At this rate

There were almost none. But the couple didn't want to leave the bed. After their lovemaking. Ethan gave Petal another shower, this time it was only him helping her. Not doing anything else. After that, He changed the sheets so she can rest on a clean one.

When Petal found out that the dogs were awake when they were busy with each other. She was shocked. All this time she thought that they were sleeping but she was wrong. It seemed to her that the dogs are shameless just like their owner.

"Look. They don't understand what happened." Ethan pointed at the dogs who were lying lazily on the ground looking at them. 

Petal glared at him harder, not believing his words. "I won't believe it again." She said, signaling. Pouting her lips.

Ethan chuckled. Her facial expressions were so cute when she's angry. "I apologize. Next time I will leave them out." He said, patting her head. 

"There won't be a next time." She threatened him. signaling.