Dragon Blood Tree

After successfully receiving the mission, Qin Yi and Gao Peng exited the Mission Hall.

The two of them chatted for a while before they parted.

Qin Yi is not in a hurry to go to Spirit Flower Peak as he plans to carry it tomorrow.

Today he managed surprisingly to collect many more cultivation points than usual and some treasures he had never received before, especially from Sister Qiao Na and the other disciples in the Mission Hall.

When Qin Yi arrived at his cave, he immediately sat cross-legged on the bed.

After that, he immediately dived into the system storage.

Pills, artifacts, spirit stones, martial arts books, these treasures regularly came into his hands.

He was no longer as excited as before when receiving them since most of them had the same use and quality.

Only treasures that come rarely and are worth far above all other prizes can make his eyes sparkle with the stars.

For example, today, he got a seed from a random fellow disciple in the Mission Hall.

The seed is a seed from a Rank 2 heaven and earth material plant called Dragon Blood Tree.

Unfortunately, Qin Yi only knew its name, not its use.

Cultivating and handling a Rank 2 heaven and earth material plant was not easy; he needed to research before planting it in the Mystical Garden.

It would be heartbreaking if he spoiled it due to his ignorance and carelessness.

Thus, Qin Yi searched for books on the Dragon Blood Tree.

Maybe an hour later, he finally found it.

He discovered the rank of the Dragon Blood Tree.

According to the records, the Dragon Blood Tree was a Rank 3 heaven and earth material that could produce the Blood Tree Fruit, which was a spiritual fruit that had the effect of strengthening the cultivator's blood and qi.

Qin Yi was shocked.

Rank 3?

The highest rank heaven and earth material plant he had ever seen was only Rank 2. He was too lucky that he got the seed of Rank 3 heaven and earth material casually.

It's a pity that the Dragon Blood Tree can only grow in the Dragon's Nest.

The Dragon's Nest can be made, but the ingredients to make it...

The blood of the dragon species magical beast, Raising Spirit Wood, Red Leaf, Spiritual Soil, Spirit Grass...

What the fu*k

Looking at the list of materials listed in the book, Qin Yi couldn't help but swear.

After all, he had only Red Leaf and Spirit Grass among those materials; the rest were rare and impossible to find with his current capabilities.

Even though these materials are purchasable, he couldn't buy them brazenly.

Moreover, he needed to figure out where and from whom he should buy them.

"Forget it. Let's think about it later!"

Qin Yi sighed and shook his head.

Apart from the Dragon Blood Tree seed, he also obtained something unexpected from Qiao Na: an Earth Grade Martial Skill called "Water Dress."

According to the summary he received after reading this book: this martial skill turned the user into water.

When the user is in water form, he will be immune to any physical attack, in the condition that the power of the attack does not exceed the user's strength.

This martial art also allows the user to merge into the water and move like water.

Of course, there needs to be more of this martial art, which is the active duration.

According to what was written in the book, the water form period could be maintained depending on the amount of spiritual energy the user had.

However, the amount of energy required is enormous.

The Qi Condensation Realm can only last 15-30 minutes, while the Foundation Establishment Realm can last 1-3 hours.

"Remarkable, with this martial skill, I can avoid getting injured. Not only that, but this martial skill can also be used as an escape technique." Qin Yi gave a surprised look.

As for the deficiency?

His spiritual energy was above the average level of a First Stage of the Qi Condensation Realm cultivator.

He discovered this when he trained at the martial arts ground and secretly observed the other fellow disciples.

Even though he was not exactly sure about his situation, he could be sure that the quantity and quality of his spiritual energy were far superior to anyone else's.

If someone on his stage could only maintain the water form for 15-30 minutes, he could last up to 1-2 hours.

That's how he felt.

But in the end, he needed to experience it himself by battling to prove that his conjectures were correct.

In addition, he has other ways to overcome the lack of spiritual energy, such as creating medical water, like how he transformed water in the Rejuvenate Pond.

As long as he drank that kind of water when his spiritual energy was about to run out, he could refill it in the blink of an eye.

Therefore, the problem of the deficiency of Water Dress is not a big problem for him.

In the next step, Qin Yi began to extract and move the treasures into their fitting rooms.

He stayed in the system storage for a while to read books and do other things.

After an unknown amount of time had passed, he withdrew his consciousness and switched his workplace to the Mystical Garden.

He saw little progress from the Spirit Grass.

That's normal since only two days have passed.

Qin Yi only observed the growth of the Spirit Grass for a short time as he went straight to the center of this space.


Cultivation Point: 20,200

Mastery Point: 50


"What luck, I was able to accumulate around 10,000 cultivation points today. Thanks to the crowd at the Rejuvenate Pond and the disciples at the Mission Hall."

The crowd is indeed the best place for him to collect cultivation points.

In a short period, he was able to accumulate that much.

"System, convert 5,000 cultivation points to mastery points!"


Cultivation Point: 15,200

Mastery Point: 100


Seeing that correct number, Qin Yi gave another order to the system.

"System, use 100 mastery points to master the Earth Moving Technique!"

Soon, complicated foreign knowledge started to emerge in Qin Yi's head.

It took him a few seconds to absorb all the knowledge of the Earth Moving Technique.

After fully mastering this martial skill, he felt closer to the earth.

Qin Yi felt that if he wanted to, he could change the shape of the terrain as he pleased to a specific extent.

When he opened his eyes, a white glint flashed in his eyes.

He looked at the terrain in front of him; it had been made into a big enough hole.

Thanks for his effort in digging and the explosion of Thunder Blast Talisman.

But more than the hole size is needed to form a lake.

However, with the arrival of the Earth Moving Technique, he could finally hope to create an ideal lake.

He wanted to create a large and beautiful lake in this place because, in the future, he planned to grow various kinds of heaven and earth material plants and some rare creatures.

That's right!

He wanted to transform this place into a private world where rare plants and animals could live.

With that, Qin Yi had subconsciously set a fantastic goal in his life.

Qin Yi squatted down and put his hands on the ground.

In the next second, the initially calm ground suddenly shook and started to move.

First, he cleaned up the hole he had dug and the previous explosion. He even partially covered it with earth and made it look like nothing had happened.

Next, he remodeled the land to form the lake he wanted.

With that, Qin Yi spent his time constructing a lake and renovating it until late at night.

The next day he returned to the martial arts ground to practice archery like usual.

Until noon came, he cleaned and tidied himself up before heading to Spirit Flower Peak.

Fortunately, Qin Yi had already found out the location of this place from Gao Peng.

Thus, after making himself presentable, he headed straight for Spirit Flower Peak.

He simply recalled and followed Gao Peng's directions yesterday.