from her when he stopped at nothing.
She was crying, But why? He wondered.
Her back was facing him and she seemed to not notice that someone was behind her, Ethan stepped back, Hiding behind the try and stood there watching her.
Patel wiped her tears with her sweater sleeves, Hoping no one would notice that she was crying. She was about to leave when she suddenly started to hear a strong ringing in her ears. It was painful and uncomfortable. She had to cover her ears with both hands hoping it would stop.
Ethan watched what was happening from where he was, He debuted on whether he should go and check on her or should he mind his own business and go from here.
When he looked at her again, He saw her walk towards one of the chairs in the garden and sat on it, Still covering her ears with her hands. Experiencing a ringing in the ears is one of the side effects, But it should go away in a while or it won't.
Meanwhile, Patel tried to calm herself and take a deep breath waiting for this to end. It wasn't the first time, But this time it lasted longer. She reached for the external device and turned it off before she removed it. The uncomfortable, painful ringing finally stopped.
She stared at the device in her hands for a while before she stood up and walked towards the mansion. She decided to end the night early and go to sleep. She was both physically and emotionally tired and wanted to just close her eyes and go to sleep.
In the guest house, Ethan had gone back to the house after seeing Patel enter the mansion. After taking a shower, He got dressed and went towards the window watching the heavy rain as it poured. It looked as if it was washing away humanity's sins.
Lighting up a cigarette, He opened the window looking up at the sky as he took a puff from the cigarette before letting it out through his nose. Ethan wasn't a smoker but whenever he feels bothered about something, Smoking is the only thing that can calm him.