Deputy Han

"Uwaah, this guy is beyond saving!"

Wu Kun received extremely severe internal and external injuries as almost all of his bones were broken, his internal organs and meridians damaged. Worse yet, the most important part of cultivators, which was the Dantian, was also crippled.

Qin Yi did not know that drinking wine could end up in this state.

Thus, he murmured: "I have to be careful drinking wine in the future..."

With these kinds of severe injuries, it was already a miracle that Wu Kun still managed to preserve his life.

Then again, even if Wu Kun were still alive, his career as a cultivator would have ended.

For cultivators, cripple Dantians were like death sentences for them.

"Forget it, let's save him first!"

Although Qin Yi previously said that Wu Kun's injuries were beyond saving, it was in the case for Wu Kun to be healed using common healing methods. However, Qin Yi's healing method was different...