Can I come?

Snow covered everything, Giving the place a pure white color. The whiteness gave an illusion that the world is purified of sins, mistakes, hatred, and betrayal. Inside the countryside house, two people were sleeping. Enjoying the warmth of each other. It was six in the morning, but the sky was still dark. 

Petal was already awake in Ethan's arms but did not attempt to move. She was looking at the beautiful sight through the windows. A smile on her lips. To her, Sleeping here in such a room was close to being in heaven. The sight is breathtaking. 

Watching the snow falling from the sky. Petal reached her hand to touch the window. She said that she could go outside and play with the snow. But she can't., I'd she does, she will get sick and be behind on her training for the festival. It bothered her sometimes that she has poor health. Always getting sick easily.