The chase

He was shocked at how she gave him a cold face the very next day they had passionate lovemaking. How could she do this?

Ethan came to realize that he didn't know her well. Because of what he did. She became cold and heartless towards him. For an entire month. He tried to speak to her but she just ignored him. Pretending that she doesn't hear him while she offers warm smiles to Noah and everyone else.

He wasn't blind. He noticed how his cousin was hovering around Petal like a buzzing pee. Stilling her attention whenever he was in the room. Trying to make her fall for his charms. How to touch her hand needlessly. But he also noticed how Pete tries to not get too involved with him. Their talks were always short. He could see how she's sometimes bothered by his annoying unwanted presence but she tries to tolerate him for Lana's sake. 
