The beginning

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A week has passed in the blink of an eye. Mostly Petal has occupied herself with school and practicing. She would wake up early in the morning only to come back at the sunset. During this week. She successfully managed to avoid seeing Ethan. It was comfortable this way. 

She had decided that after the festival. She will move out from here. She needs her place. She's sick and tired from staying at other people's houses. It would be new bagging for her. To forget or at least try to forget everything that happened.

Petal was on her way back to the mansion when she received a text message from Noah. She bought a new phone after she burned the old one but with the same number. 

[Hey! I just returned from traveling. Can I see you?] 

Petal read the message thinking about what she should do. She's tired and needs to sleep but she can't just tell him now. Noah has helped her a lot since she met him.