Fall hard for him

Sighing in satisfaction. Petal sank her body further in the bathtub feeling relaxed. The bathroom in the master room was big too with a large tub that could fit three people easily. After she took a shower. She ran the water in the bathtub and added essential oils to relax her body and mind.

The bathtub was filled with bubbles covering her nude body if Ethan decided to shamelessly enter the bathroom. Laying her head on the edge of the tub. She closed her eyes trying to not think about anything. But unfortunately what happened earlier just couldn't leave her mind. Now she wonders what is going to happen once she steps out of the bathroom. 

Petal covered her face with her hands. Blushing. What she was thinking was wanting something like this to happen. But it is only natural as Alice told her. Feeling the need to clear her thoughts. She closed and immersed her body in the water. Hoping that will ease her nervousness.